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Assassin's Creed III


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They can lock onto you, and it highlights you as their pursuer. The compass is not bad at all. You can tell nearly every time if you know who all the character players are. And if you stun your pursuer then you can kill him afterwards. It's a bit silly.


You don't need clones of yourself to be able to blend. Or else no one would get a kill in Deathmatch. It's about blending well.

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I just need to learn when to blend. I can spend the whole match blended expertly, dispelling/stunning any who approach me but it's balancing that with going on the hunt. Most times the least killed/most blended player is one of the lowest rated (and also ultimately lowest scoring) players. I'm sure playing it more and getting used to the maps etc... But I just want to get to level 20 and I got to 13 after about 90 mins last night on wolfpack, so why bother!

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They can lock onto you, and it highlights you as their pursuer. The compass is not bad at all. You can tell nearly every time if you know who all the character players are. And if you stun your pursuer then you can kill him afterwards. It's a bit silly.


You don't need clones of yourself to be able to blend. Or else no one would get a kill in Deathmatch. It's about blending well.


Not if you lock them, they can't lock you back. My input here is coming from the last game though, not got the most recent yet.


The compass is bad, it gives you a chevron when a target is really far away but nothing more when you get within a reasonable distance/view of them. It is far worse than wanted mode.


The compass becomes normal if you lock someone. That becomes your target. But in order to lock the person they have to either A) be a tard who runs around or b) have no comprehension of blending.


If you blend well with clones, use disguises, decoy, you have some good extra stealth methods. The mode you speak of where there's no clones removes a lot of stealth. You just see the right person and kill them. That's pretty weak.


They can lock onto you, and it highlights you as their pursuer. The compass is not bad at all. You can tell nearly every time if you know who all the character players are.


You can't without the style of compass in wanted (can't pick your target out as they pass a corner). If you blend with a crowd of clones and don't touch the control stick you walk exactly as an NPC would. There's no way to tell.


You don't need clones of yourself to be able to blend.

I'm not talking about blending as in just walking with a generic bunch of NPCs. While that might be considered blending by the game, if you don't have any clones that look like you, as soon as you're spotted you're dead.

Edited by Sheikah
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@Shorty nice! I remember that being tense and thinking I should restart checkpoint with 10 secs left' date=' only to blitz it in a matter of seconds.

[/quote']Ugh, today I did the mission where you unlock the chain shot. It was only then that I realised there was an RB button housing my expensive cannon upgrade that would've helped me greatly.

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Not if you lock them, they can't lock you back. My input here is coming from the last game though, not got the most recent yet.


The compass is bad, it gives you a chevron when a target is really far away but nothing more when you get within a reasonable distance/view of them. It is far worse than wanted mode.


The compass becomes normal if you lock someone. That becomes your target. But in order to lock the person they have to either A) be a tard who runs around or b) have no comprehension of blending.


If you blend well with clones, use disguises, decoy, you have some good extra stealth methods. The mode you speak of where there's no clones removes a lot of stealth. You just see the right person and kill them. That's pretty weak.




You can't without the style of compass in wanted (can't pick your target out as they pass a corner). If you blend with a crowd of clones and don't touch the control stick you walk exactly as an NPC would. There's no way to tell.



I'm not talking about blending as in just walking with a generic bunch of NPCs. While that might be considered blending by the game, if you don't have any clones that look like you, as soon as you're spotted you're dead.


I'm going to admit I haven't given that mode much time. But to say that Deathmatch is weak is a little ridiculous. Using abilities like blender, disguise, morph, etc. You can easily blend away. Additionally, even without those, because there is no compass, you are required to look around in detail, which allows people to sneak up on you. Lastly, most of the most famous, well known and best players don't like assassinate, and love deathmatch, because that's the mode that requires the most skill, and doesn't suffer from roofing and too much running.


But at one point you were wrong. If you lock onto someone, they can't get you as a target, but they can lock onto you. Highlighting you as a pursuer and removing all of your approach meter points.

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BUT even if you blend in deathmatch, as soon as someone sees two people that look like you they know either one of them is you or that you're hiding in the haystack nearby. They know to whip out some ability that will tell them more. So in a way you need less attention to detail - detail is about looking at how people behave. How is looking at appearance 'detail'? Take the barber dude - in one of the games he had a green top that always stuck out ridiculously. I could see that from far away.


