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Well I feel like I should join in the fun of N-E for a change; I've done everything from scratch without any help thus far, I'm only at the 65 hour mark and I have all my characters at lv 72 now (admittedly, I've only really used the first three throughout the majority of the game..).

@Mokong, about the whole Agniratha thing, you may/may not want to load your last save before you kill Egil. I did just because I wasn't sure. :heh: Anyways, my current progress:

Well I technically killed Egil, but after the cut-scenes I suddenly realised that the majority of the Mechonis would be un-accessible, so decided to load the last save-point and go questing.



I seem to be very poor at raising the area affinity right now, as my highest affinity with any area is Colony 9 (which is only at 4*) and the rest are either 2* or 3*. Wonder what I've been doing wrong... :hmm: (I do have a pretty good idea why, though.)


At the moment, my aim is to raise the affinity of all areas to 5* and to complete all the side-quests that are currently available to me. Certain little things will be highly annoying, but I'm sure I'll manage.



If anyone does respond to this, please PM me (because I don't have an internet connection regularly right now) just so I don't lose it in the thread. :laughing:

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As far as raising afinity for the different areas the main thing is to do the side quests, especially the ones involving named NPC's.


But also running around just talking to the different named may help add some extra affinity points for the area if they tell you something different about another named NPC.


I'll send ya a PM too as requested


One more quest. Talk to nopon you always talked to for the previous quests once the Alcomoth quests disappears. Nice ending to it, one my favourite side story in the game. That and the 200 000 exp(plus skill bonus) and of course the exp VI makes it even more awesome.


OK, I'm at the point in the story where I can do this last part of this quest chain.... though you could have mentioned...


That there would be a level 78 Unique monster at the end of it :heh:

I have Shulk at 73 and everyone else at 72, was whittling down his health slowly, taking forever but Reyn and Sharla kept missing, eventually the healing arts I had couldn't cool down fast enough :heh:


I shall go and train and return to kick his ass soon



I started going round the towns looking for more people that might move to C6 and found some new side quests on the way. Though why is it most of them involve going to places with level 80+ monsters :heh:


Like the one to find the key to warehouse in the cave. The new area that opened up is filled with level 90+ beasts, seriously why even give me that quest that "early" in the game :heh:

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bloody hell just had one hell of a Boss battle in the "heart"


Lorithia inside the Bionis heart, my god what are her defence and HP stats? She was level 75 and so were my team, but shulks attacks were doing minimal damage like 200 - 400 each hit with the odd hit going just over 1000.


Managed to keep the blue bar filling which was handy for chains and revivals.... Reyn and Sharla kept getting confused and running into the water and getting damaged by it :heh:


And those cloud things didn't help much either. Managed to whittle down her health in the end but I;d say it took me a good 30 maybe 40mins to beat her.


Will prolly go level up a fair bit before doing any more story stuff :heh:



bloody hell just had one hell of a Boss battle in the "heart"


Lorithia inside the Bionis heart, my god what are her defence and HP stats? She was level 75 and so were my team, but shulks attacks were doing minimal damage like 200 - 400 each hit with the odd hit going just over 1000.


Managed to keep the blue bar filling which was handy for chains and revivals.... Reyn and Sharla kept getting confused and running into the water and getting damaged by it :heh:


And those cloud things didn't help much either. Managed to whittle down her health in the end but I;d say it took me a good 30 maybe 40mins to beat her.


Will prolly go level up a fair bit before doing any more story stuff :heh:


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bloody hell just had one hell of a Boss battle in the "heart"


Lorithia inside the Bionis heart, my god what are her defence and HP stats? She was level 75 and so were my team, but shulks attacks were doing minimal damage like 200 - 400 each hit with the odd hit going just over 1000.


Managed to keep the blue bar filling which was handy for chains and revivals.... Reyn and Sharla kept getting confused and running into the water and getting damaged by it :heh:


And those cloud things didn't help much either. Managed to whittle down her health in the end but I;d say it took me a good 30 maybe 40mins to beat her.


Will prolly go level up a fair bit before doing any more story stuff :heh:


You should've gone with Melia. Melia devastates this boss, she makes it a breeze!

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You should've gone with Melia. Melia devastates this boss, she makes it a breeze!


Yeah, this is a great way to do it (think I also swapped out Shulk for the 7th character as well). Also, taking out the adds (the cloud things) would drop the defensive stats as, when attacking with the adds around, you see two shields beside the damage denoting her buff status.

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You should've gone with Melia. Melia devastates this boss, she makes it a breeze!


Really? ah crap. I did use her the first time I got to the boss but was only level 72 at the time and got my ass kicked... it was also the very first time in the game I ever found myself trying to level up to beat a boss :heh:


So when I got everyone to 75 I went with my "A-Team" of Shulk, Reyn and Sharla. Sharla for her healing arts, Reyn cause he's a frigging tank and Shulk well he is the main character plus his Light Heal is handy if Sharla's healing arts are in cool down.


Wish now that I had made my post boss save on a different file so I could go back and try with Melia now... but ah well, least I did beat it... made for an epic fight too I guess.



Yeah, this is a great way to do it (think I also swapped out Shulk for the 7th character as well). Also, taking out the adds (the cloud things) would drop the defensive stats as, when attacking with the adds around, you see two shields beside the damage denoting her buff status.


Hhhmmm, didn't think about the cloud things providing the boss with buffs. I saw she had a sheild symbol on the name window thing everynow and then but I just had Shulk use Purge or Eater which usually made it go away.

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Is there a list of Alcamoth timed quests somewhere? I have been doing quests from Alcamoth for a while now, and think I have nailed them at last. It's just that Alcamoth is so huge place, it's easy to miss some minor things.


