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How many people you get to move there?


I've only gotten 3 so far


Miller from Colony 9 (easy as it was given to ya in the explanation thing :heh:)

A Nopon from Frontier Village and a High Entia from Alcamoth, can't remember their names though.


There's one guy in Colony 9 I'm sure will be one to move but it's not giving me the option to invite him yet (Olediski or something, not sure the spelling)


He's the only one I have on my "to move" list though


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Late game question for those at the end/have completed the game.


I'm back in Colony 6 after beating Egil at the Mechonis Core and now I can use Junks to go to the Mechonis interior but I also have the tephra cave quests. Having wandered around there, the enemies are level 89+ compared to my 73 and I cant hit them.


So can I still progress the story to fight and level up before coming back or doesfollowing the story trap me there?


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WOOT, got a full party of 7 :yay:


I knew when Fiora was revealed in the Silver Face she'd be playable again.


At first I was thinking it seemed stupid as I loved how they "killed her off" so early in the game. It was a shocking moment at the start. Bringing her back seemed to devalue that moment.


But then when she did become playable again the difference of her being part mechon made things pretty cool... although she does seem to be pretty limited in terms of new weapons and armour with few slots for customisation.


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Bionis Leg is definitely the place to go for grinding before the final boss. I've just spent an hour there, and there are loads of monsters in the high 70s - low 80s, especially around Windy Cave. My next stop was Satorl Marsh... where I received a couple of new quests, and the same at Frontier Village. Looks like I won't be heading to the final boss for quite a while. :)

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The other thing that put me off was the size of the first town. Yes, I have argued for large overworlds, but not cluttered ones. I meant things like having huge open spaces and fields if that fits the design. This town took ages to run round, accepting quests etc.


Pretty much everything you describe is how I felt when I started Xenoblade the other week. Its very overwhelming to begin with! However the more I played, the more I got to grips with it in every way. I know the game is a pain right now but give it a little more time before giving up on it completely. Have you reached the Bionis Leg? Thats where you go when you properly leave Colony 9. You can quit once you reach this point if your opinion hasn't changed. :heh:


Reading all of this thread is captivating BUT this game certainly seems way to complicated and hardcore for me to be able to give it a fair go.


Don't fear it. The game is chock full of tutorials. Everything about the mechanics is drip fed to you. :)

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I'm up to the Mechonis Feild I'm guessing about half way up it? Just had a cut scene where the gang made camp for a bit.


Had a great wow moment looking at an awesome view. Found the secret area "Distant Fingertip", man the view down was pure awesome.


Also there's some blue orb collectables that I can't find and it's driving me mad :mad:


Anyone know if I can get any (hopefully all) of these items via a trade or overtrade and from who?


Sirius Anemone - From Colony 6 (still haven't found 1 of these bitches yet, poor Olga can't get her CHemist reopened :heh:)

Enigma Lotus - From Makna Forest (I've found 2 but I need 4 more and I've run round that forest too much now)

Gold Burdock - From Eryth Sea (not gotten 1 yet, come on...)

Ice Cabbage - From Valak Mountains (got 1, but I think that's the only one on the mountain and I need 1 more and getting sick of the snow :cry:)


Also had a bit of a dumbass moment earlier.

My item inventory was full so decided to sell off a load to make money as I was running low. Then about an hour later (and well after having saved the game) I realised I sold some items I needed for Colony 6 rebuilding




Also does anyone else enjoy putting the female characters in skimpy clothes/armour (yet still keeping decent stats of course).


I currently got Sharla and Melia in some sort of Cream or Oil thing, so Sharla got nothing but a bra on and Melia in that nightgown/swimsuit thing (damn royalty, why no bra).


And the Speed Armour you can buy for Fiora in the Hidden Village is *nice*, though I am a little sad I can't put her back in the full bikini outfit I had her in at the start of the game.



Ah guilty pleasures

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I played a bit more this past hour, my first since Tuesday night, picking up from outside the mines. I thought Colony 6 was just around the corner, but alas! I've trekked up through the foggy area, doesn't it look pretty great at night time? Reminded me of the Azure Forest in Etrian Odyssey.




I was hoping to happen upon another Brog to complete the kill two quest for the Nopon chap. I only came across the one for now so that will have to remain on my quest list a while longer.

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Also had a bit of a dumbass moment earlier.

My item inventory was full so decided to sell off a load to make money as I was running low. Then about an hour later (and well after having saved the game) I realised I sold some items I needed for Colony 6 rebuilding

This is why having limited inventory space for materials is such a stupid idea. The Witcher did the same thing. :indeed:


Also, collectables:


Sirius Anemone - overtrade with Nikita

Enigma Lotus - overtrade with Npa or trade with Kilaki (two-star affinity)

Gold Burdock - trade with Galvin (three-star affinity)

Ice Cabbage - trade with Yura (four-star affinity)


All of this is courtesy of the Xenoblade wiki, so I can't verify it.


Eryth Sea has a secret area where you can find twelve collectables at night, so that's an easy way to get everything you need in that area.

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I played a bit more this past hour, my first since Tuesday night, picking up from outside the mines. I thought Colony 6 was just around the corner, but alas! I've trekked up through the foggy area, doesn't it look pretty great at night time? Reminded me of the Azure Forest in Etrian Odyssey.




I was hoping to happen upon another Brog to complete the kill two quest for the Nopon chap. I only came across the one for now so that will have to remain on my quest list a while longer.


Save and reload where you kill a monster and it'll respawn.

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10 and a half hours in, level 19, 60,000 money dollars.


I've hardly sold anything.