And like I said, the compass is effectively like having nothing in assassinate. All it does is directs you from very far away in the direction of people. It doesn't direct you when you're close. If anything it stops the game becoming totally stale if people decide to hide in a remote spot all game.


Also I meant you can't target people in assassinate to get them as your kill target once they target you. And the ability for the targeted person to track you and screw up your points is GOOD! It means you have to be stealthy and non-obvious in your approach. It means, don't target people if you're a mile away from them. It means, use common sense, and above all, a stand off between people - target too late and risk getting targeted first. It's brilliant and layered.

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Well since we've seem to have hit at a simple difference of opinion, I'm not going to pursue this further.


I've basically only got 100% sync on story missions left to do. But some of these are incredibly punishing and not fun at all. Especially the ones with cut scenes you are not able to skip. One is the Public Execution mission. All the missions with the condition that they must be finished in one playthrough are putting me off a little. But I've come so far I have to finish.

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They are severe, but worst is basically when there's an element of uncontrollable, unpredictable AI nature -- the mission where you have to perform a static and mobile eavesdrop, and tackle someone without shoving anyone? When the person you're following reaches their moving-eavesdrop person, things aren't always straghtforward. Sometimes one of them will turn around right at the start, or when tehy get into a tunnel.


Most of the 100% missions aren't too bad, really. I'd say there were 4-5 really awful ones.

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The execution was the worst. Once you get the trick down it's not so bad, but if you screw it up it's a few minutes cutscene. Before I figured out the best way to do it (go straight for your target, tackle him with RT+B/R2+Circle, then fight him and 2 others will join), I wound up walking through that crowd so many times. It actually made me really critical of what initially seemed like a good scene.


1) If you don't walk, nobody ever forces you to. You could just stand there until your Xbox dies.

2) Even if you have only one assassin recruit, several can be seen helping out.

3) Why do they let Achilles talk to you, and how exactly do you get rescued? Screen goes black, and the noose is gone.

4) What the fuck was the actual plan to murder Washington? Months of planning and then they just charge him in the street?

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OH EM GEE! I thought complete all the constraints in one playthrough meant I had to restart the mission from the start, watching all the cutscenes to get 100%, but I don't. That makes things much easier. I was starting to get annoyed at the game, but it's fine now. Don't have to rewatch all the cutscenes.


What it means is that in the other missions, you could complete one optional objective, and then play through it again, and complete just the other. Not what I thought at all.

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Lol no. Load last autosave is fine.


Any PS3 users who want to get together for a wolfpack session?


It amazes me how stupid and uncooparative some people can be.


In one match I had 8000 points more than the second guy, something like 30000. And I barely considere myself even mediocre in this game. This because I get killed before killing my target and rarely manage to get bonuses against human players. But in wolfpack, it's easy to turn from mediocre to awesome. In the next match, with the different players since my game glitched, we didn't even get to sequence 7, because everyone but me was running around chasing 150 points.


Anyway, got my online trophies now, so I'll only play friendlies from now on, if anyone wants to. Maybe the occassionally wolfpack if I can find a good group.


Only got the ordinary man left.

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Having a good wolfpack team is so, so rewarding. It only takes ONE idiot to ruin the whole thing. You know when you have that noob when you're presented with that chance to do a 4-way sync kill for extra bonus, and you have 3 people locked on and waiting for the 4th.... who just runs in and kills. No syncing first. What a dick. Getting the mini-cut scene for those is awesome!


In most games I, by far, get the most points per kill. Typically top person will have, say, 31 kills and 10000 pts (just a made up scenario), whereas I'll have 18 kills and 8300 pts, and 3rd will have 18 kills and 5000 pts, and 4th will have 21 kills and 4300 pts. That sort of thing. The game rewards the dicks who just run around fully conspicuous stabbing folk (then usually getting stunned immediately) because after the match the little cut scene 'rewards' the person with most kills - which isn't the most important factor!


I had a game where the other 3 had mics and one dude was, thankfully, teaching another guy all about locking on and being stealthy. All 3 kept being all "aw man, jayseven what are you doing?! Don't you know how to play! Jeez. We're going to lose this because of him." and proceeding with insults.


The end of the game rolls around and who has most kills, least deaths, and most points per kill? Yup. Me. They literally went "holy.... Shit dude. How the fuck did that happen?!" I quit that game.


I watched the Auzzie gamer link someone posted and it was great fun. I may give revelations online a go, but I fear the skill gap between me and people still playing may make it unfun.

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