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Going Bald

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Noticed my hairline was receding at an alarming rate the past few months. Not sure why (I'm only twenty!). As there are members of all different ages on here I thought it would make an interesting thread.


Have you gone bald? Going bald? Receeding hairline? Did it bother you? When did you shave it all off? Full head of hair? and other questions.

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Same here buddy. I always knew my hair was incredibly thin and it was receeding quite a bit at the front, but when I was getting my hair cut I was confronted with how it was pretty much disappearing fast around the scalp.


It's annoying, but the guy cutting it told me afterwards to this shampoo called Alpecin. Used it for a week now and it smells nice, but god know if it works.


Overall, I'm not too bothered because there's little I can do. But if the Alpecin stuff doesn't help slow it down, I'll just start wearing a hat more often heh.

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I'm not going bald but I started getting grey hairs a few years ago (I'm 23 now). It's never really bothered me and there's not enough for anyone to even notice from a distance but if you look close it is quite noticeable. I don't mind if I go grey but it's annoying when people feel they have to point it out like I didn't already know :p


How far has your hair line receded? It probably looks worse than it is to you. Has anyone else said anything about it?

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I think I'll be lucky with hair. None of my family have gone bald, and they don't go grey very early either. My Grandad died at 62 and had very few grey hairs. My parents are 47 and 49 and my dad has a few grey hairs on the back and sides of his had, and my mum barely has any.

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Hairline started to recede at about 19, by 21 I had the Alan Shearer island (footy skills similar too btw), used to spend ages hiding the gaps and trying all different hair products but by 23 had to take the plunge and shave the whole thing off.


I'm now 28 and completely used to being a baldy, suits me better as it goes and saves me a lot of time in the mornings!! I always have a beard to offset the baldness though. Can't beat some beardage. The back and sides of my hair still have some good growth so I have to shave it all off every week or it adds about another 10 years on me if I leave it. Could go for the comb over. :)


To be honest, I never really worried too much, I knew it was coming as all the men in my family were bald in their 20's. It's in the genes init. This day and age no one batters an eyelid at a baldy and a lot of people have shaved heads anyways.


Funny thing is I'm a pretty hairy guy apart from the top of my head. Testosterone galore!!

Edited by Platty

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Hairline started to recede at about 19, by 21 I had the Alan Shearer island (footy skills similar too btw), used to spend ages hiding the gaps and trying all different hair products but by 23 had to take the plunge and shave the whole thing off.



I have all of my hair. In fact, maybe too much.


U MAD, BRO? ;)

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I'm terrified of it. I keep thinking it's receeding but then see photos from when I used to have my hair really short and see it's pretty much the same.


The moment I notice it's actually receeding, it's all gone

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I like Peeps am going grey.


I am going verrrryy grey. I don't mind though, its fine. Chicks dig grey.

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I'm 33. Hair started receding when I was about 25/26. I stayed shaving it all of when I was about 29.

Love my grey hair. But ...

Receding hair is the worst thing in my life. It pains me when I see it in the mirror. A reminder of getting old/mortality. It depresses me. Hate it so much. :(

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My hair is very similar to my dads which is a good thing. He's coming up for 65 and still has a bit of colour (blonde) and very thick!


Hairdressers always comment on how thick my hair is and how lucky I am.


Suck it, bitches! :p

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Nobody in my family has ever gone bald, so I'm pretty much hoping to follow suit. I may be bald in other regions though. Depends on the time of month :heh:

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The old man is balding and has been for as long as I remember. Which probably means, I've got 10-15 years before my barnet starts to fall out.


I am one of those sad bastards who take too much time with their hair, I'll be devastated when it starts to fall out.

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I have incredibly thick hair- I''m like some kind of mountain wolf or something. Hoping I keep my hair for a good long while from that but two brothers and my dad all have pretty prominent receding lines and one of my brother's keeps his hair shaved due to thinning. My hair is unusual in my family, though, so I'm really not sure how it'll go.


At least I know I have the family skull to pull off a decent cropped look. Whenever it really kicks in, I'm going straight to 'mercy kill' mode. There's few things more tragic than a man denying hair loss with a comb-over.

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Well this is surely to make all those who are losing their hair feel loads better -reading about how great your genes are and how thick and colourful your hair all still is! :hmm: Ha i'm only jealous coz I've always had pretty fine hair really!


Shaved heads can look great I think - particularly with the beardage. Unshaven is goooood!

Unless you're me who looks like a hobo with any sort of stubble / facial growth.


There are loads of options now anyway if you are balding and don't want to shave your head!


Hair transplant anyone?! I would seriously consider this as I think they are brilliant!

If you haven't read or heard about them they basically take hair which will never stop growing (back and sides of your head) and extract the follicles from these areas and place it to the area(s) that have lost hair.

I read up on it once after seeing it in the paper. Amazing stuff and all done whilst you're awake! Though it takes hours apparently.


All of the hair grows back as normal and you have a full head of hair that isn't going anywhere.


Unless you receed even further, in which case... :hmm:

Edited by Aneres11

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Hair transplant anyone?! I would seriously consider this as I think they are brilliant!

If you haven't read or heard about them they basically take hair which will never stop growing (back and sides of your head) and extract the follicles from these areas and place it to the area(s) that have lost hair.

I read up on it once after seeing it in the paper. Amazing stuff and all done whilst you're awake! Though it takes hours apparently.


All of the hair grows back as normal and you have a full head of hair that isn't going anywhere.


Unless you receed even further, in which case... :hmm:


But they don't always take, meaning you can be left with a head full of bald patches and patches of hair. Which looks far worse than baldness.

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Rooney's is growing pretty well but he probably paid crazy amounts at a top clinic.


Wouldn't dream about doing it myself.

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I'd get a hair transplant!


I don't think I've any signs of going bald yet *fingers crossed*

But I have thin hair and my hair line's not great... kinda Matt Smith like in that regards.


I would look terrible bald I think, being a pretty skinny guy, hence why I'd consider getting plugs or whathaveyou.


I don't want to loose my hair! :weep:

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I've got a grey patch on the back of my head.


I'm trying to encourage it to grow.


I would like to be completely grey by the end of the year.


In fact that was my New Year's resolution.

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But they don't always take, meaning you can be left with a head full of bald patches and patches of hair. Which looks far worse than baldness.


I'd be too worried about GVH to ever get a hair transplant.


And this is why I'd do lots of research first! Lol.

Doesn't seem like such a good idea now. :heh:

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my hair has a tendancy to fall out a lot due to my scalp psoriasis, and other medical stuff. Although its never that noticable/can be hidden.


I've got thin hair but i've got a LOT of it, thank god :)

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