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Comic Book Discussion Issue #2


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Just a heads up, I'm no big comic book fan, but it's Free Comic Book Day today!


Just went to Forbidden Planet and got a goodie bag with:


The Avengers - Age of Ultron

Grant Morrison's Dinosaurs vs Aliens

The Hypernaturals



Other things also available, think it's bit of a lucky dip what you get in your bag.

All preview type issues I think, but still pretty cool for a comic novice :)

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Is antman any good as a character?


If so what should I check out that's got him in. :)


I'm not sure on any books with the original Ant-Man, but there was a series called The Irredeemable Ant-Man which is supposed to be pretty good. It was written by Robert Kirkman and although it only lasted 12 issues it was well reviewed from what I've seen.

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Yeah ReZ loves that book. I havent got around to reading it yet, it tends to be quite expensive to buy so for now there are cheaper trades Id rather purchase.


Ive never really read much of Hank Pym Ant-man. Im starting to fix that with the Avengers vol.3 trades ive been buying. I hear the one that should get to me in the next few days has the best Ultron story in it so that should be pretty Pym heavy.

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Green Lantern Annual #1


GREEN LANTERN ANNUAL #1 reunites the acclaimed creative team of writer Geoff Johns and artist Ethan Van Sciver, who have previously collaborated on such titloes as GREEN LANTERN: REBIRTH, GREEN LANTERN: THE SINESTRO CORPS WAR and THE FLASH: REBIRTH.


"Working with Ethan means things change, things are revealed and new characters rise,” Geoff Johns revealed to THE SOURCE. “It's the madness of our collaborations that started all this and will continue it. The universe is a dangerous place. And it's about to get even more so..."


“GREEN LANTERN ANNUAL #1 not only brings the Black Hand story to a truly unexpected close, but sets up the major events that will heavily impact the entire Green Lantern franchise in a truly devastating way,” continued editor Matt Idelson. “And there's no more appropriate pairing for this book than reuniting Geoff Johns with Ethan Van Sciver, given the Green Lantern history those two have under their belts.”


GREEN LANTERN ANNUAL #1 will span across 48 pages. Look for the issue in stores on August 29th.


That cover is an familiar looking cover, so end of the lanterns then?

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I may have just missed it in the art but has anyone else noticed the crack in Cap's shield since Fear Itself ended? Ive looked for it a couple of times but never seen it. Havent been reading his solo book though so maybe its been mentioned in there?


just had a look at the latest issue from the solo book and there's no crack in the shield in there.

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Right, I've been reading loads recently.


Green Lantern Annual? YES. I am hyped for this. Green Lantern has been fucking fantastic the last few issues, especially the most recent issue 9 - awesome reveals, and a very cool ending. Ahhhhh. God. So good.


Batman has been pretty great/fantastic.


Invincible was awesome, glad to see certain things, and the ending was cool.


The Walking Dead has been amazing, this "Something To Fear" arc is shaping up to be one of the best arcs. Sounds amazing, and the (main villain?)'s name is awesome and evil.


Basically, yes.


Also I am looking forward to showing you photos of my room. It is <3. I get the internet in still another week though, its well annoying.

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Shame to see Justice League International is being cancelled after issue 12. I hope we see some of those characters turn up elsewhere. As Bleeding Cool said when they reported it, its an odd choice as its outselling multiple other books that are staying around.

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More Kid Flash. More Flash. I fucking love The Flash. It's almost painful waiting for The Flash to come out monthly. It's been absolutely brilliant. Gorilla Grodd up next.


Maybe that's a way the could bring Wally West back. Or summit.

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Wonder Woman in Batwoman?




Also this is pretty nomalicious.




Jae Lee's covers are like sculptures, really gorgeous. Check out his Wolverine covers rom last year/2010/whenever. They read like a series, like an artist in a gallery would make. A lot of variation within conformity.


I *acquired* all of New Avengers (the mid-00's series) today, which I never read but felt like I should. So I will.

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