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The Lytro Camera - a revolution for photography!


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It seems like a prototype and not a final product.


The idea of being able to adjust focus after taking the photo is great, but things like the resolution, very limited settings and not many features.


The software adjustment of focus on a decent camera would be a wonderful thing. This is just a tech demo.

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@Daft Yeah you can definately see the tech being implemented into phones and DSLRs down the line.


I think they've priced it alright too, because even if you have a pretty pricey DSLR, at what... £250(8gb)/£350(16gb) (or import)... it's a second camera you wouldn't mind buying for when ultra convenience is key... or you want to be able to make adjustments like these.

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Yeah you can definately see the tech being implemented into phones and DSLRs down the line.


Sure. However 3 megapixels would be the "magic" line (it's the resolution you need for decent printing). So hopefully version 2 will have that rather than the 1.2 megapixels this one does.

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Sure. However 3 megapixels would be the "magic" line (it's the resolution you need for decent printing). So hopefully version 2 will have that rather than the 1.2 megapixels this one does.
Oh yeah, that's definately the wouldbe deal breaker atm. Hopefully some competition will come about and start to drive this forward.
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It's probably a prototype though, as everyone said.
It's not a prototype, you can order one right now in the US... they start shipping 2012 (I thought @Cube meant this tech still seemed quite early at the moment, almost like a prototype)...


Here's the website: https://www.lytro.com/camera


If you check out the 'Experience' tab you can click around on the flower photo to see how it works. Also, having no focus means there's no shutter delay of course, so you get an instant image!

Edited by Retro_Link
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It's not a prototype, you can order one right now in the US... they start shipping 2012 (I thought @Cube meant this tech still seemed quite early at the moment, almost like a prototype)...


Here's the website: https://www.lytro.com/camera


If you check out the 'Experience' tab you can click around on the flower photo to see how it works. Also, having no focus means there's no shutter delay of course, so you get an instant image!


Ah, right! Was watching the video with divided attention (obviously) :blush:


I want it! Still hate the shape though.

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Kinda cool, but yeah this tech will just find it's way into actually AMAZING cameras eventually, and it's not like it's something everyone's been clamouring for. Interesting/useful, but yeah. Whatevs for now.


Sorry, what so you mean by "actually AMAZING" cameras?

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I don't really get it... Why would you want to have to choose what to focus on after you take the photo? Why not just focus on it in the first place?... I could understand that if you took a picture which was out of focus on the part you actually wanted to be focused on and then could fix it but this seems to take the whole picture out of focus then you choose what you want in focus afterwards?


I can't remember the last time my point and shoot wasn't in focus when I took a picture. I'm not a big camera person or photo-taker but to me it seems like this is trying to fix something which was never a problem?

Edited by Charlie
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The cameras main focus (HAHA GET IT?!) isn't about being able to re-focus afterwards.


The main point of this camera is the way it captures the image, making it so you don't have to care about things like focusing.


EDIT: Just realised this isn't the whole AsiaD presentation.


Go find that, it's 15 minutes long and you'll see some awesome stuff.



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