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Bravely Default: Flying Fairy


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TIPS FOR GRAZZA!! I may be finding this game easy because I upgraded Norende so early. The Special Move shops just give you such good stuff. The weapon/armour shops are nearly useless because that early there's no way you can even afford to buy them (leave them until last), whereas the Special Move parts you can use immediately. Grazza, I recommend that your healer has a staff, and that you build the special up before the battle. Heck, during the battle get her/he casting cure even if you don't need it to build the special back up. With special parts, as well as restoring ludicrous amounts of HP, it also restores MP (great for your attack mage and not wasting Ethers!) it can also restore BP and get everyone ready to attack again! Maxed out first staff special has saved me so many times. Do everything you can to make your healer un-killable, as there's no point having a healer that dies first, right?


^Heck, make sure all your attack specials are set for both the bosses weaknesses (its family weakness and elemental weakness).


Thanks to your advice, I have now completed Chapter 3! Would you believe it, I wasn't using Special Moves at all until you suggested it! Used the Lightning one, as advised, made my main attackers immune to poison and made sure they were the only ones who kept using "Brave" all the time. Really wasn't hard in the end; think I was just getting tired/impatient.


Pretty good story development between the two chapters, and I'm now really looking forward to the next bit.

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I enjoy this game. Playing on hard makes the battles quite difficult. Well, at least until I've leveled up in order to kill monsters in one turn :laughing:


This is generally why I avoid hard mode in games like these. When 'hard' is simply an increase of enemy stats such that you just grind yours even higher it doesn't feel like it's more of a challenge, just more of a bore.

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This is generally why I avoid hard mode in games like these. When 'hard' is simply an increase of enemy stats such that you just grind yours even higher it doesn't feel like it's more of a challenge, just more of a bore.


I like grinding. :p And on harder difficulties it feels like you're doing something that's useful.


When I can kill enemies without leveling up much...well, I find that bring.


Each to their own, I guess ;)

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Yeah, playing on anything other than hard would have been pointless, as there'd be no challenge (it's easy enough on hard...)


Just started Chapter 5. The reveal at the end of Chapter 4 was pretty obvious and saw it coming really early in the game for obvious reasons (that I can't point out due to spoilers).

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I like grinding. :p And on harder difficulties it feels like you're doing something that's useful.


When I can kill enemies without leveling up much...well, I find that bring.


Each to their own, I guess ;)


I love a good grind, but the kind that makes you feel really powerful. You tried Disgaea? Replaying Disgaea 3 on the Vita version, without doubt some of the best strategy RPG fare there is.

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You tried Disgaea?


I have Disgaea 3 for my Vita, but I haven't played it much.



I decided to fight a Nemesis. What I didn't realise: You actually have to fight it, like, in a battle with the main characters. I thought it would be something that the villagers do.


Needless to say, I got wiped-out in one hit. :laughing:

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even at the same level as a nemesis it can be hard without the right stratergy



so question for those who have done this game

please tell me i'm not going to have to keep repeating this over and over and over?!

even i can tell from the second world reviving the crystals is a bad thing...now i'm on my third world and the same tasks, and the same boses

its letting me master most jobs but my god no this is getting tedious, they could have atleast fleshed out the story more!

maybe i shouldn't aim for getting the best ending on this playthrough


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even at the same level as a nemesis it can be hard without the right stratergy



so question for those who have done this game

please tell me i'm not going to have to keep repeating this over and over and over?!

even i can tell from the second world reviving the crystals is a bad thing...now i'm on my third world and the same tasks, and the same boses

its letting me master most jobs but my god no this is getting tedious, they could have atleast fleshed out the story more!

maybe i shouldn't aim for getting the best ending on this playthrough


A right turd, isn't it? Enough to leave me with a sour impression of the game afterwards.


Bosses are skippable, crystals not. At least not if you want the true end. Otherwise they are skippable.


I have Disgaea 3 for my Vita, but I haven't played it much.



I decided to fight a Nemesis. What I didn't realise: You actually have to fight it, like, in a battle with the main characters. I thought it would be something that the villagers do.


Needless to say, I got wiped-out in one hit. :laughing:


Play Disgaea more! Once it hooks you it's awesome. Getting characters to L9999 and cleaning up is real fun.

Edited by Sheikah
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Fire Temple boss is destroying me at level 40. I can bring him down to half health with special attacks but his magic burst wrecks my team. Then his drain attacks somehow get stronger. :shrug:


Maybe I'll go do the 2 side quests first.


No idea how people are playing this on hard, I struggle on normal...

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Fire Temple boss is destroying me at level 40. I can bring him down to half health with special attacks but his magic burst wrecks my team. Then his drain attacks somehow get stronger. :shrug:


Maybe I'll go do the 2 side quests first.


No idea how people are playing this on hard, I struggle on normal...


