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Cloak and Dagger Mafia

The Peeps

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What is the definition of a tracker? I thought mr-paul was a roleblocker? are these one in the same thinh?


Also are we sure theres a doublevoter? if there is one its definately not me.. i didnt vote day one i dont think as a no lynch majority was reached before i came into the thread. (if i remember right). and day two i proved i only have a single vote.


As far as today goes, im in agreement that a lynch in jimbob would be of use to town as we'll know whether or not to trust Rummy/Yvonnes info. However for the time being i think prolonging the day as long as possible is our best choice... so im removing my vote for Rummy.


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I'm talking about the second night. I successfully protected Dannyboy on the second night.. why else would I do that? :|


Hmm...Okay, this I can believe. Sorry, before accusing you, I was even saying you being mafia is unlikely, but your post was incredibly fishy.


Did you just say you redirected me away from Dannyboy on the fourth night? lol :hmm:


On the other hand, I redirected you to Tales last night, so we're even :heh:

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What is the definition of a tracker? I thought mr-paul was a roleblocker? are these one in the same thinh?


Also are we sure theres a doublevoter? if there is one its definately not me.. i didnt vote day one i dont think as a no lynch majority was reached before i came into the thread. (if i remember right). and day two i proved i only have a single vote.


As far as today goes, im in agreement that a lynch in jimbob would be of use to town as we'll know whether or not to trust Rummy/Yvonnes info. However for the time being i think prolonging the day as long as possible is our best choice... so im removing my vote for Rummy.


Remove vote


I am a roleblocker, no tracking from me!

And I think the day has ended now, ReZ's vote brought Jimbob up to six. Now we sit and hope that our instincts, and Rummy's result (which I'm sceptical of), were right.

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What is the definition of a tracker? I thought mr-paul was a roleblocker? are these one in the same thinh?


Also are we sure theres a doublevoter? if there is one its definately not me.. i didnt vote day one i dont think as a no lynch majority was reached before i came into the thread. (if i remember right). and day two i proved i only have a single vote.


A tracker can find out who people targeted during the night. A roleblocker stops them from doing anything.


As for the double-voter... We didn't see more of those shenanigans, so I'm assuming it's someone who already died with the secret.

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Majority has been reached


The Agents were cautious but they were convinced this time. Jimbob was found to be evil. He had to go.


Agent 09 has been executed. He was good. Jimbob is no longer in the game.


Players (10):






Dead (5):













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Night Seven


One Agent was on his way to his target when he was stopped in the hallway. After a brief chat he decided to move on to someone else instead. Another Agent was knocked down as he left his office. The Agent who knocked him down was very apologetic and helped him towards his next target.


Agent 65 was on his way back to his office but was being followed. He sped up as he reached the next turn and waited round the corner for his stalker. He waited but no one came. He risked a peek round the corner and received a fist in the face. It knocked him off balance and he fell backwards down the stairs. There was a nasty cracking sound as his neck broke.


Agent 65 is dead. He was good. DuD is no longer in the game.


Players (9):






Dead (7):









Night 7 is over. Day 8 begins now


Majority is 5

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Voting for me because I targeted you? Well that is clever. I went for you because you have suspicious powers. Knocking people down? Switching PMs? Not nice. Instead we ended up with me roleblocking someone who could have got us genuinely useful information.

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And this comes from mr-not-lynchable-on-first try. And second, you're twisting the truth to make me look suspicous. You got to try harder than that. I have never knocked anyone down. I have already explained the flavour of the power. I'm not sure if I should sigh or just facepalm myself for the pm thing. I can't keep repeating myself when people don't read it anyway although I suspect that's not the case. Also our dead townie pointed you out as mafia. I surprised no one remember that.

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Well we have seen what use the investigations have been so far. Jimbob was apparently evil. Turned out good. Yvonne said Nintendohnut was evil. There were some odd things going on around then, but he's pretty much good. So I'm not trusting investigations at all, it sounds like our cop is either paranoid, keeps getting manipulated, or gets the opposite. Which makes me a little more suspicious of Eevil and ReZ as they have got good investigation results.


And don't lie about your powers. For the past two nights I have been knocked down, concussed, helped up and encouraged towards the nearest door.

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When I say I haven't knocked anyone down I'm saying it's not what the power does, it redirects, not knocks people out. And you know that, you just admitted you're aware o it, but instead saying I redirect(in #510), you just said I knock people down and that's it. You clearly want me to look suspicous, if not, tell me why you twisted the truth. I say you focus on flavour for the sake of your own goal. How you're knocked down and redirected is completly irrelevant. Looking through the pms I bumped into Jonnas and span him around, but knocked you down in an unspecified way, then span you around. Tell me how this is relevant. Your focus is very much suspicious.


