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To be fair when you revealed a list of your targets and their powers you listed people we already knew the powers of. You gave no new information further than what we already had.


To be fair, when you asked me to reveal my targets, people had already given their powers. What am I supposed to do? Make them all up? If I was mafia, that's what I would have done. I am a power cop. I targeted those people. It is not my fault if they chose to reveal their power before I chose to reveal I targeted them.


Look back, I revealed Jonnas used orbs and I said I knew of a roleblocker. I know it's not much but it at least proves I'm telling the truth. I knew Jonnas' power and I knew Diageo's power - which I revealed before he did. Because I am a power cop. I would like you to remove your vote and if you honestly feel the same way in the morning then I guess stick it back on.


Also appearing good isn't a power so even if I could absorb powers, I wouldn't be able to absorb that trait. Yvonne's POWER was to supercharge and protect so that is all I can do. I do not simply 'appear' good, I AM good.

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You're only answering the points you think you can answer. What about you being a towering Pokemon but claiming one 5 feet tall?


We don't know anything about Yvonne appearing good. It could be a case of it being his ability, or it could be a power. We don't know either way. The only way you could know is if you've seen his role PM :p


As for you knowing about Jonnas' orbs... Who remembers the confusing night where there were 'three distinct orbs floating around the town'? If you remember I spent a lot of one day trying to work out who had boosted the orb redirector twice. Turns out nobody did. When Zell died we stopped thinking about it, but the extra orb was almost certainly cast by The Peeps, and it could quite easily have been after he coped Jonnas' orb power. That's how he knew about Jonnas' orbs - he took them and used them himself.


Information isn't hard to come by when you're in the mafia. If you have one player in the team who finds out someone is a tracker or a Roleblocker, that information can be used by any of the others. Five mafia = five times the chance of finding some information. You coming out with two new pieces of information doesn't prove all that much.


Tales, I contributed by slapping down the last vote on Yvonne at the last minute. I've also been boosting the least suspicious people every night, according to everything that's discussed here. I also pointed out how Peeps doesn't really appear and questioned him about many things especially in the past few days, so I can totally believe Dohnut :p


I mean, nothing else fits. I believe Jimbob is good due to him being Azelf, which is at least consistent with the write-ups. Dohnut is obviously good, though I was imagining a crazy twist where he's the remaining mafioso, yesterday/the day before that. Tales I think is good, as he's boosted me and has appeared in write-ups boosting people, with no negative connotations. I can't see how there are any negative connotations associated with me either. And Peeps...


Voted very early on for both EEVIL and DuD too btw. The only reason I didn't vote Zell or Yvonne was purely because I was at work and I only get 30 mins break where I can actually check the thread and maybe post if my phone isn't being shitty with the internet.


It's easy to vote early on for fellow mafia members. You can always hope that people change their minds, or that majority is never reached. It's the ones approaching majority that matter...but not the second-last one or so, as it's usually an attempt to look good.


I too was voting for Yvonne, if looked back through, i also placed a vote down on Yvonne early on. Due to not believing what they were saying. I've protected dohnut most nights, the past 2 nights due to him being the most vulnerable to being wiped at night

@Jimbob @EddieColeslaw


So...either of you thinking of voting? :p


Jimbob especially - you need to pay attention ;) We're not talking about you being evil any more! What do you think about this Peeps thing?


I've still got a vote down for Tales, which i'm considering changing from the past few comments.







Vote The Peeps - 4 ; Nintendohnut, Tales, EddieColeslaw, Jimbob.


All the remaining townies gathered around The Peeps, and struck!




Dialga fell. With his powerful diamonds, he could mimic other players abilities and use them on other players. He was the final member of the mafia, and was the only thing that could stand in the way of Cybernetic Mewtwo's plans. The end of world as we know it was now an inevitability. @The Peeps is no longer in the game.


The remaining town members revealed themselves.




Nintendohnut was Tentacruel, lietenant to Jonnas, Cybernetic Mewtwo, they could talk outside the thread. Nintendohnut could target a player each night and investigate them.




EddieColeslaw was Xatu. She could target a player each night to be supercharged and protected from redirections with its potent psychic flames.




Tales was Alakazam. He could target a player, enter their mind and refresh them. He could also protect this player from being killed, and could himself teleport away from danger once.




Jimbob was Azelf. He had to target a player each night to be protected from being killed.


