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Terra Nova (TV Show)


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Kept missing this when it was on Sky One so only got round to watching it recently.


Little surprised by the lack of talk of it on these here forums (maybe I'm the only one that both stuck to the end and enjoyed it :heh:)


Just finished up the finale today and loved it.


The show was kinda slow to start, the double episode pilot just seemed to go on FOREVER, plus a few early eps seemed a bit "meh" (like the memory loss one :heh:) but it picked up well and finished pretty strong so really glad I stuck with it.


Was wondering at first why it was only 13 eps but coming to the end it prolly would have felt too prolonged if they went for a full 20 ep season.


Seems to be a steady increase in these shorter season shows too what with V and Spartacus.... and I think one or two others that escape me now.


Learning of the basic idea of the show (dying world finds tunnel going to 85million years in the past) I was worried it might do silly things like saying the events of the past had direct influence on the "present/future" and they'd end up screwing around with time too much but was really glad when in the pilot they said the "past" that they travelled too was in a different timeline/universe from the original present/future.



Hopefully Terra Nova gets a second season cause I'd like to see where it would get taken from where it was left off but the way TV studios have been dropping shows I like lately I'm not gonna get my hopes up. :heh:





I enjoyed the two main characters of Taylor and Shannon, wasn't sure what to make of Taylor for a long while as he's very similar to the character his actor played in Avatar which was trhowing me off a bit. Thought James O'Mara was good as Jim Shannon... and only found out he was Wesker in the 3 Resi film... which even though he did nothing in that film he still gets points from me as Wesker is awesome even if he does do nothing :heh: Hahaha


Some of the CGI is a bit off sometimes, for the most part the dinos look ok but there are a few times (like the ep with teh fishing scene) where you can see they were stretching the budget, haha

Edited by Mokong
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I watched the first 4-5 episodes on tv. I'm not good with schedules so I didn't get to watch the rest. Looked pretty good though, except for that stupid disease episode. That's something that belongs to season 8 and beyond when they are out of ideas.


If it's get a second season, good, but like you I doubt it. America hates good shows.

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13-episode seasons isn't really a creative decision. They're the norm (well, that or 12-episode seasons) on premium cable channels (like with Spartacus) and when a show like V only gets a a 13-episode season it's because networks usually only order thirteen episodes of a show and wait to order another nine episodes if the show does well. Only getting a 13-episode season on a regular network is a bad thing and rarely happens if a show does well. Of course, sometimes shows do get renewed for a second truncated season to give them another chance, but they usually end up canceled after that. See also: Dollhouse and Pushing Daisies.


Of course, in the case of Terra Nova, the episodes have an unusually long production time due to the special effects, so the fact that it had a short season may not mean anything. It doesn't seem all that popular, though.


Aaanyway, I've mostly heard bad things about this show, except that the season finale is supposed to be good/sort of okay. :heh:

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I've watched all of this!


I had no idea it was shown in the UK and was surprised to find it was on Sky One went returning home for Christmas.


Anyway, it's alright.


It's pretty shit at times.


Bad acting, predictable plot, shite CGI and just quite flat.


I don't know why I kept watching it, there is something about that I do find pretty interesting.


Maybe just the idea/universe.

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Haha, well I enjoyed it.


As I said the first half I came close to giving up... though already had all the eps saved so went on and I enjoyed more from about ep 6 onwards I think.


It wasn't the best show or anything like that, while I would like to see a 2nd season I wouldn't lose sleep if it didn't get one or be that annoyed... certainly not to the point of anger and hate that the cancellations of Caprica and The Event caused me with only one season :mad:


But fingers crossed it will get more seasons as I think it could really improve if taken in the right directions.


Also Elizabeth Taylor is HOT... so bring back more of her anyway :heh:




(Actually now that I think about it further it'll probably make me more angry if this got a 2nd season while superior shows like Caprica and Event didn't.... hhmmm... conflicted)

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It's the worst sci-fi show in years. Bad acting, drab and predictable writing. All that added to the fact they admitted to making-up their own dinosaurs because they sent them all back to an era we don't know as much about.


The only saving grace was the actor who played the father. Shit actor but let's face it he wasn't really there to act anyway.

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Well it's been cancelled and I for one am glad. With this and House cancelled it frees up some money for Season 5 of Fringe, which will be it's last.


I was actually quite sad as i liked it, however i'd rather have fringe so you make a great point there



it did have a flashforward vibe to it though, i just knew it wouldn't continue

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Aw man, that does suck a little tiny bit. It got alot better towards the end, and i would have liked to have seen how it developed based on the final episode.


I wanted to know more about the bad lands and the potentially human civilisation that evidently survived there before.


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Aw man, that does suck a little tiny bit. It got alot better towards the end, and i would have liked to have seen how it developed based on the final episode.