Tales was being guarded/protected by someone last night, that is all I know.


Must be Aui1a again, thanks.


edit meant #512

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So I'm not trusting investigations at all, it sounds like our cop is either paranoid, keeps getting manipulated, or gets the opposite. Which makes me a little more suspicious of Eevil and ReZ as they have got good investigation results.

You're more wary of me since I've had a good investigation result compared to someone who is still in the dark?


This is most perplexing.

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I say you focus on flavour for the sake of your own goal. How you're knocked down and redirected is completly irrelevant. Looking through the pms I bumped into Jonnas and span him around, but knocked you down in an unspecified way, then span you around. Tell me how this is relevant. Your focus is very much suspicious.


He was just saying you keep redirecting him. Nothing to do with flavour, since you also knocked me down, and directed me to someone else in my dizziness.


Jonnas, don't fuck with me here.


Yeah, I got your memos. Both of them :)


You first told me to target DuD, then aqui1a. Well, I went with your second suggestion, I redirected aqui1a to DuD.


See, I thought aqui1a was a protector... How come DuD is dead? So, he's either lying about his power, or he was responsible for the mafia kill last night.


Either way, he's evil, now I'm certain. Vote: aqui1a

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Nicely done. Vote: Aqui1a hesistantly since did claim he saved me from being killed(and there was no kill that night)


As for targetting @mr\-paul two times in a row, that wasn't intentionally. Since I wasn't too sure who to target I asked Peeps if I could target myself, ie randomize my own target who I will randomize.

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Well we have seen what use the investigations have been so far. Jimbob was apparently evil. Turned out good. Yvonne said Nintendohnut was evil. There were some odd things going on around then, but he's pretty much good. So I'm not trusting investigations at all, it sounds like our cop is either paranoid, keeps getting manipulated, or gets the opposite. Which makes me a little more suspicious of Eevil and ReZ as they have got good investigation results.


And don't lie about your powers. For the past two nights I have been knocked down, concussed, helped up and encouraged towards the nearest door.


As far as I'm aware I haven't been manipulated, though that doesn't rule it out. I'm more inclined to think it could be reverse/dumb, which means that EEVIL and ReZ are possible suspects, assuming Yvonne got clean results for them.

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As far as I'm aware I haven't been manipulated, though that doesn't rule it out. I'm more inclined to think it could be reverse/dumb, which means that EEVIL and ReZ are possible suspects, assuming Yvonne got clean results for them.


This is what I was thinking once Jimbob turned out good. Either that or you're evil, which would explain why you just said Tales was protected (to clear aqui1a)


Oddly enough I was tied to my chair last night, meaning someone is lying. I wasn't able to leave my room. The person who targeted me MUST be mafia - why would a role blocker target a protector if not?


Last night we had the following powers:


Jayseven was 'locked in his room'

mr-paul's target was randomised (to jayseven?)

Aqui1a was redirected to DuD

Tales was protected (according to Rummy)

Nintendohnut was tied up



mr-paul is one role blocker, so who the heck roleblocked me? Will go through the giant list I made yesterday and try to figure it out.


However, I would like to hear from Aqui1a before we vote. If, somehow, Jonnas is evil he could be trying to make us get rid of one more townie so the mafia win. I'm a little wary now.


2nd Post:


Players (9):


Aqui1a - Protector. Very quiet. Barely said anything about what he has done.

EEVILMURRAY - Redirector/Recommender

Tales - PM Swapper, one giant PM swapping night

uəʌəsʎɐɾ - Started off as target swapper SWAPPED WITH JIMBOB now a mirrorer/untargeteable tracker

Jonnas - Redirector/Enforcer

mr-paul - Roleblocker. FOUND TO BE EVIL BY YVONNE, claimed to be unlynchable

Nintendohnut - Protector from negative effects

ReZourceman - Started as Info-gatherer (proven) SWAPPED WITH DIAGEO now an enhancer (quiet)

Rummy - Started as temporary power swapper SWAPPED WITH YVONNE now an investigator (alignment)


I was role blocked, so either jayseven is lying about being roleblocked OR someone else is lying about their power.


@Rummy, tbh I can't believe you didn't target yourself last night to check your power.


We need to hear from everyone today. Including @Aqui1a and @ReZourceman

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Both? As far as I know I only send one. Maybe you got two since you're a redirector.


Wait, what? I got one memo saying that DuD was the best target for tonight, then I got another one, later, saying "the situation has changed" and that aqui1a was actually the best target.

I followed the second suggestion, redirecting him to the first suggestion.


Eevil, which one of the notes did you send?

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