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I'm up to level 65 now, about 75 hours in, I think. Does anyone else who's got past getting the 7th party member agree that the areas in the second half of the game all look pretty samey? Nothing's wowed me for quite a while now...


I am in the next area after where you find the seventh party member...



The Beach where Fiora is (her return being incredibly obvious - it would have been far more surprising if they gave us someone else) was really nice and I liked wandering around it even if it was nowhere near as big as some other places. Getting to the distant finger tip and seeing the hand from up there is pretty cool. That place felt pretty fesh and being compact to, unlike the Valek Mountain or Sword Valley, meant it was far more dense.


I am just at the beginning of the area after that, Mechonis Field, and I'm not liking the first impression. Seeing 6 floors on the map screen makes me think it will represent a big chunk of my time on Machonis even if it's not big overall meaning the game is coming to an end. But it looks sinfully dull with brown cylinder after cylinder but then Bionis has spoiled us. And yet, they are supposed to be totally oppposites so it stands to reason but you still can't help wishing for something more interesting.



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Go away from the area and fight some random battles to fill your chain meter up to maximum but don't use it. That way when you start the fight, a couple of hits will a fill it back up again and then you have chain attack to unleash almost right off the bat.


Also, have you been levelling up your arts?


Cool. This worked thanks! :)

I'm now at level 29 and have just started rebuilding Colony 6 whilst at the marshes.

It's all a little Avatar when night falls there, no? :love:

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Go away from the area and fight some random battles to fill your chain meter up to maximum but don't use it. That way when you start the fight, a couple of hits will a fill it back up again and then you have chain attack to unleash almost right off the bat.


Also, have you been levelling up your arts?

This. It can make such a difference.


Also, get Dunban to learn the skill Mind of the Warrior. Then either keep him in your party or have one of your party members skill link this skill. This way the party gauge drops only slowly outside of battle, meaning you'll generally keep a relatively high party guage providing you kill the odd monster here and there while exploring.


A tip for some of you guys out there, if you don't already know this. Providing you're at the stage where you have a steady supply of rank 3 crystals/cylinders, you can get gems of a good quality easily. Basically, you need 2 crystals that both have a particular quality you want (e.g. double attack). Save first. Select one of these crystals and another random crystal, then start gem crafting. You're aiming to get the double attack quality as close as you can to 99% without going to 100. If you reach 100 or above then reload. Upon finishing gem crafting, in the best case you will have made double attack reach 99% and therefore it is not high enough to become a gem, so you get to take a cylinder containing only the double attack quality at 99%


Basically, repeat this for your other crystal with the double attack quality. In the best case scenario, you now have two separate cylinders each containing only the double attack quality at 99%. Save the game again. Now you want to use two characters with high affinity to maximise the number of turns crafting (I use Shulk and Reyn, respectively). Select both cylinders to craft - because both cylinders contain the quality at 99% you start off at 198%. This means you only need to gain 102% while crafting to reach mega heat, at which point you gain two rank IV gems that give the maximum bonus rank IV gems can give. This can take some saving/reloading but it can be worth it.



Also, I've been using this super google document resource that usefully lists NPC/quest locations. Since the game's quest/NPC/map tracking system is quite poor and there's the opportunity to miss out on timed quests I think it's fairly justified to use!

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Gem Stuff



I do this all the time. Crafterd me 2 Rank V Double Attack Gems with 30% activation rate - done via mega heat. Stuck one on Dunban to go with his Rank IV one at 24% because the max benefit is 50%.


Worth pointing out to be careful who you select for gem crafting too when doing this. The closer to 99% the gem is, the more you have to worry about going over so pick a combination with poor affinity and who's skills don't match too well.


I've been building up the affinity between Reyn and Dunban because Reyn scores big points with Strong Flames and Dunban has a good change of a Strong Flame. The other characters aren't able to concentrate on a single attribute like that. So I wouldn't use that combination for trying to build up a crystal/cylinder as you are likely to go over but for the actual Gem itself, it seems the best combo for Mega Heat.


