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Weight Loss & Fitness 2012


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I bet you loose a ton of muscle on that diet.


Yup. That's why I'm not going anywhere near it. :p


When I think about these sorts of things, I ask myself whether I'd be happy doing this in the long-run. Diets sometimes do work, but lifestyle changes are better. Exercising, eating right, sleeping right, etc. I can't imagine being on that diet for the rest of my life.

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Trying my first proper fast day today. I think i'll try a 2:5 to begin with, and see how that goes. So i'll do one today, and then maybe another on Thursday perhaps.....i should organise it properly really. I'm not really that fussed about losing weight, i'm only interested in the health benefits of it.


Planning on having beans on toasts tonight i think, which is around 500/600 calories.


@Raining_again what do you typically eat on one of your food days? Do you seriously just eat anything?


Yeah I try to have 3 meals, and a treat in the evening, the whole point is not to count. And eating healthier is a good idea but don't refrain from having something if you want it. 2:5 is a good ratio for someone (like the doc on the programme) who haven't got a massive quantity to lose. I'm doing 3:4 and losing at a nice pace, but thinking of moving up a little to 7:7 over 2 weeks.


I bet you loose a ton of muscle on that diet.


If you actually read the book / watched the tv programme you'll find you don't. Muscle loss takes a lot longer than 24 hours


Fasting is NOT the unhealthy thing that the media has it set up to be, and its actually a trusted option by many professionals and holistic therapists in treating a lot of medical problems. I've been on fasting diets before now to treat my acute psoriasis,



Just a note: its not recommended you do intense exercise on fast days (like weightlifting) but walking etc is safe enough, and you can keep heavier going stuff for feed days

Edited by Raining_again
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As Raining_Again says, it's not enough to eat 1000 kcal a day, especially when you're exercising. You body will then not get enough energy to maintain your functions and it will begin to cling on to everything it can, thereby you not losing any weight at all.


But I don't believe that calculator one bit. I'm 68 kg (10.7 stone) and 181 cm (5.94 feet) and I exercise 5-6 times a week (about an hour each time), and it tells me that I burn 4800 kcal a day! That is way too much. I would rather say that I burn about 3000 kcal a day and I try to eat after that.

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I'm not accustomed to the feet-measurement so I wrongly inputted 5 in the feet-box and 93 in the inches-box. That was a bit stupid of me. It's a bit weird that they allow you to input your weight in kilograms but then only allows feet-measurements in the height-options.


Well, that's a bit more realistic then. Hehe.


And I am 25 so that's fine.

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As Raining_Again says, it's not enough to eat 1000 kcal a day, especially when you're exercising. You body will then not get enough energy to maintain your functions and it will begin to cling on to everything it can, thereby you not losing any weight at all.


But I don't believe that calculator one bit. I'm 68 kg (10.7 stone) and 181 cm (5.94 feet) and I exercise 5-6 times a week (about an hour each time), and it tells me that I burn 4800 kcal a day! That is way too much. I would rather say that I burn about 3000 kcal a day and I try to eat after that.



Unless you run about 35km per day or the equivalent, you're not burning anyway near 3000 calories a day. An average 10km run (about an hour) would burn about 1000 calories.

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Unless you run about 35km per day or the equivalent, you're not burning anyway near 3000 calories a day. An average 10km run (about an hour) would burn about 1000 calories.


True, perhaps it's more like 2500 I'm aiming at.


Whatever it is, though, it works like a charm. I haven't gained nor lost any weight over the last eight years.

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Seriously, if you do that, you will cause your body harm. People have already told you above that you are not eating enough. You're doing your body more harm than good.


One bit of chocolate cake (or whatever) didn't make you fat. What do you do when you're at the gym? Weights? Heavy weights or light? Cardio? 1000 sit-ups? It's about eating and training smart, that's how you'll get yourself in shape.


You don't have to starve yourself all day and then eat at 6, you'll have no energy at all to have a decent work-out. It's pointless. Get yourself a small but decent breakfast, a small lunch and a small dinner. Smaller portions, but throughout the day. Also, how many times have you been exercising this week? Are you doing the same thing each day, because that's not really any good either, you need to vary it up.

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The body is a very sophisticated piece of equipment. If it's not getting enough fuel into it, it won't suddenly start dropping fat, it will do the opposite, cling on to what it can.


Far too many people get caught up on counting calories, you need to be getting a good mix of carbs, protein and plenty of veg. In the gym you should be concentrating on cardio work and adding in some weight training to the mix after a while.


