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Comic Book Discussion Issue #2


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In reply to Dan from the previous thread about Justice League #1. I was reading Bleeding Cools review of it earlier and agreed with a lot of their points. Mainly that while it's a very good comic issue, it wasn't a great #1 issue and I think it being the flagship title of this relaunch it should have gotten going a bit quicker. As they said it reads more like Brave and the Bold than JL.


That being said though, the number 1 issue is over and done with now so I can just enjoy the rest of the origin arc.

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Read the new Invincible and ASM. Both pretty good reads, a much more low key Invincible issue this time, setting up the way both Mark and the world is changing. Spider Island still seems pretty good, some nods to old villains as well which I always like. I could still use less of Carlie in this title though and not just because I prefer Mary Jane. She just seems a bit of a meh character to me, despite their attempts to flesh her out a bit since they started dating.

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Not much.


Arkham Asylum. Awesome.

The Invisibles. Dull.

Batman Inc. Some good, some bad.


Read more.


Read All-Star Superman. You have no excuse. It's 12 issues entirely self-contained.


Then...I don't know. Any other runs of his. Not The Filth, if you found Invisibles dull. Animal Man. Just dü it. I don't believe you've reached your Morrison capacity yet.


And his Batman and Robin is > Batman Inc.

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I bought Justice League 1 today. Fully on board the new 52 train.


Justice League issue 1 review vague spoilers ahead:




Strong two page spread of him. :grin:


Huge banter between him and Green Lantern. Shipping has begun.


Green Lantern is being a huge jebend and is like SUCK IT BATMAN YOU HAVE NO POWERS I'LL HANDLE SUPERMAN. DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT!


Superman swiftly fully dicks him in the face. (In and around the mouth.) Great entrance.


Next issue: batman/superman, erotic sex ensues. :)

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Yeah, need to get round to All-Star Superman. I dunno, after reading Supergods I can't escape the vibe that he talks a lot of shit, but every now and again he comes up with a gem.


You should probably read some of the work that best reflects what he's talking about in Supergods (I'm reading it atm too, 3/4 through).


By that I'd be talking about Animal Man, Doom Patrol, (Invisibles), his extended Batman run (though that's not my favourite thing he's ever done, it's unique), New X-Men...


Just read one of his long storylines. Or just read Flex Mentallo actually. 4 issues. Done. The most *stunned* Ive ever been by a comic. Bestfavourite writer, bestfavourite artist. Yes. I died.


ANYWAY. Please continue.

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so having read this weeks comics my thoughts


Flashpoint #5 - I've enjoyed the event, but it seems to me it took 5 issues just so

Flash could deliver a letter from Thomas Wayne to Bruce



Justice League #1 - really enjoyed this, loved the arrogance of Green Lantern (plus him getting taken down a peg) nice first issue, plus Jim Lee's art was really good


I'm really looking forward to the proper start of the new DCU next week though, this week was my smallest pile of the year thanks to DC only having 2 books out ;)

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Uncanny X-Force 14


Oh my god.


This is possibly my fave issue of the year, of any comic. It's just perfect.


UM HOW will they recover from this? I'm shocked.

I mean, he and Genocide (a joke, hey Holocaust's son!) just destroyed a small town, killing hundreds. Fuck. Is there a reason Warren hasn't been on post-Schism previews so far? Will he become a full-fledged villain?



The characterisations are so good and uncliched. Archangel's ascendance is being handled so well, and non-apocalypse-y.


Psylocke, you're fucking brilliant.

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