Every so often, I just sit there for an hour or so crafting gems to get what I want and turn two 10% crystals into a 200/300% beauties to ensure my domination.

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More gem stuff


I never realised gem crafting could get so complicated! I admit, I never really understood how it works - I just choose a crystal, add some other flashing crystals, choose Shulk and Dunban, then hammer A and see what comes out at the end. And to be honest, the only times I've ever thought about doing gem crafting is when I've run out of space for new crystals, so have to use up old ones.

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I never realised gem crafting could get so complicated! I admit, I never really understood how it works - I just choose a crystal, add some other flashing crystals, choose Shulk and Dunban, then hammer A and see what comes out at the end. And to be honest, the only times I've ever thought about doing gem crafting is when I've run out of space for new crystals, so have to use up old ones.


When the game explained it to me, I kinda glossed over the entire thing and didn't take much in at all. But then once I got out of the mine, I started to mess around a bit. And then when I got the portable crafting device, that's when I really started getting into it.


I've not really looked at the skills for the 7th party member yet so maybe they will over some benfits too but right now, my tactics for crafting are working perfectly. Now it's just about finding the crystals. I wouldn't mind a couple of nice Haste ones but I don't think I've come across one Wind crystal with that skill - the only time I've got a Haste Gem is via a quest reward/collectopedia. But then Double Attack works a bit similarly. I'm not sure though if a Double Attack fills the talent gauge twice or not.


In fact, I'm sure some are reward only, such as Heat Vent III for Sharla that stops her Gun overheating. I was playing as her for a bit the other day and it was rather annoying.

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I do this all the time. Crafterd me 2 Rank V Double Attack Gems with 30% activation rate - done via mega heat. Stuck one on Dunban to go with his Rank IV one at 24% because the max benefit is 50%.


Worth pointing out to be careful who you select for gem crafting too when doing this. The closer to 99% the gem is, the more you have to worry about going over so pick a combination with poor affinity and who's skills don't match too well.


I've been building up the affinity between Reyn and Dunban because Reyn scores big points with Strong Flames and Dunban has a good change of a Strong Flame. The other characters aren't able to concentrate on a single attribute like that. So I wouldn't use that combination for trying to build up a crystal/cyclinder as you are likely to go over but for the actual Gem itself, it seems the best combo for Mega Heat.


Every so often, I just sit there for an hour or so crafting gems to get what I want and turn two 10% crystals into a 200/300% beauties to ensure my domination.


Shulk is good to use because of his high chance of going into fever, and really I've only been pairing him with Reyn because their affinity was so easy to get up early on (pretty sure it was quite high to begin with?). Really, so long as you can gain about 120% in a single quality crafting session it doesn't matter so much which pair you use. Getting two gems to 85% or so is sufficient really, so then you have about 130% to gain to get mega heat. Usually my characters all jump in with support giving me tons of % to get to 300. The most tedious bit is me trying to get gems close to 99% to begin with, because I do like to go into the craft knowing they have the best chance of mega heat. :p


My team so far has been Dunban, Melia and Sharla, switching Sharla occasionally with Shulk. I switched Shulk out for now to get Sharla and Melia's affinity up for the Colony 9 quest. Although Melia is pretty ace, for sure.

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Shulk is good to use because of his high chance of going into fever, and really I've only been pairing him with Reyn because their affinity was so easy to get up early on (pretty sure it was quite high to begin with?). Really, so long as you can gain about 120% in a single quality crafting session it doesn't matter so much which pair you use. Getting two gems to 85% or so is sufficient really, so then you have about 130% to gain to get mega heat. Usually my characters all jump in with support giving me tons of % to get to 300. The most tedious bit is me trying to get gems close to 99% to begin with, because I do like to go into the craft knowing they have the best chance of mega heat. :p


My team so far has been Dunban, Melia and Sharla, switching Sharla occasionally with Shulk. I switched Shulk out for now to get Sharla and Melia's affinity up for the Colony 9 quest. Although Melia is pretty ace, for sure.


