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This game is far too addictive for its own good. I must have played another 4.5 hours today, taking me up to 28 hours in total, level 35. Just had the fifth member join my team, and have met the sixth. Time to choose who I'm going to stick with! Some really nice looking environments once you leave the marsh, too. :love: I'm really starting to think that Skyward Sword is going to disappoint in that department now, though..

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EDIT: ok, so I think I told you where Batubatu is and Gerugu is the one originally looking him and so she should be at the campfire/resting spot on the upper Bionis Leg West of the spiral tower and marsh land.


Yeap, was just coming on to say I had found him/her.


Took a good look at my map and went exploring areas of the leg where it didn't appear I was.... started off on the lower leg and discovered the Sky Stage for the first time, haha, amazed I was never there yet. Then I went through the Windy Cave, tip-toed round a bunch of lvl70 spiders and found the Waterfall Cravass, jesus so much I had not seen still.


Then I went to the upper leg, started at the Spiral landmark, spotted I hadn't been to the western part so took a walk and sure enough there was Gerugu. Was suprised then when he asked me to find Batubatu for him, haha. And then the two of them started giving me more side quest so did all of those, haha.


Then took a walk round Colony 9 again, no new quests appeared so I figure I've done all that will appear (hopefully just for now).


Took a run through Tephra Cave too again looking for those two bloody Kneecap Rocks.....and..... FINALLY got two of them. Got the first where that Wallside Something Unique monster was then another by the lake. AT LAST.


Only had two other "New" quests left, one the Kidnapping in the Marsh which I'll get to later, and the other that 3 item lost Son one, still just need the 1 item. And 1 "current" quest, the "firendship" one with the 2 girls.


So decided to get to work on Colony 6....

Went to tackle these monsters on the bridge, I just saw "Hox" and didn't take notice of their level and just rushed in takin on all 6 at once... then I realised they were all level 30.... all my characters were level 30 :heh: Died.


Took advatage of the "lure from distance" thing to pick them off one at a time which made things much easier to handle.... but then 6 other Hox's appear at level 32 :heh: Used the same tactics though and got them all eventually.


What slighlty disappointed me though is I killed 6 level monsters and 6 level 32 monsters and I didn't level up once :heh:



And since I didn't have any timed side quests left I moved the people from the camp to colony 6. And that's when I had to finish up.


But I did see a few ! appear in Colony 6 so will prolly try do as many of those before moving forward with the story again.


I didn't progress the story at all so I am still in the Marsh needing to find the items for and do the ceremony thing.


Oh my god...I havn't played Xenoblade today....WHATS WRONG WITH ME!!!???


Maybe you should see a doctor?


Find one who can do a house call so he/she can do your check up while you play Xenoblade :D

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So... off to find a Tephra Drop but my question is,


Andreas or Erik... seems that either way it's not a happy ending so I guess it doesn't really matter and I know I shouldn't care but the game is making me care. :/


Think I might choose Erik even though he sounds like a prick because if I go for Andeas then Monica won't be happy... >>


Stupid sidequest.



Edit - decision made.

Edited by S.C.G
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So... off to find a Tephra Drop but my question is,


Andreas or Erik... seems that either way it's not a happy ending so I guess it doesn't really matter and I know I shouldn't care but the game is making me care. :/


Think I might choose Erik even though he sounds like a prick because if I go for Andeas then Monica won't be happy... >>


Stupid sidequest.



Edit - decision made.


I did that one but I couldn't...


I couldn't figure out how to choose? I actually wanted to choose Andreas but it seemed like Erik was the only choice?


Maybe I missed a quest for Andreas first?mI just got the quest from Monica she asked me to get the Tear so she could give it to Erik.... didn't see any point where it was a choice? So in the end just gave her the tear and she's now with Erik


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I did that one but I couldn't...


I couldn't figure out how to choose? I actually wanted to choose Andreas but it seemed like Erik was the only choice?