Congratulations, to the winners, the losers and runners up.






Tentacruel met up with now fully repaired and enhanced Cybernetic Mewtwo. "Its over. Dialga and Palkia are dead. The masters of space and time no longer stand in our way." Cybernetic Mewtwo nodded. "The Omni-verse is mine for the taking".












Will you rally against Cybernetic Mewtwo, or will you stand in his way? This Spring, you will decide the fate of the Omni-verse, when the final stand erupts throughout the dimensions in the final chapter of the story, where you choose your Pokemon....


Pokémafia 14 : The Fate Of The Omni-Verse


Thanks for playing. Full roles to follow.

Posted (edited)

Nintendohnut was mostly right. I am Dialga and I can absorb powers - however I spent most of the game absorbing powers rather than using them :p It was only from about night 6 onwards that I started using my powers because I was getting boosted so could absorb and use a power thanks to my first target being Dannyboy who could duplicate powers.


Didn't target Yvonne all game, I could appear good all on my own :laughing:

I was so close to getting away with it - for at least another night phase :p Tried to kill Jimbob last night and failed though, I guess he protected himself as well as 'Dohnut - oh or maybe Tales protected him :| fu Tales

Edited by The Peeps

MASSIVE thanks to Jonnas, who was exceedingly helpful all game with advice and ideas. He actually was the one who suspected The Peeps all the way along, and was the one who came up with the theory I voiced on the final day. Great work from him.


I am pretty pleased too, so glad we won! Thanks Rez, REALLY well played to The Peeps, and well done to the rest of the town as well. Although Jimbob needs to concentrate a little more at times :p


Great game! Last few days were REALLY tense.


I DID manage to investigate DuD and EEVIL based purely on my own suspicions, which I was pretty proud of, but it was really thanks to the team of Jonnas and myself that I ended up looking so clever. We were constantly talking through who we thought was suspicious behind the scenes, so while I was coming out with all the amazing ideas, it was actually just as much, if not more, from him as it was from me.


Sorry for suspecting you the other day, Eddie - I really didn't get a PM telling me I'd been boosted like I was in the past, it was an honest mistake!


Peeps, you did really well to survive on your own for so long. Thanks, ReZ :) Waiting for the next game!!


Sorry for suspecting you the other day, Eddie - I really didn't get a PM telling me I'd been boosted like I was in the past, it was an honest mistake!


No problem, it's all fun and games :D


The Mafia Roles


Mafia Rules

- The mafia can target a player to be killed in the night phase. Whichever mafia member makes the kill, sacrifices their night power to do so.[/color]


@The Peeps - Dialga

@Yvonne - Palkia

@DuD - Hypno

@Zell - Uxie





Dialga (Mafia Don) (Diamond Encapsulate, Sparkle) Dialga can target a player on odd night phases and copy a simplified version of their power. Dialga can then use that power on any night (this power can be used multiple times, to build up a roster of powers). Dialga will use the power of sparkling diamonds to confuse non-alignment investigators, and alignment investigators into thinking it is a member of the town.




Palkia (Pearl Blast, Shimmer) Palkia can target a player to supercharge and protect from being killed. That players power will be increased in potency the following night phase, and if applicable they will also evolve. Palkia will use the power of shimmering pearls to trick alignment investigators into thinking it is a member of the town, and non-alignment investigators shall be tricked too.




Hypno (Hypnotise, Vote Force) Hypno can target a player in the night phase. Any non-mafia player targetting that player will be hypnotised and fall asleep. On even day phases, Hypno can force a player to vote for another player. This cannot be changed, and cannot be forced to Vote No Lynch.




Uxie (Psychic Trio Link, Light Orb Redirection) Uxie has a strong psychic bond with Mespirit and Azelf, and each night will be told two random players who were targeted by members of the psychic trio. Uxie can target one player each night and redirect them randomly to one of their previous targets.




Beldum (Metal Sound, Roleblocker) Beldum can target a player at night and give them a headache, that player cannot be supercharged at night and will also be roleblocked.


Metang (Metal Screech, Roleblocker) Metang can target a player at night and give them a migraine, that player cannot be supercharged for the rest of the game, and will be roleblocked on that night.


Metagross (Metal Scream) Metagross can target a player at night to be blasted by an ear shattering scream. On even night phases, if the player is a non legendary, non shiny, townie they will be killed. Otherwise that player will be given a painful migraine and cannot be supercharged for the rest of the game, and will be roleblocked on that night.