Shulk's fever allows for lots of point increases but they are all low values so you really need it to happen. Reyn and Dunban will hit just as high without the need for a fever which is why I prefer them - I consider it less risky overall. It can be a bit laborious at times I'll admit. And only being able to sort between "Recent" and "Colour" is a bit annoying. I have to select one I want to work with and then flick through every page to see if I have another crystal I can pair it with. At least they flash to make it easy but sometimes you forget what you have after scouring 10 pages.


Also, if you want help to build affinity between party members, go into your inventory and then to the collectables. Select one and you will be able to gift it from one character to another and improve their affinity without having to battle or quest. There are actual Achievements for doing this as well.

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The only downside to that I think is having to raise Reyn and Dunban's affection by having them both in your party (or spending a lot of time gifting etc). They're basically there to serve the same purpose as sort of tanks (although I prefer Dunban as he's also a good damage dealer). I think having a good few characters that like you dramatically improves gem crafting, because they always jump in and give far more points than your two characters crafting ever do in 1 go.


Also combined with Shulk's skill that increases fury chance, fury seems to happen fairly often with me.


Regarding the affinity boosting, while you can gift, as I recall the best way to do this is to equip rubbish weapons and fight certain enemies with spike damage later on that reduces tension. Constantly mashing B rewards you with 2 hearts for every time you encourage. Cheap but easy way to secure lots of affinity.

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Yeah, that is the only catch. In the beginning, Shulk and Reyn is the way to go because they have that super high affinity already - it did take a bit of work to get Reyn and Dunban where they are but then it did help to keep regular battle times to absolute minimum when them pair went in arms swinging. Yet when crafting now, they get high teens with every shot. With maximum affinity, so more shots, they could take a pair from barely over 100% to 300% without any help from the team or fever.


I saw it as a quick solution to wanting to build gems but having an overall low affinity throughout the team. Now it's strong, it's much less of an issue.


I wouldn't say Dunban is tank though. Yes he draws the aggro like Reyn but he should be dodging attacks unlike Reyn who is happy to take them on the chin with his high HP. Ultimately, they are doing the same job of keeping the enemy busy whilst dishing it out too.

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I think Dunban is a different tank to Reyn. Reyn is basically there to absorb damage and use a variety of skills to draw enemies to attack him. Dunban on the other hand aims to dodge attacks while drawing aggro due to his furiously fast, high damage attacks. Dunban also has some aggro drawing moves to make him work as a tank, such as peerless as well as the aggro absorbing blinding blossom.


At the end of the day they're both there to hold the monster's attention off weaker characters/characters with backstab, which I think is what qualifies them as tanks.

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At the end of the day they're both there to hold the monster's attention off weaker characters/characters with backstab, which I think is what qualifies them as tanks.


I've noticed though that those characters with the back attacks actually must use them back attacks to hit anywhere as hard as Reyn or Duban do with their regular attacks. So when that is in cooldown, they are pretty weak.


I'm using Shulk right now as fighting mechon and need to control his enchant art but it means I'm not able to destroy things like when leading with Dunban - Dunban has been benched to improve affinity with the new guy... though the new guy can hit mechon without the enchant skill by the looks of it so maybe I will use them for a bit instead. Still means I can't include Dunban though unless I'm prepared to drop Sharla. Decisions, Decisions...


Yes, I'm a Dunban fanboy - the guy is a legend :p


Right, all this chatting has to be followed up with some gameplay me thinks.

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Well Melia is probably the/one of the highest damaging characters in the game, and if setup properly can keep on using attacks. Shulk with good attack stability/haste/double attack is probably best just constantly attacking and will easily push out more damage than Reyn. Dunban is the same in terms of furiously hitting. Maybe it's just me, but I went from liking Reyn at the beginning of the game to not using him because he's just too slow to be a contender.


Yeah, with regards to Mechon, I've heard the 7th character can hit without problem (not got the 7th character yet though), and Melia can also hit mechon without enhcant. Then there's the anti-mechon blade Dunban can put on, so really Shulk can be left out (though for Mechon, I'd keep him in).