It also can't be understated how much sleep pays a big part. With little sleep you tend to be moody and demotivated, which isn't a good combination when trying to exercise and ignore your sweet tooth.

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Soooooo not really tried losing weight in awhile now, well it's more wanting to lose weight now in terms of toning up.


Injury has really got in my way in terms of gym work, first it was my tendon on my arm (which is fine now) and then (I don't think I posted this in here) my back went. I was doing squats with a bar and my form was good (friend was watching) and pain shot through and I couldn't really walk coz of pain.


It soon got better than that and had been lower back pain since so I stopped going the gym again.


I did injure it xmas time so whether it is a re-occurrence of that or I now have a weakness in my lower back now. Ever since xmas I have been wearing a weight belt and funnily enough I wasn't wearing it when I injured it doing the squats so i think I didn't have my core tight enough and belt must normally assist with that.


It has been feeling a lot better but then i get out of bed this morning and it kills! I can only assume I slept funny or something but by the afternoon it felt ok...


So yeah, bummer. Injury has been doing my head in.

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Thanks given me the nudge i needed , I will try and eat around 1200-1500 a day and will try eating during the day

2 -3 balanced meals



thinking porridge early, then a light lunch , then a meal as usual , followed by a small snack at 9pm nothing after



i will report back in a week with my results.

Edited by yesteryeargames
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Thanks given me the nudge i needed , I will try and eat around 1200-1500 a day and will try eating during the day

2 -3 balanced meals



thinking porridge early, then a light lunch , then a meal as usual , followed by a small snack at 9pm nothing after



i will report back in a week with my results.


Another potential tip for you... Do you drink plenty of water? Keeping the body hydrated helps keep off 'water weight' as well.


Your body stores more water if it thinks it is going to dehydrate.


I have now lost over over 6 stone since January 2011 so I like to consider myself living proof that it can be done mate! :)

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It also can't be understated how much sleep pays a big part. With little sleep you tend to be moody and demotivated, which isn't a good combination when trying to exercise and ignore your sweet tooth.


True facts. I've noticed this, if I have a shit nights sleep before and go for a run it's always worse. I'm more lethargic, which affects distance/time and obviously there's the whole thing about recovery from the previous days exercise.

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ive been in the gym 1 hour a day for a week, i have eaten 1000 cal a day , i had one little bit of cake as it was a birthday party over the weekend, im now 5 pounds heavier than i was a week ago,


can this be explained


Apparently your body can fluctuate in weight by up to 5 pounds in a week, so i wouldn't worry about it.

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Unless you run about 35km per day or the equivalent, you're not burning anyway near 3000 calories a day. An average 10km run (about an hour) would burn about 1000 calories.


Remember that your body naturally uses calories without even doing exercise.


The calculator says that I need about 2700 a day (that's with moderate exercise, 73kg, 179cm). I personally think if I had that much a day I'd been eating far too much.

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Remember that your body naturally uses calories without even doing exercise.


The calculator says that I need about 2700 a day (that's with moderate exercise, 73kg, 179cm). I personally think if I had that much a day I'd been eating far too much.


Yeah, it depends on if your speaking about how much calories in total you burn when combining what your body needs to work + what's burned off in exercise alone. I read that the average male body needs roughly 1900 calories just to function.

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Does that calorie amount differ from person to person depending on their size and build? I'm not exactly tall, but I've gained in width over the years thanks to discovering the wonders of chicken and working out. Money and time makes it pretty hard though to get up to that calorie limit. At times, I feel like I'm over eating when I do that.

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Does that calorie amount differ from person to person depending on their size and build? I'm not exactly tall, but I've gained in width over the years thanks to discovering the wonders of chicken and working out. Money and time makes it pretty hard though to get up to that calorie limit. At times, I feel like I'm over eating when I do that.


Yeah it does, a taller person will need more calories than a smaller person.


The link that @Raining_again posted up tells you what you need.


In terms of money for good food, I feel your pain! I always find that it costs far too much to be able to afford quality food the whole time. I buy bags of frozen veg because they last for ever pretty much. Health experts regularly debate if they are better or worse than fresh veg but I work on the theory that they must give some benefit and definitely are not bad for you.


I'm actually trying to ditch chips/potatoes with meals and instead just put LOADS of veg on the plate.



Another point worth noting is that there are good calories and bad calories! If you eat McDonalds every day but only 1000 calories of it that is in no way going to make you healthier.



Edit - Talking of food, its 12:40.... Might hold out another 20 mins.

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