He's a killem quick boss, poison him and default/buff for 3 turns and on the 4th he should use energy burst (which can be devastating) so its best to still be defaulting, then on the 5th turn unleash hell! then rinse and repeat

You could/can debuff him while his shield is up, but generally i just poison as it does damage and the debuffs wear off quick

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He's a killem quick boss, poison him and default/buff for 3 turns and on the 4th he should use energy burst (which can be devastating) so its best to still be defaulting, then on the 5th turn unleash hell! then rinse and repeat

You could/can debuff him while his shield is up, but generally i just poison as it does damage and the debuffs wear off quick


Poison works on him? I normally automatically assume it doesn't on bosses. Was thinking of bringing in a Pirate for debuffing him though.


Like I said his attack damage seems to vary, sometimes all 4 survive the Energy Burst, sometimes it can take out 2 - 3 members at once. Maybe I was buffed when I survived though.


I'll try the poison & debuff method tonight. Maybe get the Salve Maker class first if that would help.

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Poison works on him? I normally automatically assume it doesn't on bosses. Was thinking of bringing in a Pirate for debuffing him though.


I was disappointed with the Pirate class. Although I will max it out eventually, it doesn't seem to have a very strong attack. So far, I've fared better when using other attacks with the Thief rather than the Pirate's debuffs.


Personally, I managed to defeat the Fire Temple boss by Defaulting until it had used Energy Burst. It's tempting to attack as soon as it's lowered its shield, but I found only failure that way. As soon as it had used Energy Burst, I had all four characters perform their strongest attacks (I used Thief, Black Mage, Spell Fencer and Ranger, but I'm sure others are just as good/better). If you have Spell Fencer as a sub-class, you can apply Thundara to their weapon at the very beginning of the battle. It lasts 10 turns, so it's still active when you go to attack.

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poison works on most bosses....it comes in hand for a job you dont have yet...


but yeah default until after energy burst, its really random on its power.


i didnt use salve master until chapter 5, so its not needed, but the double hp buffs and regen buffs i bet would have been amazing then!

i found the valkyre class to be awesome, then i had a spell fencer, mage and white mage at the time, i first fought chagmaur

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Get dancer (performer) and freelancer maxed on one person guys. They can do a move called My Hero that gives everyone 1BP but costs them 2BP to use. So you use the ability once followed by as many Freelancer mimics as you can (each Mimic is free to use and doesn't cost further uses of 2BP). It effectively gives each character several BP to use each turn.

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Jobs I'm currently running are:


Tiz: Monk (Sub: Freelancer)

Anges: White Mage (Sub: Black Mage)

Ringabel: Thief (Sub: Thief for some stupid reason, was too lazy to change it. :p Should switch to Spell Fencer.)

Edea: Valkyrie (Sub: White Mage for backup healing, thinking Red Mage might be better here...)


I tend to keep switching them around every so often. Will probably switch Tiz to Pirate.


He ruined one of my attempts by stealing my BP, totally ruined my strategy. :laughing:


Took him down. Switching Tiz to Pirate and adding Spell Fencer to Ringabel helped a lot. Couldn't for the life of me get poison to hit, but I'm guessing it doesn't work when he has his shield up. Still took a couple of attempts due to stupid mistakes I made. Edea hit for 9999 damage with her special attack.


On to the side quests!


Pretty close to finish rebuilding the town as well, just a few levels to go.

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Had a few days break, and just got back. Still beginning of Chapter 5, but said "I want more abilities/job diversity" so first port of call was an area with massive money to get the Money Egg, which I got pretty quick, and coupled with More Money skill, I got the Growth Egg VERY fast. Next port of call is everyone's Freelancer getting upped for More JP. Then skill acquisition begins.

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Done quite a lot of Chapter 4, but really want to get the Vampire job before I move on.


This game is reminding me quite a lot of my playthrough of Final Fantasy XII several years ago. I'm not quite as baffled as I was with that game, but I do have the constant feeling of not quite getting to grips with the gameplay. That's not necessarily a complaint, but this is definitely a continuation of the Final Fantasy style and has reminded me that, though I do have time for that sort of RPG, I'm much more in the Dragon Quest camp.

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Anyone got any hints for DeRosso? Not doing that well with him at the moment before I travel into the pillar of light.


Yeah the same trick for the dragons works. Make all characters ninjas and cast Utsusemi with everyone to gain one complete protection from physical hits (all his hits are physical). Recast when he attacks someone.

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I'll have to make them ninjas then :( I did the dragons without them all being ninjas (except Ringabel).


I was 30,000 off using Edea's Valkyrie power for a KO.


You don't have to level Ninja very far to learn Utsusemi.


Anyone who just hit Chapter 5 and has the airship can find a pretty easy levelling spot outside Starkfort. All the enemies are undead, so you can make one character a spritmaster with white magic secondary ability to easily heal the enemies to kill them off in one go.


It gets even more efficient as you go, too - the Spiritmaster's 'Holy One' (2 slots) passive ability makes healing magic do 2.5 times damage, while the white mage ability 'Epic Group Cast' (3 slots) lets you group target all enemies with healing magic. As well as learning higher level white magic as you go. Speed up battles to 4X and you're looking at about 20 mins to master a job on a character when you have a growth egg on (but you're levelling multiple characters at once).

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