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Fire Emblem Awakening


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I also went Avatar|Tharja they're an amazing pair!


Have you guys been recruiting the past heroes/using them at all, or just sending them to the logbook?


Haven't used them at all, I think I may use a retro squad in another playthrough.

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So your wallet has already done the hardwork and now it's sitting there with its feet up looking smug.


Yep. Wallet is ready for a rest this week.


How are you finding the released ones so far?


Champions of Yore I is pretty simple, is a nice throwback to FE1 though. Gives you Marth though. (Haven't used him yet though, rather not use DLC characters for story chapters.)


Harvest Scramble is basically just for extra conversations between characters. Shame ours got censored bit. However found the enemies pretty difficult due to Counter activating a lot because they have max luck. Would be a good place to level low level characters because they have Miracle which keeps them with 1hp but Counter is deadly.


The Golden Gaffe nets you a ton of gold, that is if you can kill the high level advanced class enemy. they won't attack you directly though, only counter. So it's useful if your short on funds.


Admittedly they do feel a tad over priced so far, the packs are a bit cheaper and the first set was discounted. I believe the Japanese DLC only cost 100yen (65p) individually.

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Admittedly they do feel a tad over priced so far, the packs are a bit cheaper and the first set was discounted. I believe the Japanese DLC only cost 100yen (65p) individually.


That's the thing that bothers me. Our cheapest packs are £5.39 whereas the same in the US is only $6.00 which is ca bit of a urine take. Seems the Yen prices vary from 250 to 400 depending on the item but again, that can work out very favourably for them.



Since they redesigned all the characters, I thought they were going to get custom models too but given most of the old characters have standard class types, they just get their head on standard body don't they? Marth gets a custom model as the Lodestar class but he's the only one, I think.


Had they got totally unique models and animations, I think it could have helped swing a purcahse for certain units but it's just another knock on something that could have been a bit more special.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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Had they got totally unique models and animations, I think it could have helped swing a purcahse for certain units but it's just another knock on something that could have been a bit more special.


I think it just defaults to that model until you download the proper DLC with that character in.

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I think it just defaults to that model until you download the proper DLC with that character in.


Well I just skim watched a video on Champions of Yore III looking for Micaiah footage and she has the exact same body, with a different head, as Tharja only in red instead of black/grey.


I was looking for a picture of Roy the other day and I saw he was a standard Merc but red spiky hair and so I tried looking for a few others and they all seemed like that combo of generic body and new head.

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I just got to Chapter 13 and have a wierd complaint. I am playing Normal Classic mode and now find the game way to easy.


I loved it at the start when my every turn I held my breath and usually lost a member in each round but now some of my team are powered beyond belief even Sully is so good now and she used to be pretty weak.


Will the game get harder? I want to restart and play hard mode once I am finished but feel like doing it now as it is so easy at this point.

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I just got to Chapter 13 and have a wierd complaint. I am playing Normal Classic mode and now find the game way to easy.


I loved it at the start when my every turn I held my breath and usually lost a member in each round but now some of my team are powered beyond belief even Sully is so good now and she used to be pretty weak.


Will the game get harder? I want to restart and play hard mode once I am finished but feel like doing it now as it is so easy at this point.


Child recruitment chapters are a pretty decent step up in difficulty. They appear after finishing Chapter 13 and having some S ranks obtained between your characters.

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I haven't touched the game yet and haven't been looking on here (don't want anything spoiled). It what's going onwith the dlc? There's some on special offer isn't there? Tempted to buy that now ready for when I do, is it worth it? What's the dlc like in general? Is it good value?


Also, what is the spotpass and streetpass features?

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Well I just skim watched a video on Champions of Yore III looking for Micaiah footage and she has the exact same body, with a different head, as Tharja only in red instead of black/grey.


I was looking for a picture of Roy the other day and I saw he was a standard Merc but red spiky hair and so I tried looking for a few others and they all seemed like that combo of generic body and new head.


Got Roy from the DLC and yeah, just a generic model. Disappointing.


Swapped Donnel into a Mercanary and Nowi into a Mage. Avatar is a Dark Mage. Vaike is now a Barbarian, their skill is pretty good for getting some extra cash occasionally.


Undecided on what to do with Lon'que and Sully who are both level 20. Consering going the Wyvern Rider route with Sully.

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And so it continues...





American Censored (from todays NA DLC):





Undecided on what to do with Lon'que


Well his forte is Speed & Skill so as long you make the most of it, all should be fine. I went straight Swordmaster. His high speed and skill coupled with the Astra skill (Deals 5 consecutive hits with half damage) should definitely increase his killing rate (especially helpful against the more defensive units). I'm considering switching over to assassin afterwards but Gaius has already taken that slot... so I don't know. I'll think about it.


