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Mario Tennis Open


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I found the galaxy challenge really easy. t's the ring one I'm struggling with... Any tips?!


It seems a lot of people on G-faqs struggled with this one as well. I just used my Mii, with star shirt and blooper racket and did it on my 2nd go. Tips? Not sure really. I suppose the court you play on may have a difference on your outcome. If you want to take it easy then use the sand court as the ball is slower.

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It seems a lot of people on G-faqs struggled with this one as well. I just used my Mii, with star shirt and blooper racket and did it on my 2nd go. Tips? Not sure really. I suppose the court you play on may have a difference on your outcome. If you want to take it easy then use the sand court as the ball is slower.


Interesting, I always go for the fastest court as i thought I needed the ball to be moving as fast as possible to get more points! Why do you think slower?!


I'll keep giving it a go? 483 is my best. With Bowser for that speed (of ball not player :) )

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I found the galaxy challenge really easy. t's the ring one I'm struggling with... Any tips?!


I try and hit as many rings in a single shot as possible. If they're very spread out, go for one of the outliers so that the next is more likely to appear close to one of the others. Also blue shots seem to be the most useful for hitting rings at the edges of the court.

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Interesting, I always go for the fastest court as i thought I needed the ball to be moving as fast as possible to get more points! Why do you think slower?!


Actually you could be right, I was thinking about the court used to beat an ace character.


I finally beat the doubles cup last night. It was sooooo annoying due to my partner being absolutely rubbish. There were so many times when my partner had the chance to use the purple chance shot and finish the game but just never did it. I also seen some cheap AI in action.


I was playing on the Galaxy court and I managed to change the court to that weird one which makes the ball fly off in different directions. I hit the ball a few times and the AI knew EXACTLY where the ball would land, despite it shooting off in random directions. It was like playing Mario Kart all over again!


That's all of the outfits I will be unlocking as I won't get the Streetpass ones, the local multiplayer ones or the online ones. The online ones are doable but people keep disconnecting and you don't get the medal if they do that.


I just need to buy the rest of the rackets ( 60,000 more coins to go :( ) and make 3 more characters star players and then it's done for me.

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I found the galaxy challenge really easy. t's the ring one I'm struggling with... Any tips?!
It's pretty important to make good use of the circle pad when directing shots in that mode. So yeah, don't just use the extremes, try to use subtle movements for shot direction so that you can accurately pass multiple rings (while they're still in their smallest state) as frequently as possible.


The online ones are doable but people keep disconnecting and you don't get the medal if they do that.
Yeah, but you're still adding to your monthly points even if someone d/c's on you, and there's an unlock at 5000 points, so you should keep at it. :)


I just need to buy the rest of the rackets ( 60,000 more coins to go :( ) and make 3 more characters star players and then it's done for me.
I probably only need around 15-20,000 coins to have bought everything now. Just got a few outfits/shoes left to buy.

Also got all the Star characters unlocked, but am still waiting for new QR codes to be released for the rest of the Yoshis and the final secret character.


Anyone got any clue as to when the next QR is getting released? ::shrug:

Edited by RedShell
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I've become a little bored with the game now to be honest. Playing the single player cups is boring and too easy, the mini-games are a bit meh and short-lived fun, and i'm not too enthused about playing online. *sigh*


I guess i should put some time into getting some coins and buying some stuff, but it seems so forced and not entirely enjoyable. I wish there was more of a challenge and unlockables to the single-player experience besides clothes.

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Have you played online with people on here? Still think they've borderline ruined online with friends with it being first t 2-0 (still angers me whenever I think about it)


No i haven't, i would like to though. Be nice if there was a regular time people played like with the Mario Kart 7 league.

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No i haven't, i would like to though. Be nice if there was a regular time people played like with the Mario Kart 7 league.


Someone should make a league. It'd be lots of fun! ^-^

Edited by Fizz
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I've now done everything I want to do on this game. As I said earlier, I wont be getting the outfits for playing online or street passing, but everything else is unlocked.


I checked my final time on the game and it's just under 30 hours! It's my second most played game on the 3DS. It really should be number one though as Mario Land is there at the moment, but I played through that again earlier in the year.

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I've now done everything I want to do on this game. As I said earlier, I wont be getting the outfits for playing online or street passing, but everything else is unlocked.


I checked my final time on the game and it's just under 30 hours! It's my second most played game on the 3DS. It really should be number one though as Mario Land is there at the moment, but I played through that again earlier in the year.

You ain't done yet... ;)




Metal Mario!








Still no QR yet though (even for Japan), will probably be a while before we get it. :hmm:

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So it's kind of official... I accidentally dropped my Mario Tennis Open cartridge on the train and now I don't have it anymore. I've searched every pocket, every crany... 'tis gone.


It's a real shame because I really actually loved it. I felt I championed it quite strongly and I never really got to play online with you guys properly.


BUT... it's not really worth buying AGAIN. You know? And by the time it is cheap enough (and Mario games never get cheap), the WiiU will be out and nobody will probably be playing anymore.


Alas ~

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So it's kind of official... I accidentally dropped my Mario Tennis Open cartridge on the train and now I don't have it anymore. I've searched every pocket, every crany... 'tis gone.


It's a real shame because I really actually loved it. I felt I championed it quite strongly and I never really got to play online with you guys properly.


BUT... it's not really worth buying AGAIN. You know? And by the time it is cheap enough (and Mario games never get cheap), the WiiU will be out and nobody will probably be playing anymore.


Alas ~

Damn, unlucky man. :sad:


I guess that's another potential advantage to the upcoming DD versions of retail games, no more tiny carts to drop/lose. :hmm:

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Caved in and bought this yesterday, only had a quick go but I finished the first two tournaments. The power shots are annoying. I mostly try to ignore them but when they appear wherever the ball is about to go, it's hard to miss them. I mostly use Y and B to hit the ball so generally the only power shots I actually do are the purple smash ones (which I rationalise as being similar to the star shots from the N64 version).


I wish they weren't there though. I really wish Nintendo would just give us the option to turn them off. I can understand why they've done it, they want new players to have a fair chance against people who play it all the time but that's just not how gaming should work. You shouldn't make things easy just for new players. The point of a game (or at least a game like this) is to test your skill and reflexes. There's no improvement if you simply rush to do the power shots every time - and they even appear on nearly every hit of the ball!


With the N64 version, you had a straight tennis game with a variety of standard shots as well as the star shots for when you could smash the ball. These star shots only really appeared when the ball was coming in high and you would realistically be able to smash it. It was logical. It made sense. You even had a designated smash shot that you could do even when it wasn't specifically a 'star shot'. I've not seen that so far in this game - the only smashes you can do are when you have the purple power shot appear.


You had a sense of reality and flow to the game and you could try to work your opponent into playing high shots so you could smash them. It felt like you were playing the game. With these new power shots you don't feel anything. In the N64 version you charged up your shot and had to press the buttons just right and make sure you had somewhere to put it otherwise it had the risk of going out. With these new power shots all you get it 'stand over there and press this'. There's no sense of playing the game, no feel of the gameplay. You literally just move into a circle and press a button. It is boring and simplistic.


Having got that off my chest I can start trying to enjoy the game. Underneath the idiotic power shots it's still reminiscent of the game I loved on the N64 so I will do my best to unearth it.

Edited by The Peeps
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