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The Last Of Us


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@Daft, some people are reporting that the save files are in the "Load game" section, but the timestamps are messed up (so it things the wrong one is the "latest" for continue). I haven't been able to verify.


I don't think that was it (I only had one save). It had saved up to a point and now I'm keeping an eye out on the 'Autosave' being greyed out in the save menu, things seem to be find.

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Has anyone had a chance to play this yet?


I'm considering going out to buy it in a bit but I think maybe I should wait a few weeks and get it cheaper. I wasn't mad about Uncharted, so I'd be interested to hear how similar it is to that...


I'm just over half way through it and can easily say that it's nothing like Uncharted.


Uncharted was very light hearted and run and gun. This is stealth based and very, very dark.

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That's the reason why despite loving the story, characters, setting and feel of this game it could never be a contender for my game of the year because I hate stealth in games and while I'm sure this is probably done well in that regard, I'm not enjoying creeping around, I'm just enduring it so I can carry on with the game.

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That's the reason why despite loving the story, characters, setting and feel of this game it could never be a contender for my game of the year because I hate stealth in games and while I'm sure this is probably done well in that regard, I'm not enjoying creeping around, I'm just enduring it so I can carry on with the game.


Yeah, i'm the same. I'm trying my best to really enjoy the game but it's just not happening. I will keep going to see how everything pans out but i'm really disappointed that i'm just not feeling it. :(


At one point today I spent about half an hour trying to figure out where to go next. I was running around for ages trying to find my way through a building and every room and corridor looked the same. It was doing my head it.

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You're both stupid.


I'm loving the stealth so far, the enemy toughness keeps you on edge and makes you bat wisely. The clickers are fucking deadly.

I'm getting the save problem too, does it randomly work at different points or am I wasting my time by progressing?

Edit: looking at sources it would appear I've wasted my time. Not overly bothered but it's very sloppy on ND's part.

Edited by dwarf
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Well the save glitch just happened to me now and I've lost an hour and a halfs worth of playtime. To hell with it.


Try 3 hours.


My fault really, I thought the 1.01 patch was the fix but apparently that's what caused it.

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Wasn't supposed to, but I bought the Ellie edition today, at fairly reasonable price at an electronic store. It was ten £ cheaper than Gamestops regular edition lol. So, this save glitch, simply avoid the 1.01 patch and I'm good to go?

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Just started it...and...


This is the second game (after Metal Gear Solid 4) that made me shed a tear.


Sarah died.




Fuck, man.


It was kind of obvious...


Anway, 1 hour into it, and so far I'm quite pleased. Gustavo delivering a killer soundtrack as usual. ^^

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This game is intense. The 'story' is plodding along steadily enough, I suppose it's more character than plot-driven because it's a journey of survival, so there's been no mind-blowing moment on that side of things. I get the impression that something big isn't far off though.


Gameplay wise it is extremely satisfying. It makes Uncharted look severely lacking in the thrill department. Sure you can leap off collapsing buildings and take down helicopters with RPGs in Unch, but there's no weight to it. There's something altogether more physical about The Last of Us. Mortality is always palpable and seldom dignified, it really fosters a cautious approach. Often stealth becomes tedious in games, and there's nothing especially clever going on in this, but it's just so meaty and brutal that you can't be anything but wired once danger comes knocking.


My only niggle is Ellie's habit of swearing when you're sneaking by Clickers who rely solely on sound to detect prey. It doesn't give you away, but it does taint the realism.

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I think that's enough for today! I'm right after

Tess dies, when you get the hunting rifle... I REALLY REALLY hope no modern weapons are in the game, these old hunting rifles and pistols are absolutely perfect for the mood the game is trying to set, and I'd hate to see that change.



My one complaint is that there are "zombies" in the game. Fuck you Naughty Dog... why do you always have to taint your games with some sort of stupid creature?! The game would work alot better without the infected, a-la The Road, just humanity facing terrible odds against a deadly disease... People die and they stay dead, that's it. Much classier, much better. This "infected" approach feels tired, tacky and cliché. Enough is enough with the goddamn zombies!!!


And I guess I could do with less action, there's too much of it, at least so far.


Other than that I'm absolutely loving it. Perfect atmosphere, the soundtrack (or lack of, for the most part) is perfect for the tone that's being set, and the narrative is quite enthralling, they were very smart to borrow the plot elements from The Road, as it works marvelously. And it looks gooooooooood!! O.O


(This is obviously not valid complaint, but I hate that the damn flashlight starts flickering every 5 mins, because I'm playing with my 360 controller and motion controls are a no no, so every time the thing starts flickering I have to just go and die on purpose. The annoying part being that it happens every 5-10 mins... oh well, better than having to aim with the DS3's crappy analogs, I guess.)




Also, Boston is quite okay, but I hope we'll get to see more places!


My only niggle is Ellie's habit of swearing when you're sneaking by Clickers who rely solely on sound to detect prey. It doesn't give you away, but it does taint the realism.


Yeah, both Ellie and Tess tend to go talking and running around you awkwardly when clickers are nearby, which kind of breaks the spell a bit.

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All done!


Dat ending. Dat story!


Despite me having a few issues with the gameplay I really got into it last night, putting a good 3 hours straight into it and then another 2 this morning. It helped that the story and characters kept everything interesting.


My brother is also playing through the game and I know this will annoy him...


The way that the game skips seasons will really upset him. He has recently read a couple of zombie novels that do exactly the same thing and he hated it. You would get to an intense part of the story and then turn the page only to see the words 6 Weeks Later.




I loved the scene...


Where they first get to Utah. Everything is so peaceful. I'm pretty sure thats the Mormon temple in the background as well, which I was well pleased with. :D


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