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G4 assasins creed vs SKYWARD SWORD


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Thought i'd post this out to the whole nintendo community. Skyward Sword is currently in a deathmatch battle against assassins creed. Even though it is winning. It is slowly losing. So if you want too help Zelda crush Assassins Creed then please vote.


And if this is the wrong place to stick this please move it to the correct part of the forums. I only post this as I dont want too see Zelda lose to:


1. A 3rd party game. 2. A biased website that is G4.

3. No on reliases that games like Assassins Creed would even exist without Zelda.


P.s.: Skyrim got knocked out by Skyward Sword and thats defnetly saying somethink.


P.s.s: To see the percentage of vote go to the main page its on the right hand side of the page.


So guys please vote!! Links above and below


Have removed WWW to post the link as i've only just joined the forums so just add WWW before the address.



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@ Magnus


The comments on the site suggest that becuase Skyward Sword beat Skyrim.. the fans of that series are now all voting Assassins Creed as they feel Skyrim has been cheated out of getting further in the competition. So slowly Skyward Swords percentage is being chipped away. However Assassins Creed did knock out Gears of War so waiting for the fans of that series to back up Skyward Sword...lol


@ Cube


Possibly....they are very biased towards Nintendo and there really dosent seem to be a reason why =S

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I've yet to play Skyward Sword, but it'll have to be an extremely good Zelda to be better than Skyrim... I'll find out for myself once I'm reunited with my Wii.


I'm not really sure if this thread is pointless and/or counts as advertising, but it might be a good place for a debate, voting aside.

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Yeah Daft, what would Miyamoto say?


I would vote but there are no clickable links and copy and pasting is for losers.


I also disagree with voting just because I like Nintendo games. I've not played the latest Assassin's Creed so I can't judge whether or not it is better than Skyward Sword :)

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Ass Creed is a better game, but nevertheless, both franchises suffer from overexposure.

What? No. Come on. I love the Assassin's Creed series but Revelations is the worst by a mile. Tower defense minigames? Complete lack of coherent plot? Boring underground platforming in a row of square rooms? No actual assassination missions? It's a total mess.


Whereas the latest Zelda is actually really damn good, leaps and bounds beyond Twilight Princess.


I couldn't care less how the G4TV vote turns out (lol? Who the fuck uses that site anyway) but you either haven't played Skyward Sword and/or Revelations or you're just trying to be controversial/different.

Edited by Shorty
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Oh right, well the post didn't specify that it was Revelations that was going head to head with Zelda (although I suppose it makes sense, since it's the most recent release), I just thought it was generally to do with the series as a whole. Let's be honest, Zelda has been boring as hell for years, and the only reason man baby fan boys persist in funding Nintendo's persistent inability to make any real progress, is because they're nostalgic for something that evokes the experiences they grew up with.


New Zelda may be a good Zelda game, but that's just the problem; its still a Zelda game, following the same basic template with some novel ideas thrown in (same as every increment in the series since LTTP).

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