If you still don't know what to do I suggest you promote him to a Swordmaster, get the skills and then reclass him to an Assassin so that you can also get the Lethality skill (Instantly defeats the enemy) although the activation rate is low (Skill /4) it can still come in handy especially as his skill will be one of the best out of all the characters (moreso after promoting and reclassing) so at least your chances of activation should increase over time. Finally having access to bows will improve his versatility.

Edited by -Dem0-
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TBH, the US version is probably more provocative than the JPN one :laughing:


I never realized there was so much fan service in the Fire Emblem series.


It's a bit off-putting.


There wasn't... Until this game. It's not that bad in FEA, but I'd be lying if I didn't say that what is there is a bit uncomfortable for me as a long-time fan...

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I'm only slowly progressing through the game, trying to level up my characters. I just got Gregor and Nowi. Plus I got my first marriage, yay! Chrom and Sumia of course!


But now I have no clue who my other characters should marry haha. I don't want to rush it either in case new characters show up... Is there a certain chapter by which they need to have married, or does it not matter at all?


I also have no clue about kids or anything (I didn't know about it until I saw people mentioning it here), so I am basically pairing characters up based on their personality haha.

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I never realized there was so much fan service in the Fire Emblem series.


It's a bit off-putting.


It's DLC anyway so it's not part of the main game, if you don't like it don't buy it. Sorted. :)

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Is there a certain chapter by which they need to have married, or does it not matter at all?


It doesn't really matter when your characters marry each other. However, if you want to have as much time as possible with them, remember that the children become available after completing Chapter 13.


so I am basically pairing characters up based on their personality haha.


Pretty much what I did. I decided to make interesting pairs or just went with those that had the funnier support conversations.

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I've just finished Chapter 10 and was thinking the same thing. At this point, Fredrick is steamrolling entire armies single-handedly! Will wait and see how things progress after Chapter 13. Does anyone know if there's some sort of 'new game plus' mode that allows you to play at a higher difficulty after completion but carry your stats and equipment over to the new file?


Fredrick is a promoted unit, that's why he's killing things so easily. Usually recommended not to use him too much early on.

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Yeah I rarely use Frederick, only ever use him on chapters where I am having trouble with strong enemies. But since I have been leveling up my other characters, they can usually deal with them now.

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I decided I'd start using Frederick for a bit but even for a Oifey type (a good Jeigan), his stats seem low. Anyway, I got him to level 5 for Luna and then reclassed him in a Wyvern Rider so he'd at least get the +2 Strength Skill to help combat the heavily reduced stats from moving to being unpromoted. The major benefit is that he actually gets decent exp from the units he can kill now instead of getting very little from the weaklings he could just about topple before. I then ended up marrying him off to Olivia and then recruited their kid. The enemes were all using forged Silver weapons and it got a bit close at times but luckily, after a few 50/50 dodges early on, I managed to get to a point when I could use the environment a bit better. To be fair, I could have hung back and used it better from the off but then I'd have to wait for the enemy to traverse the rather large map.


Sometimes it's better to sit and wait for them to come to you on the maps they will, but I generally feel like I need to be on the offensive. It's only when it's incredibly obvious, or repeated failed attempts at being offensive, that I opt for a sit back and let them come at me approach.

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And so it continues...





American Censored (from todays NA DLC):



:shakehead Way out of order. Why can't they just give it the correct rating (which it does have - 12+ is fine for a bikini) and put "Suggestive Themes" on it? They are actually censoring proper art here.

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:shakehead Way out of order. Why can't they just give it the correct rating (which it does have - 12+ is fine for a bikini) and put "Suggestive Themes" on it? They are actually censoring proper art here.


To be honest, I find the whole thing a bit gaudy even when covered up. There is just zero need for it even as DLC. I don't see the connection between a bikini clad girl and tales of political intrigue between warring nations. I like that FE takes itself quite seriously for the most part so why is there this lowest common denominator stuff going on?


The supports convos can get a bit silly at times but it's often down to misunderstandings between people as is perfectly common and natural. This is going a bit far in my opinion.


I don't care to what degree they censor an image because I don't think it should have been in their full stop to censored in the first place.

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I don't care to what degree they censor an image because I don't think it should have been in their full stop to censored in the first place.


Don't buy the DLC then. Just because you don't find this an appropriate spin-off for Fire Emblem doesn't actually mean there's a good reason to censor it (or not do it in the first place).

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