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[Rumor] Super Mario Galaxy 3 for Wii U


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Nintendo needs a strong line up. I get the feeling that Nintendo relied on third parties to create a strong launch for 3DS and that decision was a massive failure: its only after Zelda, Starfox and Mario that the 3DS has really picked up momentum.


However, I'd wager my hat that Mario Galaxy will not be making the launch window at all; EAD Tokyo have only just wrapped 3D Land and there are practical issues for the games' development (HD does require more man hours). I would say they're two years from releasing a follow up to Galaxy - the big Christmas title for 2013.


New Super Mario Bros. Mii will be the launch Mario game without a doubt. The original sold better than both Galaxy games combined and a follow up will be relatively cheap to produce.

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I'd rather they didn't tbh!

Wasn't keen on Galaxy 2 (bored me) and this one would probably be even more repetitive! *yawn*


Like @Ike said, I'd rather Mario did something new for the Wii U, like they're trying something a bit different with SM3DLand.


I'd agree NSMBWiiU is looking like the most likely Mario Launch title. Though NSMBWii didn't interest me at all, so I doubt this will either!


Basically if Mario makes it to launch in one of these forms, I doubt I'll be buying it anyway, so I'm not really fussed and will be looking to something else.


*looks to Retro Studios*

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Yes please. I'd love a Galaxy game in HD, and the engine is more than good enough for a third.



New Super Mario Bros. Mii will be the launch Mario game without a doubt. The original sold better than both Galaxy games combined and a follow up will be relatively cheap to produce.


You think a 2D Mario game where the talking point is Mii's as characters is going to be their big launch title? Could be but I'd be surprised. That game looked more like a tech demo anyway.

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I'd rather they didn't tbh!

Wasn't keen on Galaxy 2 (bored me) and this one would probably be even more repetitive! *yawn*




Both SMG and SMG2 were too obstacle course-y for my taste...So more exploration and less platform hell, please! Or...something completely new! :D

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But platforming IS Mario - exploration is Zelda.


NSMBWiiU will most likely be the launch title for the 'casual' crowd - and most of us. Furthermore, there should be one more IP at launch, pleasing the more 'hardcore' crowd. Add to this a strong line-up of third-party games within the first six months and we have a winner launch!


I wouldn't mind another Galaxy game, although I would prefer something new. The whole twisted gravity theme has been done and tried now so no need to further explore it.

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But platforming IS Mario - exploration is Zelda.


Yeah, of course, but the two do not have to exclude one another. I mean see SM64 and Sunshine...they're both more about open-world, exploratory platforming, whereas the galaxy games focus more on just pure A → B platforming. I say leave that to the 2D-games...


Although, I do realise that it's a bit silly to expect a return to the SM64 and SS format, because that was then and now is now. I mean one reason that SM64 was so spectacular was because it was a true pioneer of open-world 3D-platforming. So in regard to the next big Mario game, I'd actually prefer seeing something brand new and equally stunning... ;D

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I know, I was probably the most surprised!


I thought Super Mario Galaxy was an incredible game, in my Top 5 Wii games, I couldn't put it down for want of seeing what the next beautiful world held.


On the other hand SMG2 is probably one of my biggest dissapointments ever!

I'd heard all the amazing opinions from you guys, seen the incredible review scores.......... but I just didn't get it! The 2D intro was horrible / From the very first level the controls seemed worse / Yoshi added nothing / The levels felt all too familiar, only this time considerably smaller and with forced/fixed camera work / Bosses felt rehashed / Even the graphics I thought didn't have the game level of polish.


I really don't know what it was, but I'd had more than enough by World 5, it had felt like a chore to play from early on tbh, so I watched a couple of the further worlds and ending on Youtube and sold it.

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You think a 2D Mario game where the talking point is Mii's as characters is going to be their big launch title? Could be but I'd be surprised. That game looked more like a tech demo anyway.


And Wii Sports was a tech demo with no plan to release it at all.


I am not sure if we'll really see Mii's in the final game (for me it doesn't look right). But its definitely a follow up to New Super Mario Bros that will come first. Nintendo need to get huge momentum behind WiiU and they have to get that fast. They'll be looking at what's sold most and what appeals most to the widest possible audience - NSMB fits that bill rather than the 3D adventures. As I mentioned, its also quicker and cheaper to develop.


Of course we'll see a new Mario 3D game on WiiU, but not in the launch window.

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On the other hand SMG2 is probably one of my biggest dissapointments ever!

I'd heard all the amazing opinions from you guys, seen the incredible review scores.......... but I just didn't get it! The 2D intro was horrible / From the very first level the controls seemed worse / Yoshi added nothing / The levels felt all too familiar, only this time considerably smaller and with forced/fixed camera work / Bosses felt rehashed / Even the graphics I thought didn't have the game level of polish.


Wow. That's some impressive imagination right there. :p


Edit: Oh yeah, the rumor! No way to tell if it's true at this point. But assuming that it would again be the same team that made SMG1/2 and SM3DL and they'd try to hit launch sometime late 2012, that'd leave them hardly more than a year of development with the whole team. Sounds really unlikely they'd be done by then.


Plus: As great as the Galaxy games were, I can't see Nintendo doing a third direct sequel.

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Pikmin's not a system seller for me personally though, more a second tier game that I might choose if there wasn't much else in the way of AAA.


Unless it looks to be absolutely mind blowing!

Wow. That's some impressive imagination right there. :p
It's an opinion!

Honestly to me Mario didn't control as tightly as he did in the first game, to the point where I'd bump into enemies etc... a bit more often.


And whether, it was the fact that I'd seen all the fur/water effects etc.. before in the first game, I dunno, there just wasn't anything that wowed me this time... and everything else looked the same, or not quite as good to me/how I remembered it.

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It's an opinion!


They can be wrong no less.


Galaxy 2 had the same effects as Galaxy 1 and must've reused about half the assets of first game in some way. Factually these parts had the same visual polish then.


As for control complaints: From what I played of Galaxy 1, if there actually were any differences in responsiveness, I didn't notice them or they were so close to being esoteric, that it really shouldn't affect the ability to play the games.

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It would've been awesome to have Super Mario Galaxy 3 on the Wii, just to round off that trilogy. And then, maybe go for something new on the Wiiiiiuuu.


Would be great to potentially have a Galaxy game as a launch title. But, might be better to go for something different. Not sure what, though. Once Mario has gone into space, what more is left to explore? Under the sea?


Super Mario Submarineeee!

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On the other hand SMG2 is probably one of my biggest dissapointments ever!

I'd heard all the amazing opinions from you guys, seen the incredible review scores.......... but I just didn't get it! The 2D intro was horrible / From the very first level the controls seemed worse / Yoshi added nothing / The levels felt all too familiar, only this time considerably smaller and with forced/fixed camera work / Bosses felt rehashed / Even the graphics I thought didn't have the game level of polish.


I totally, 100% agree with you. No idea where all the hype about SMG2 comes from, I much prefered the first. I mean 2 is amazing as well, but inferior IMO (and yours it seems!)

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Anyone that actually disliked Galaxy 1 or 2 is most likely an avid Angry Birds "gamer".




True, and anyone who deviates from my own, totally subjective still yet somehow magically unquestionably RIGHT opinion is a total cunt and fucknugget o_O (see the MW3 threads)


Like come on guys, personal taste = not everyone likes the same games...it can't be that hard to fucking understand, can it? xD


Personally, I thought SMG2 was much better and polished than the first one, although I wasn't that keen on either of them...

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