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Solus version sold out everywhere :( ?


*sigh* well I did mention that Play.com still had the game 'in stock' for £29.99... four days ago. :rolleyes:


Where can i buy this for £29.99 please , and pay by paypay if possible ?


My friend really wants a copy


Play.com still have copies, honestly it's probably your best bet being that ShopTo are currently out of stock.


I specifically mentioned Play because I knew it'd be out of stock in all the major high-street shops... at least you have your copy at any rate, this friend of yours, do they mind possibly paying a bit more than £29.99?


If friend doesn't mind then I might be able to get copy for friend. [/Nopon] :)

Edited by S.C.G
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Well damn I may have missed him in the Marsh so... I kept looking at the map looking for the ! to appear :heh:


I went looking for him in the mines but was looking for the exclamation mark and never saw it so I went wandering in the Marsh and did eventually find him. If you still can't find him, let me know and I can tell you where he is.



I went to the sea last night and it looked very nice and a welcome change from the forest setting I was just in that felt a bit claustrophobic at times.


Did anyone else find the quests from the frontier village a bit annoying? It seemed most of them required you to find something/someone and return but trying to find the person who gave me the original request was a nightmare. I had a few quests that weren't completed because despite doing what they asked, I had no idea where they were. Must have spent hours just wandering around that place not progressing at all.

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Got to Makna Forest last night and called it quits there until today when I went off exploring and wow! Walking over Bridge 1 was just incredible. Hope I'm not the only one who saw the view and decided to jump from the bridge and go and have a closer look. Not as impressive close up but still, I do feel that Skyward Sword is going to have a really hard job bringing anywhere as visually inspiring or impressive as some of the places this game has mustered.


So, got Melia in my team now as well (well, actually she's a reserve along with Dunban because so far, Reyn works as a tank, Shulk as a DPS and Sharla as a healer so no need to change it up) and have headed back to Colony 9 where I needed to hand in the quest for the woman looking for her son's 3 belongings and I've found quite a few new quests to take on so they'll be getting done before anything else, as will any others that I find when I go back to some of the other places.


Will say the going was/has been a bit easy in Makna Forest, what with entering at lvl 34 and now speeding towards 36. Hopefully there'll be a bit more of a tussle put up in the next areas.

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42 hours in and I am at sword valley at level 47 after coming out of a snowy area (didn't find it as good as the other areas), the story is really starting to get good now and my team look awesome!!! I am using shulk, dunban and sharla. Hardly ever use reyn now and finally the enemies are strong again as before I could easily kill them all but now there dangerous.


Also does anyone know when the timed quests in alcamoth dissapear?

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Holly Frak just had another scare moment


Was bringing the Giants Mirror back to the Alter (I had the bloody thing already why did I have to go back to the Nopon to be told to back to the Alter :heh:)


Put it on the Alter when THREE giant spiders appeared... LIKE WTF. Tried to fight them but they were all same level as me (32) and just overwhelmed me


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Holly Frak just had another scare moment


Was bringing the Giants Mirror back to the Alter (I had the bloody thing already why did I have to go back to the Nopon to be told to back to the Alter :heh:)


Put it on the Alter when THREE giant spiders appeared... LIKE WTF. Tried to fight them but they were all same level as me (32) and just overwhelmed me


Same happened to me two days ago, Mokong - I ran away as well!


Yeah, me three. I thought to stand my ground but my team mates got walloped so I legged it back down the hole. Actually, the captain of that group in the main chamber too me quite a few tries - it seemed far more powerful than it's level suggested it should be.


It seems I've been tasked by individuals to pretty much kill everything that moves at the Sea... not that that they put up much of a challenge.

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Yeah, me three. I thought to stand my ground but my team mates got walloped so I legged it back down the hole. Actually, the captain of that group in the main chamber too me quite a few tries - it seemed far more powerful than it's level suggested it should be.


It seems I've been tasked by individuals to pretty much kill everything that moves at the Sea... not that that they put up much of a challenge.


I snuck round the back of them and didn't engage, will wait till I find a quest asking me to kill him :D


Anyway, that Zanzandan (sp?) Nopon was doing my head in... how many quests does he give out... it wouldn't bother so much if he had been a bit closer to the bloody land mark, such a trek up that hill :heh:


Of course I had to do every quest he gave me as I'm such a nice person :heh: Finally though he ended up giving me I had to leave alone for now (give Dedeba something) as I've not found the person he wants me to find yet so I assume he's in an area after the Marsh.


But all my trekking around the Marsh has found me the 3rd and final item of the "Lost Son" quest so wohoo for that too :D


And I'm up to level 34 now and kicked that Lazy Hox around that was attacking Nikiti(sp?) in colony 6.


And still I've not progressed past the Marsh yet, haha

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I snuck round the back of them and didn't engage, will wait till I find a quest asking me to kill him :D


Anyway, that Zanzandan (sp?) Nopon was doing my head in... how many quests does he give out... it wouldn't bother so much if he had been a bit closer to the bloody land mark, such a trek up that hill :heh:


I found the key for the rear entrance but wasn't sure where the rear/side entrance was so I ended up trying to go through the front. Dispatched the minions with ease but he was a bugger.