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Well after a good 14 hours or so on this today, I believe I may well be at the end of the game, or at least very close. I think I might not finish it just yet though as I'd like to level up my squad a little more and take on some of the biggest and baddest monsters I've come across, as well as build Colony 6... I've only built it to level 1 standards so far!


And of course I must say again... this game is truly brilliant!

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Managed to get a chance to play this this morning for a bit.


Opened the seals in the Sea and went to Prison Island, ignored all the monsters in there and ran right to the end to advance the story...


(Next bit in spoilers)



OK, WHAT THE FRAK is going on.... how the hell is Fiora still alive? Or for that matter how did the Mechon get her body? Did Shulk and co not stick her in the ground after the attack on Colony 9?


I guess I can hazard a guess that she'll end up being the final party member at some point?


Which kinda pisses me off, takes away the surprise and shock of her "death" at the start. I thought that was a pretty bold move to kill off what appeared to be a main character and loved that. Meh I'll get over it I guess.


Would have liked to have killed Metal Face.



The bit with Zanza and Alvin at the end of it was interesting too, can't wait to see what is going on there.


Also it's frakking awesome I can now do proper damage to Faced Mechon.



Had to finish up then after that hopefully I'll get a chance to jump into it again later.

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How many hours have you racked up so far, altogether?


Around 85, I can't remember the exact number.


91 hours now after this afternoon/evening. I've got Colony 6 up to level 3 now.

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I've got 82 hours on my clock I think.


I was in a boss fight not too long ago and Dunban just went up to the it and beat it... on his own.


I was Shulk and was just trying to clear out the minions with Sharla before focusing on the boss but obviously Dunban had other ideas - ideas that involved being awesome.


Edit: it's actually 87 hours.

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Well, Monday morning has arrived, which means new term and back to being a teacher again for me - so no more huge Xenoblade sessions. I reckon I'll be lucky if I can get the equivalent of one holiday day's game time in before the weekend now. :weep:

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Moving ever closer to the 70 hour mark. All at level 68 so making good progress but having to keep pushing on with the story to keep picking up side quests and find enemies that'll give me the XP and item drops necessary to keep moving forward.


Story is certainly getting interesting. Major plot twist unearthed, events unfolding.... Just so damn good. Game has been taking a battering, though, in terms of the frame rate in my current location.


"]In the Mechonis capital Agniratha and the amount of slowdown in battles is just chronic sometimes. Having to turn the camera to face a wall or something most of the time to keep things running smoothly but doesn't always work.


Interesting place though, and loved getting the true story when you arrived. Plenty of unique monsters but strangely, I've only had 4 quests to kill specific ones and don't want to touch the others in case other quests become available but when I went back to the data tower, there weren't any ::shrug: Still not going to kill them just in case because some fo the uniques in my game have taken forever to show up again after killing them outside of quests



Trying not to rush the game to its ending, even though I kind of want it completed before I head back to Uni next Monday. Trying to savour everything it throws at me.

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I went back to Colony 9 and did a few sidequests. However, it was a bit confusing trying to find people to return to so after lots of running around and not finding them, I zoomed/ skipped back over to the big bridge and headed for Colony 6. I also think this game could do with a bestiary. It tracks pretty much everything else, why not baddies? ::shrug: I saw on my quest list that theres a few with timer icons at them. When do these vanish?


Something I noticed was AP points are per character. I thought there was just a big pool to allocate to the whole party. It meant I'd a few extra points to spend on Shulk after thinking I'd just concentrate on powering up the other two a bit.


I'm about to resume with that classic JRPG scenario of sneaking in somewhere through the sewers. Should I go back and do some Chuckle Brothers materia/ gem crafting?

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depends, where are those quests? Bionis Leg? Not sure, because they all depend on another seperate timed quest. As discussed previously, the ones in Bionis Leg you get told that the quests are about to disappear, but not for the quest that gives you said warning, which is also timed. So just do them now :p Gamefaqs gave me nothing.


Also, quests where you have to choose what to do, like the quest with Monica, Erik and Andreas, have a timer because choosing one NPC over another eliminates the quest to the person you didn't choose.

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