Maybe I missed a quest for Andreas first?mI just got the quest from Monica she asked me to get the Tear so she could give it to Erik.... didn't see any point where it was a choice? So in the end just gave her the tear and she's now with Erik




You need to talk to Andreas after talking to Monica to get the other quest, then you're able to make the choice, either way it eventually ends up pretty in a pretty rubbish set of circumstances but I figured this was the lesser of two evils because at least Andreas loves her... she just falls out of love with him eventually but Erik just uses her so... Idk, anyway it's all fairly insignificant in the grand scheme of things I guess.


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You need to talk to Andreas after talking to Monica to get the other quest, then you're able to make the choice, either way it eventually ends up pretty in a pretty rubbish set of circumstances but I figured this was the lesser of two evils because at least Andreas loves her... she just falls out of love with him eventually but Erik just uses her so... Idk, anyway it's all fairly insignificant in the grand scheme of things I guess.


But but...


I did talk to him and he didn't give me any quest :heh:


though I did talk to him after I got the Tear Drop...but before I gave it to Monica.... ah well guess I'll look out for it when I inevitably do a 2nd playthrough


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Good. I was wondering why you hadn't been posting in here. :D


Its actually perfect timing as I wrapped up my FF V Four Job Fiesta play through last night and then played a further two levels of... DKC R (shock horror!) to get that ATB taste washed away for a while. Looking forward to immersing myself in Xenoblade. I trust its compelling stuff and I won't get burnt out on it after 20 hours?

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After 19 hours, I've got everyone up to lvl 31, got the story progressed to the point where I have to do the ceremony in the Satorl Marsh and have returned toe refugees to Colony 6, throwing away two quests that clearly weren't working (the one where you have to get the clothes from the Tirkin HQ, which I did but Gorman wouldn't reappear in the camp to hand it in, and the one where you had to collect 3 Vang Third Molars, again knew where to go but the things wouldn't drop at all).


Only got a few side quests in the Marsh (and potentially the last part of the one with Sesame and his gang in Colony 9 to pick up when it becomes available) to finish, which is slightly disappointing but I'm sure more will crop up (as the ones at Colony 6 have).


Did notice something strange when playing earlier, though, when I talked to Desiree in Colony 9. She let something slip that I don't think has been mentioned in the thread yet but is definitely interesting. Tagged below because it may have reference to events in the Ether Mines and beyond, but would like to hear other's thoughts on it:


Obviously she has the quest where you fix the pocket watch, or whatever it was, that was left to her by her father who's 'dead'. I say it as 'dead' because she lets slip through talking to her in Colony 9 that her father ran a store called "Xord's ...." (I forget the second word) but it would seem that her father was called Xord which more than likely ties in with Xord the mechon, thus shining light on why the Monado hasn't been working on the bigger Mechon up to that point by perhaps telling us what these mechon partly are/were.


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Its actually perfect timing as I wrapped up my FF V Four Job Fiesta play through last night and then played a further two levels of... DKC R (shock horror!) to get that ATB taste washed away for a while. Looking forward to immersing myself in Xenoblade. I trust its compelling stuff and I won't get burnt out on it after 20 hours?


I can't remember how many hours I've put in so far but I'd be certain by the time I'm done it'll be more than 20 that's for sure. (if I haven't done so already)


Hell I've got about 800 hours in Monster Hunter 3 and still going... speaking of which Darksnowman, you've been AWOL from that online for too long :wink:

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Can anyone tell me if I choose the 'talk to Sharla' option in the refugee settlement whether the timed quests will disappear? Wishing my party of two became three, but not if it means losing out on the quests.


No, it's fine to talk to her. The quests don't disappear until some time later and you get told about it. If you look at the previous page here, it's what Aimless asked about and the next batch of posts was referring to.

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Can anyone tell me if I choose the 'talk to Sharla' option in the refugee settlement whether the timed quests will disappear? Wishing my party of two became three, but not if it means losing out on the quests.


They won't don't worry they dissapear if you finish this quest with hox on a bridge but thats further in the story


About timed quests does anyone know when the quests in alcamoth will disapear I have a bad feeling about that place since it has timed quests and the recent things in the story.


Also here are my thoughts on the faced mechon, warning possible huge spoilers!!!


I think the faced mechon were once human and if you have seen the female one I think she is fiora since there are still more heart to hearts I can't have and there is an achievement to fill her skill tree so I think she will return and it will be cool for her to be a mechon instead of a hom




Captian falcon beat me too it!