Cybernetic Mewtwo, MKii Golden Armor (Tracking Beacon, Partner) Cybernetic Mewtwo can target a player and send a computer orb to track them, you will discover who that player targets and if applicable they will evolve. Cybernetic Mewtwo will stay behind. Cybernetic Mewtwo can speak with Tentacruel outside of the thread. (Evolution trigger) JONNAS


Tentacruel (Pokedex Investigator, Partner, Legendary Attribute) Tentacruel has a Pokedex, you can target a player at night and discover their alignment. If you target the same player as Cybernetic Mewtwo, you will discover further information on your target. Tentacruel is Cybernetic Mewtwo's lietenant, and you can contact Cybernetic Mewtwo outside of the thread. Tentacruel is considered a legendary Pokemon. NINTENDOHNUT


Abra (Supercharge) Abra can target a player to be psychically refreshed. Their power will be increased in potency the following night.


Kadabra (Supercharge, Telekinetic Dodge) Kadabra can target a player to be psychically refreshed. Their power will be increased in potency the following night. There is a 50% chance Kadabra will be protected from roleblockers.


Alakazam (Supercharge, Teleport) Alakazam can target a player to be psychically refreshed. Their power will be increased in potency the following night and they will be protected from being killed on this night. Alakazam is immune to roleblockers and the first time Alakazam is targeted to be killed, it will teleport away, saving itself.


Ralts (Ability Name Investigator) Ralts can target a player to be psychically investigated. You will discover the name of one of that players powers.


Kirlia (Experienced Ability Name Investigator) Kirlia can target a player to be psychically investigated. You will discover the name of one of that players powers, there is a 50% chance that you will discover the name of two of their powers (if applicable).


Gardevoir (Expert Ability Name Investigator) Gardevoir can target a player to be psychically investigated. You will discover the name of ALL of that players powers.

Slowpoke (Roleblocker) Slowpoke can target a player to be prodded with its irritating tail. The player will be roleblocked.


Slowbro (Roleblocker, Shell) Slowbro can target a player to be prodded with its hard shelled tail. The player will be roleblocked. Slowbro cannot be redirected.


Slowking (Roleblocker, Royalty, Legendary Attribute) Slowking can target a player to be prodded with its irritating tail. The player will be roleblocked. Slowking cannot be redirected and holds a double vote. Slowking is considered a legendary Pokemon.


Azelf (Protector) Azelf must target a player each night phase. You will protect them from being killed.


Bronzong (Homing Beacon, Evolution Aura) Bronzong can target a player at night. Any other players targeting that player will reach them, regardless of potential redirections or roleblockers, etc. Bronzong ignores that players defensive abilities for the purpose of this power. Players targeting Bronzong will evolve if applicable.


Shiny Unown (Ability Thief) Shiny Unown can target a dead player and steal their abilities. You can steal the abilities in any phase, at any time in addition to using the ability itself. Shiny Unown can use a stolen ability twice.


Xatu (Psychic Flame) Xatu can spread pink embers around a player and protect them from redirectors, it will also supercharge that player and improve their power for the following night.


Wobbuffet (Counter Roleblock Defender, Reverse Tourettes Induction) Wobbuffet can target a player at night and protect them from being roleblocked. Players targeting Wobbuffet or the player Wobbuffet is defending must swear in capital letters at least once in every post made the following day phase - they are not permited to reveal their infliction for the remainder of the game, you are not able to confirm this aspect of your power either. Inflicted players who mention the power or fail to swear will be punished.




Unown (Metal Sound, Sadistic, Survivor) Unown can target a player at night and give them a headache, that player cannot be supercharged that night. Unown is sadistic and likes watching injustice unfold. If Unown participates in two succesful lynches against mafia members, Unown will be killed. Unown wins the game if it is alive when one side wins.


Mespirit (Lie Detector) Mespirit can scan a single post and discover if that player has lied. Mespirit wins the game with the town or mafia.


Really enjoyed that! Definitely one of my favourite so far. Attention to detail and well balanced powers, made for some really fun endgame.


Shame I was killed so early, I really enjoyed reading this one through, there always seems to be an epic debate at the end, and Peeps and Dohnut are usually involved in some sort of way :P I look forward to the next one!

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