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Weight Loss & Fitness 2012


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But it's a bit of a bullshit measurement because muscle weighs more than fat. I don't know what my body fat percentage is, nor do I know how to work it out (and if I did, I probably wouldn't be bothered to), but I don't have much fat on me (As in, I'm not sure I can even pinch any fat one me, it's just my skin being elastic - that's enough a test for me).


So I'm 180cm, 72/3kg but body: fat ratio is the important one.

Edited by Daft
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Considering my egregious self neglect over the last few months, I don't think I can say with good conscience that my weight is the result of huge muscle mass :heh:


You're proabably significantly stronger/ fitter than me at the moment, and your weight is pretty much where I'd like to be if I got my body fat down to around 8%. Shouldn't take that long though, once I get into the rhythm, I'm dedicated. The worst part about starting to exercise after a long haitus is the ridiculous amounts of pain you experience the day after a workout. Seeing as that's pretty much over with though, I'm game to get fuggin' sexy as shit again.

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But it's a bit of a bullshit measurement because muscle weighs more than fat. I don't know what my body fat percentage is, nor do I know how to work it out (and if I did, I probably wouldn't be bothered to), but I don't have much fat on me (As in, I'm not sure I can even pinch any fat one me, it's just my skin being elastic - that's enough a test for me).


So I'm 180cm, 72/3kg but body: fat ratio is the important one.


You can't measure body fat easily. YOu need a special set of scales which sends electrons through your body.


And yeah, from the comments in here, I'm going to forget about Creatine. I too drink plenty of water.


Drinking plenty of water in no way gives the same effects as creatine. Research has shown that it helps with decreasing muscle fatigue and increasing in high-intensity short-duration activities (i.e. weightlifting).


People say that you should drink lots of water if you take creatine because research has shown that creatine attracts water which means that it will take it away from other parts of you body.

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What are some good foods to eat to add extra calories to an otherwise pretty standard routine?


i.e. Is porridge a good breakfast to start eating instead of cereal... I know that it releases energy slowly... does this mean I won't feel hungry for longer, or that it's good for weight gain?


Got some peanuts, as they're a good natural fat.


Other stuff?


Basically I've lost quite a bit of weight lately from the stress of Uni/not eating properly.


In the past I've gone for a extra small meal a day to put on weight, blue milk instead of green on cereal etc... but I'm just looking for other ideas too.

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Ah yes, I should get back on the brown pasta... I find the extra husky texture of brown rice a bit odd... I'm sure over time I'd get used to it but it just doesn't feel right.


I tried cooking up some quinoa a few months back and I just didn't know what to make of it.


Firstly the look of it cooked isn't particularly appealing, the way it uncurls, and I cooked it in chicken stock to add the flavour, but maybe I used too much... as the final taste was quite perfumed and I wasn't keen.


How do you cook yours up?

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Yeah, brown rice was the hardest thing to get into. I actually went off it after a week but when you do get used to it it's actually awesome. White rice is gross to me now, it not having texture is weird. But yeah, it's definitely the hardest of the whole grains to like.


Quinoa can be pretty tasteless. I went off it and didn't touch it until recently. I boil it with granulated bisto shizzle, I reckoned chicken stock wouldn't really cut it (based on nothing). Stir Philadelphia into it (I like the garlic and chive one), then add chopped chorizo sausage or chopped bacon, some broccoli, too - I add broccoli to everything I can - and it's awesome.


I love it now. My only problem is that I accidentally overcook it quite a lot. I think because when I add the Philadelphia it adds more water and I haven't worked out how to deal with that.


Basically, with quinoa I just add a crap load of stuff to it. Sometimes I do an egg fried rice thing with it and fry a couple eggs into it. Ohm nom nom.

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Cheers, those sound good suggestions to me! Ill have to give it another go.


I can't imagine adding Philadelphia to it after how I cooked it last time... honestly I followed the instructions, but the end result didn't really seem right.


I boiled it for longer than it said because it just wasn't taking in all the stock, and even then the end result seemed a bit wet. And like you, I think I overcooked it.

Is it supposed to be quite wet, or drier like rice?


Thing is, being a new food, I wasn't really sure how the end result should look/didn't quite know when it's ready. But yeah, should try it again!

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It should be between dry and before it turns to porridge. Just keep watching it and don't add too much water. I think adding too much water is the biggest issue. I still do it as when it's not cooked yet and most the water had boiled off I add a bit more and BOOM it's too much (there's probably an easier way to do it but I haven't read any instructions lol).

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I've recently started a light fitness regime and planning on getting back into the gym this week. So far I'm doing 50 press ups and 100 sit ups followed by a 2 mile run every other night or so, not too bad going.


I'm trying to eat a little better too, but finding time to cook stuff (combined with insane food prices over here) are making this a little difficult. Currently I'm doing the following:


Breakfast: Poached eggs on toast with some chicken ham slices.

Lunch: Chicken or Salmon salad (Cucumber, tomato spinach)

Dinner: Chicken or Salmon with broccoli.


Basically I'm cooking the chicken and salmon together then one I have for dinner and the other for the next days lunch. What else should I be having alongside this? Any changes that would be good to make?

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Canned tuna is a massive time saver. So is brown pasta since it's just 9 minutes boiled and done.


Maybe have porridge/oats for breakfast and have eggs for lunch/dinner instead. That's what I do. I hate preparing breakfast (or being alive before midday) so just chucking something in a bowl with milk is ace.


Depends what you want to do really.

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