I wanted to know more about the bad lands and the potentially human civilisation that evidently survived there before.


someone on a save stargate fan page i'm still a member of posted details of that in a new link they posted about Terra Nova's cancellation let me look for it


The "Badlands" were essentially going to be another portal, one that connected directly with the bermuda triangle with a much less reliable anchor in time. So essentially traveling through the badlands portal would place them plus or minus within 300 years of their original place in time. They were going to have episodes that took place in modern day times, a lot of eco-conservative talk about people not taking steps to save the environment in the early 21st century, etc.


A deeper conspiracy would open up about the corporations exploitation of this portal to manipulate the past to create the corporate future. In one of the final episodes of the show, they would actually be thrown 300 years past their original future date and see a utopia that was birthed through a world-wide revolution in technology, which is actually placed into the hands of a group in the 21st century, supposedly from the "Roswell UFO Crash" which turns out to be a ship from a distant future, 1,000+ years or possibly a parallel dimension. This technology allows this group to manipulate the past, to reshape the "present future" which is the turning point towards a utopian world. There were apparently a lot of socialistic and even communistic undertones to this utopia that concerned the executives, given the current political climate.


The whole series was projected to be at least 3 seasons, with various open-ends included to extend it additional seasons if the viewership was there. All of this was just ideas being roughly outlined together in typical boiler-room writer brainstorms. The presentation to the executives did not go well and they did not see the show being saved.


he said in another post it was posted on a leak site by one of the production crew, so take it with a pinch of salt

but seems plausible

Edited by Agent Gibbs
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Just days after it was revealed that Fox had decided not to press ahead with a second series of Terra Nova, and it turns out that there may yet be an olive branch for the show. It’s a (very) long shot, but Netflix is reported to be looking into ways to keep Terra Nova going for a second season.


Netflix is already a hero to many, for its decision to bring back Arrested Development. A new series of that show is in the works, which Netflix will offer via its streaming services. And it may yet be that Terra Nova follows the same path.


Deadline reports that, right now, “conversations are preliminary”, and given the cost of making Terra Nova, we’d imagine that this is unlikely to ultimately happen. It does leave us wondering where Netflix was when the likes of Jericho and Freaks And Geeks were getting cancelled, though. Wouldn’t it have been handy to have it investing in programming then?


That’s not knocking Netflix at all, by the way. Whether you like Terra Nova or not, it’s great that it’s looking at this model, as a way of keeping shows alive that otherwise would struggle via the broadcast TV model alone. We’ll keep you posted as we hear more.




Very interesting aside from Terra Nova, Netflix perhaps need to start making their own original content to survive with so many other streamingf services appearing and the likes of HBO etc...making their own Netflix may not be able to rely on paying for other companies content forever.

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Well i'll be damned!


Can they rescue Stargate next please? (any series preferably Atlantis but even Universe Any is better than none)


Indeed while I wouldn't mind a 2nd season of TerraNova I'll be pissed if Netflix save this and not Stargate.


When SGU first got cancelled fans were begging Netflix to make a move and nothing happened.. I'd be so pissed actually I would prolly boycot a 2nd Terra Nova season and Netflix (already cancelled mine after the free month ended anyway) if there was no rescue of SG in favour of a lesser show


The order for priorities for Netflix should be Stargate Universe and/or Atlantis then Caprica then The Event maybe even FlashForward and then Terra Nova :heh:

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Yeah can we have The Event instead of this stupid bull shit, please?


Man I do miss The Event, damn I want to know where a 2nd season could have went.


Yeah they should save SGU first. If Terra Nova comes back I will cancel my netflix subscription. Might anyway actually I haven't used it in weeks.


I cancelled mine after the free month thing and actually had to ring them up (cause I entered mistyped my email when I joined it turned out so I couldn't login...with the email I thought I signed up with to do it online) and I was actually asked why I was cancelling and said cause there wasn't alot of content that I was interested in to keep me using teh service but if more content was added in teh future that interested me I would come back.


I should have been bloody more specific and and said if shows like SGU and The Event were saved by Netflix I'd come back.


If this Terra Nova news had happened at the time I was talking to them I would have said "If ye save Terra Nova and Not SGU I'll NEVER come back"


Think I'll send some emails and pester @Netflix on twitter, haha... try to encourge other Gate fans at the same time :D

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Indeed while I wouldn't mind a 2nd season of TerraNova I'll be pissed if Netflix save this and not Stargate.


When SGU first got cancelled fans were begging Netflix to make a move and nothing happened.. I'd be so pissed actually I would prolly boycot a 2nd Terra Nova season and Netflix (already cancelled mine after the free month ended anyway) if there was no rescue of SG in favour of a lesser show


The order for priorities for Netflix should be Stargate Universe and/or Atlantis then Caprica then The Event maybe even FlashForward and then Terra Nova :heh:


I wonder though would Terra Nova be cheaper to produce, also would associated rights be cheaper and also actors fees? They have to start somewhere and jumping whole hog in and producing a true mega bucks show from the beginning is perhaps not a option.


Is Terra Nova worth watching as it stands as a stand alone 1 season? I loved flashforward and do kind of feel it stands up pretty well as a 1 hit wonder.

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