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Has Rare lost it's glory?


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the piles of crap that they released on the 360, thats wots to stop them from being as gud as the old team


Kameo is amazing, and yes PDZ is flaed in areas like onyl 6 multiplayer maps etc, but even rare said they were uber rushed for launch thanks to gay MS.

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even tho its been in development for 5 years


Thats not technically true, they had 18 months on beta kits to build the game from the ground up on a totally new platform.


Kameo, is a very very good game. I'd say it's as good or better than some of Rare's N64 games.

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Thats not technically true, they had 18 months on beta kits to build the game from the ground up on a totally new platform.


Kameo, is a very very good game. I'd say it's as good or better than some of Rare's N64 games.

Honestly I can't think of any n64 game, except maybe the Mickey Mouse racing games, that don't soar above Kameo. I found Kameo to be a basic repetitive beat-em-up style game. It was just smash, bash, repeat - and the worlds were nowhere near as awe inspiring as they were in the Banjo games. It's not so much that I think it's a bad game, I just think that it doesn't meet Rare's very high standards nor does really show its many years of developement.

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I sold Kameo, it was far worse than I expected. I like Perfect Dark a lot, though - far more than Halo or Halo 2 at least. Arcadey FPSes ftw.


Anyway, I don't think Rare has gotten worse per se... I never really rated them during the N64 days. Sure, Goldeneye and Jet Force Gemini are classics, but games like Blast Corps, Banjo Kazooie and DK64 really didn't do it for me.

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Thats weird, i feel the total oposite.

Kameo is quite refreshing, after the first level anyway. The little combo moves are clever too.


Perfect Dark just feels incredibly rushed, I know it was to get it out for launch but there are limits...

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I like PDZ more than Kameo. I wish Kameo had more of a deeper story too it.


But they are both my fave of the launch titles that ive played! RARE are different, they are still RARE. You can tell as soon as you boot up Kameo


well im pretty sure everyone can when this logo RarewareLogo.jpg pops up when u boot the game up

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Whats with all the Kameo hate?

Its starts off pretty crap but as you get like 5/6 hours into it you realise what a great game it is.


And am I the only person that absolutely loves the start up to Kameo with the Rare logo and the cinema like music. Lovely start up.

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They're both great games, takes an hour or two to get into both of them but they're well worth it. My only problem was that Kameo was too short.


Rare haven't lost it, their games now are still great fun.


I do hope at some point they bring out a game with the great graphics of Kameo, but the long hours of gameplay of games like Banjo-Tooie and Donkey Kong 64.

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Rare will always rock in my opinion. I got my 360 recently solely because of them. If they were more prominant on the original XBox they wouldve swayed me to get one of those too.


Their games just effervesce charm, it sucks MS have rushed them on these games else i reckon they would be more lengthy. I dont however believe that there is less quality or spark because of them being rushed. I for one sure sense it. Their humour, their characters.. shorter does not mean what is there is off less quality.


The first time i played PD0 i was cautious of the aiming because Jordan had said its pretty crappy.. 2,3,4 hours in, i found myself asking myself, 'oh yeah, what was the problem he was mentioning?' Maybe you just have to get used to it but for me, i just sank right into it. I hear some of you complaining you have to aim yourself too much, what the fuck?! Of course you do! Maybe youre just heavy handed and not delicate enough on the sticks. I found targeting the final boss real easy with the P9P(i think thats it?!) scope, headshots were a treat to score! It is short though, 13 missions?! I cant remember how many PD had but it was more than that, and its a shame because it rushes the story which then goes to explain why some people say the story sucks. Nevertheless, it makes for some great little moments like the DeathMatch with Mai Hem, and i loved charging around with the institute guys and Jonathon and Jack.


I love the little things in there too, smacking someone up close, taking cover so so easilly and pretty much anywhere you desire and the diving is great and damn helpful. Maybe i love it more as i havnt had a good FPS since TimeSplitters 2, PD0 kicks that games ass, and Halo didnt do it for me, it felt too clunky. And lets face it, Jo looks hot. The game rocks.


Im writing too much, but if i could be bothered id go into why Kameo rocks too. Those who disagree should go email scribes on Rares website, id love to see the response!

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nintendo saeen in rare a spent forse and sold them for hundreds of millions of pounds to silly bill gates then nintendo brout retro studios for a mear 1 million dollors and they won game of the year with there 1st nintendo project metroid prime its clear as day rare were great becouse nintendo made them great thats why we are ninty fans is it starting to sink in casual xbox gamers nintendo are the masters bill gates a mear gate crasher bring on the revolution

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Ban him now.


I played the demo of Kameo and though its not fair for me to judge it on such a short experience, I thought it was ok. Good for a rent, as people say its short and I can see alot of charming characters in the game but it does seem a little to much like a generic platformer with the smashing crates and I played those to death in the late 90's-00's. But as I said, I will rent the game (once I get a 360) so I can draw a better opinion from that.

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