I eventually beat him but wasn't aware of that secret passage you have to go through so I went back to the Nopon camp and talk to them but it made no difference so I returned to the castle and the captain was there again straight away along with the rest. The time I did get topside, I did go through the side entry and skipped fighting them.



And yes, having to trek up that sodding back for his quests (some ridiculously short/easy) was incredibly frustrating and you'll find the Frontier Village task even more annoying.

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Boy, do I feel stupid - I'd been reading about the huge rebuilding of Colony 6 quest, but I had no idea how you were supposed to start it (once the refugees had moved from the Bionis Leg). How did I not talk to Juju? :indeed: After finally getting started last night, I've now got level 2 houses, level 3 commerce, and level 1 of greenery.

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Finally got to Frontier Village today, after exploring all of Makna Forest. Don't like it very much. Too claustrophobic and confusing, on a similar level to some of the places in Diadem in Baten Kaitos (seems some of the design crossed over from that). Finding the right Nopon to hand quests in to is a nightmare. Really could have done with a rethink that place.


Still, I'll be moving on from there shortly as I've progressed the story to get Riki and gain access to Eryth Sea. Still a couple of side quests that need doing but they're mainly out in the Forest and won't require me coming back to hand them in.


Screwed up a quest last night, though, and it's still annoying me now. Was, potentially, the final one you get from Emmy whatever-her-surname-is in Colony 9 where you had to give her a sword or shield. I picked up the shield, and thought I had the sword as well, so handed it in only for her to fail and go off somewhere, never to be seen again. My last save after handing in was about an hour or so previously and I wasn't doing all the quests I had done up to that point so just saved.


Really annoyed at that. It's the Western RPG influence coming in, giving you a choice but it's not really giving you a choice as I apparently only had the shield and you could only pick one up. *sigh* Maybe it's something I'll rectify in another playthrough but that's a long, long way down the line.

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I got an hour on this today. Seems top notch, the intro battles throw you right in!


I was exploring a water area that I jumped to from Colony 9 thinking I was still within the tranquility of the township. I swam over to the edge and thought I saw an NPC and a chocobo type thing standing, so I approached. Turned out it was two hostile bird creatures and I got one-shotted to death. Oops. :o


The battle system seems interesting enough - probably better in the long run that this isn't a button masher. The English dub is a bit weird sounding as it gives the world a strange atmosphere, imo. :heh:

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Got up to the Frontier Village today and got my 2 new characters Melia and Riki


on RIki...


Ok I've seen the name in a few posts here by Leostar, largely ignored the posts then as I had not found Riki yet..... I was not expecting for him... or any playable Character to be a Nopon, haha



Haven't left the village yet, just been running about looking for every Nopon with a ! over their heads so that I could just fill my "to do list" :D

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just got last character and 50 hours in and averge level 55, story is really good.


Just got robot fiora with hom head after she regained her memory from fighting her in sword valley which the fortress collapsed and we fell to the mechonis' arm which fell off and theres a hidden village of machine people which live on mechonis or used too until egil wanted to destroy the bionis and all life on it and created the mechon. Fiora has cool robot armour as well.


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I don't have a problem with Melia.


My main party at the moment is Shulk, Sharla, Melia.


Mainly as I'm trying to raise the affinity of Sharla and Melia for a side quest, though I do prefer having Reyn in place of Melia as he's great for drawing aggro away from teh other two and is hard enough to take a beating without falling.


I just beat the Tellethia and can prolly go to the Sea next though I wanna polish off some side quests first. My team is level 38 at the moment.


God damn that thing took me ages to kill. It heals so fast, I'd have it down to half health one min then the next it nearly full again :heh: Finally killed it though and without having one person faint too :D



Started on rebuilding Colony 6 too, like Mike forgot to talk to Juju :heh: Just did all the side quests that were available, thought the rebuilding stuff would appear as side quests. Got everything to lvl1 at the moment and only got one person to move there so far.

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The title screen tune is really, really good. I didn't listen to it before when it was put out on the Internet, but with the context of the title screen (as basic as it is), the music is a perfect fit as the scene progresses from morning, to evening, to night.


*looks at the time*


Its Reyn time.

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After working overtime on top of my usual shift at work yesterday I was genuinely saddened that I felt too exhausted to play Xenoblade... :(


I've 'fallen behind' somewhat in relation to how far most of you now are but I'm not too concerned because I'm still really enjoying the game, I've only made it up to the Ether Mine but I still feel like there's so much yet to learn, so much to see and the excellent storyline is making me want to progress because I know that even at thirty odd hours in this game has only really begun to get epic... the real moments of pure amazement are surely yet to come. :D


This is a truly stunning game. :)

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Usually you don't have to report back to the NPC but not always. Basically, if after collecting/killing whatever you were tasked with you see a screen saying what your rewards are, then you completed the quest. If you don't and you see a "+ update" message then press the + to see what other parts there are to the quest (and/or whether you have to go back to the quest-giver to get your reward).

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