I only started running out of space and selling stuff recently, at about 50 hours in.


This is why having limited inventory space for materials is such a stupid idea. The Witcher did the same thing. :indeed:


Also, collectables:


Sirius Anemone - overtrade with Nikita

Enigma Lotus - overtrade with Npa or trade with Kilaki (two-star affinity)

Gold Burdock - trade with Galvin (three-star affinity)

Ice Cabbage - trade with Yura (four-star affinity)


All of this is courtesy of the Xenoblade wiki, so I can't verify it.


Eryth Sea has a secret area where you can find twelve collectables at night, so that's an easy way to get everything you need in that area.


Ah cheers, didn't realise there was a wiki already.

I'm gonna have to give in on these items and take the help cause trying to find them at random from the blue orbs is doing my head in.



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What does overtrade mean?


In the google doc that Sheikah linked to there are numbers against each of the characters (-1, 0, +2, etc....). What do these mean? Are they based on likelihood of finding the said items?


I have been having the same problems with collectables. It took me ages to get 5 venomous lizards in Makna and I have no Bitter Kiwis from there either, or Forget-you-not from the Satorl.

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Yeah, sometimes what you trade has to be quite a bit more valuable to get the extra item.


According to the google doc, you can get bitter kiwis from Leku during the day on the archeology centre level of frontier village, providing you have 3 star affinity with the village.


Again for those who want this incredibly useful resource, it's here:




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Whilst I still haven't finished the game — I originally put off heading to the final showdown until I'd completed the renovation project, but now I've been drawn into a few high-level quest lines — I'll be surprised if any track troubles the following as far as funkiness goes:


In general I think the music's rather good. It doesn't really stand out — you'd probably have a tough time humming it to someone — but that's a good thing in a sense as it's just complimenting the world and environments rather than taking the focus off them.

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Don't worry, you're definitely not at the last area - I was there 5 or so hours ago, and I know I've still got a few areas left. You'll get some new timed quests soon, which run out when you finish the area - the same time as the Alcamoth quests finish.


Just got to the bit when the quests end, the story has become really good here are my views, im near the end so huge spoilers


Alcomoth quests gone because the high entia are becoming telethia

:(, dickson is actually evil and now I think alvis and that red high entia are also disciples of the bionis god zanza who will be the last boss


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Sirius Anemone - overtrade with Nikita

Enigma Lotus - overtrade with Npa or trade with Kilaki (two-star affinity)

Gold Burdock - trade with Galvin (three-star affinity)

Ice Cabbage - trade with Yura (four-star affinity)


Cheers, was able to trade/overtrade for all those items expect the ice cabbage :cry:


Found Yura in Alcamoth but he didn't have any Ice Cabbage for trade or overtrade, grrrr. Back to the mountain I go.


Got a good bit of play time in today about 4 hours, though haven't progressed any further in Mechonis Field, as I went looking for the above trades I ended up finding some new side quests, which I though "hey this won't take long" and then while doing those side quests I found MORE SIDE QUESTS. Mostly in Frontier Village and some in Alcamoth.


Got totally side tracked by those so haven't moved the story on much more. On the plus side I have increased my level to 61 and of course I am helping more people (I like helping people in need... though some ask for too much) :D


Managed to get new skill trees for Dunban and Melia too which is cool.


Might try reduce the number of side quests again tomorrow before moving the story on.


Oh I also Finally got the affinity with Sharla and Melia up high enough to complete that side quest from Colony 9 with two girls. So lately I've been messing with different teams.


Today heard the best after battle banter from the characters ever.


*fight ends*

Reyn: You can't spell Rainbow without Reyn

Melia: Ah Dunban can you talk to Reyn

Dunban: No it's ok, we'll just pretend it never happened.



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The Ice Cabbage has to be the most elusive pick up in the game - it's not even funny how long I've spent up that mountain without coming across the 3 I need (2 for Col 6 and one for scrap book).


As for funds, I'm sitting on about 5 and half million... if only there was something worthwhile to spend it on. I still seem to be missing some intermediate art books but I'm sure I bought all the art books as I came to each vendor so I'm not sure where they are. Might have to guide it.


I did some levelling up on the Bionis Leg near the stone spiral thing as there is a cave with a unique spider creature and a few giant eggs that reveal level 80 beasts. I was giving them a good kicking though (got the achievement for beating something 5 levels higher than me) and have picked up few advanced art books from the unique beast.


I then carried on with the story and found myself much stronger than the regular enemies but a bit troubled by some uniques with spike damage. And then next boss actually managed to kill me though to be fair, there was a strategy to winning that I wasn't sure of at first and the environment wasn't helping either.


I have to say this. I'm worried about completing this game... or rather not completing it fully. It's so long that, despite being absolutely brilliant, I'm unsure whether I'll be able to have the time to go though it all again and go for 100% - especially given the grindy nature of some of the quests which won't have the novelty anymore.


Anyone else feel like that?

Edited by Captain Falcon
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I then carried on with the story and found myself much stronger than the regular enemies but a bit troubled by some uniques with spike damage.

In case you didn't know, Shulk's Purge negates Spike damage for the duration of its effect. It's way easier to keep that up then faff about with Spike damage reduction gems.

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In case you didn't know, Shulk's Purge negates Spike damage for the duration of its effect. It's way easier to keep that up then faff about with Spike damage reduction gems.


Yeah I know but I often don't realise I'm being spiked to begin with. I normally cast Armour upon going into fights (it's like a reflex) because it just seems like the most useful thing to do with the talent guage but I don't think it has a bearing on Spike damage and that what catches me if I'm not looking for it.

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