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My clock now reads 42 hours exactly and I'm just about to make my way to th[GT][/GT]e sea. All my team are level 41 I think and I ended up giving the last boss a bit of a hammering as it was only 36. Being crafting some useful gems too which really make a difference. I like that you can add and remove them at will without losing them - it allows for experimentation. I have Haste 2 and Double Attack 4 on one of my units and he makes short work of everything when coupled with some of his Aura Arts.


All the game so far has been opn the Bionis but it's got me wondering if we'll get to explore a similarly sized Mechonis world too.

Edited by Captain Falcon
Got some numbers wrong
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My clock now reads 42 hours exactly and I'm just about to make my way to the sea. All my team are level 40 I think and I ended up giving the last boss a bit of a hammering as it was only 36. Being crafting some useful gems too which really make a difference. I like that you can add and remove them at will without losing them - it allows for experimentation. I have Haste 2 and Double Attack 2 on one of my units and he makes short work of everything when coupled with some of his Aura Arts.


All the game so far has been opn the Bionis but it's got me wondering if we'll get to explore a similarly sized Mechonis world too.


Mine reads 35hrs and I am a bit passed the sea in the city there and I am level 46 odd. All the enemies are easy unfortunately and dont attack because of it which is a shame. I thought about going in the mechonis at one point too but I am starting to doubt it now, possibly a small area for the last bit of the game but thats it.

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I'm just about to go to the sea, level 40, and I think around 35 hours in. I was just given a couple more quests in Frontier Village, but I don't think I'll bother as I've done so many in this area already. So tomorrow, onward to the sea!


I still haven't really got the hang of the gems, though - I'm pretty much randomly placing them anywhere, which obviously isn't the right thing to do!

Edited by Mike
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Ok I've done all the side quests in Colony 6 with the people back there so far.


There is one item I need for Olga, can't remember what it called but it the last on the list, it's also the very last collectable I need for Colony 6, anyone any ideas?


There's also a quest where I have to save Nikita from a monster, problem is the thing is lvl34 and i'm only 31 and it is still kicking my ass all over the place. First time I needed to kill something in a quest that I was under powered for :cry:


So as I've gotten a whole host of quests done went back to the Marsh to continue with the story again :D


Gotten 3 of the 4 items I needed and I did that "kidnapping" quest, and found a few more side quests in that area too :)


Had to finish up there though so will pick things up again tomorrow.



Trying to do a sidequest 'What is Courage?' in the Ether mines, where are you Evan!

This dungeon feels so claustrophobic, maybe I should go visit the Satori Marsh at night I love the atmosphere in there.


I'm lookin for him in the Marsh, so far no sign of him but there's still a whole section of the Marsh I've not explored yet so will get to that tomorrow.... still amazed at the size of the areas in this game.


Oh and on the "Faced Mechon"

Went back to Colony 9 to see if I might be able to find anyone willing yet to move to Colony 6, found none so far but had an interesting convo with Deserie(sp?) who talked about her father who died a year ago... her father used to be a blacksmith and always carried a hammer and his name was "Xord".... well there be that confirmed thank you very much


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So... off to find a Tephra Drop but my question is,


Andreas or Erik... seems that either way it's not a happy ending so I guess it doesn't really matter and I know I shouldn't care but the game is making me care. :/


Think I might choose Erik even though he sounds like a prick because if I go for Andeas then Monica won't be happy... >>


Stupid sidequest.

Whilst I agree it probably doesn't matter, I...

...decided to go with Erik.


The way I see it it's Monica's mistake to make, so better to get what she wants and possibly see the error of her ways then lust after a lie, ruining things with Andreas in the process. She has to discover Erik's duplicitous nature for herself, otherwise she'll always be hung up on him.


I'm all about the life lessons, apparently.

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Trying to do a sidequest 'What is Courage?' in the Ether mines, where are you Evan!

This dungeon feels so claustrophobic, maybe I should go visit the Satori Marsh at night I love the atmosphere in there.


He doesn't appear with a ! on the map. I found him in the mines....


Where the unique monster is in the secret area near a small underground lake. Kill the unique monster and the quest is over.


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