Also, when will it be too late to finish those quests, or invite citizen to Colony 6? I'm at Prison Island right now, and need some things to build Colony 6 more. I think I can get them later, but does completing of Prison Island trigger something in Alcamoth?

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You're a long way from the cut off for Alcamoth. 7 areas left after Prison Island. There's a google link on page 19(standard) by Sheika which is awesome for quests, npc locations and much more.


For colony 6 reconstruction, make sure you collect many of each collectables from 2 and 3 areas from Prison Island. They disappear before Alcamoth quests. You can get them by other means but it's harder.

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Oi why did nobody tell me this...


Nobody mentioned there were 5th Skill trees to find?


I thought there was only the 4th ones... here's me thinking I found them all. I run around Colony 9 find a new quest from Miller to find Emmy, run all over the Bionis Leg and Ether Mine to find her (thankfully I worked in that order I guess) and low and behold Shulk gets a new skill tree.


Haha... I guess it's good too as I've almost finished the last skill on his 4th.


Though now I must go find all the others 5th Skill trees.... damn is there no end to this game


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Oi why did nobody tell me this...


Nobody mentioned there were 5th Skill trees to find?


I thought there was only the 4th ones... here's me thinking I found them all. I run around Colony 9 find a new quest from Miller to find Emmy, run all over the Bionis Leg and Ether Mine to find her (thankfully I worked in that order I guess) and low and behold Shulk gets a new skill tree.


Haha... I guess it's good too as I've almost finished the last skill on his 4th.


Though now I must go find all the others 5th Skill trees.... damn is there no end to this game


Hah, don't worry Mokong, I didn't even know that:


they even existed! I had Shulk, Reyn & Sharla fill up all three of their default Skill-trees only to find out recently that there are 4th AND 5th Skill-trees for each character!

The only reason I found that out was because I did a quest with Melia and I randomly gained a Skill-tree with her. I was like ":o" which led me to doing more research on the Skill-trees.


However, I do like to try and find the pre-requisites for the Skill-tree quests myself. :heh:


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Well looks like I've reached the end this evening.... and then turned back.


Was about to move forward/upward and had a little cut scene with Dunban saying if I moved on I couldn't go back, so I assume that was the Point of No Return.


At that point I had Shulk at level 80 and everyone else at 79.


So I decided to go try side questing with a bit of leveling up and a bit of Colony 6 work.


But my god most of the side quests at this point of the game are asking you to go into areas and/or fight monsters that are still out of your league in the 90's :heh:


For example, think I found a few new 5th Skill Tree quests...


Think I've got Reyns and Riki's 5th Skill Quests as I had to use those characters to talk to the person with the quest. Reyns I need items from monsters in the new area of Tephra Cave that are all like 90+ and Riki's I gotta beat a monster that is lvl96 :heh:


Also think I have Melia's quest but I gotta get into the La Luz Church in Valak Mountains and the door won't open so I must have to find something else.



Got Housing and Commerce in Colony 6 to level 5, just need one item for Nature (Black Liver Bean) and the first two items for Special, I got an idea where they each is though... the annoying one will prolly be the bean as it a blue orb, and I bet one of the really hard to find ones.


I also got a quest that requires 5 Heart Peaches from Alcamoth.... I got like 3 but Alcamoth is crawling with uber beasts now, it's not like I can run round the place :heh:



One thing I do like though with revisiting areas is finding mobs of beast that before you stayed away from like the plague, but now you can go toe to toe with. Like the things in the Windy Cave, I went through that and all the way round gleefully taking out everything, haha.

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Well looks like I've reached the end this evening.... and then turned back.


Was about to move forward/upward and had a little cut scene with Dunban saying if I moved on I couldn't go back, so I assume that was the Point of No Return.


At that point I had Shulk at level 80 and everyone else at 79.


So I decided to go try side questing with a bit of leveling up and a bit of Colony 6 work.


But my god most of the side quests at this point of the game are asking you to go into areas and/or fight monsters that are still out of your league in the 90's :heh:


For example, think I found a few new 5th Skill Tree quests...


Think I've got Reyns and Riki's 5th Skill Quests as I had to use those characters to talk to the person with the quest. Reyns I need items from monsters in the new area of Tephra Cave that are all like 90+ and Riki's I gotta beat a monster that is lvl96 :heh:


Also think I have Melia's quest but I gotta get into the La Luz Church in Valak Mountains and the door won't open so I must have to find something else.



Got Housing and Commerce in Colony 6 to level 5, just need one item for Nature (Black Liver Bean) and the first two items for Special, I got an idea where they each is though... the annoying one will prolly be the bean as it a blue orb, and I bet one of the really hard to find ones.


I also got a quest that requires 5 Heart Peaches from Alcamoth.... I got like 3 but Alcamoth is crawling with uber beasts now, it's not like I can run round the place :heh:



One thing I do like though with revisiting areas is finding mobs of beast that before you stayed away from like the plague, but now you can go toe to toe with. Like the things in the Windy Cave, I went through that and all the way round gleefully taking out everything, haha.

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I thought black liver beans were some of the hardest things to find in the game, but your mileage may vary.


For Melia's quest, you need to finish Scarlen's quest first. He's near Oath Sanctuary in Satorl Marsh at night.


Dunban's is in Hidden Village. You get it from that kid who's always whining about how useless he is.


Sharla's is in Colony 6, but you need to have finished all of the quests for Don Argentis' daughter before he gives it to you.


Fiora's is in the old refugee camp on Bionis' Leg. You get it from Dulland, but he only moves there after you finish the quest he gives you near Junks in Colony 6.


You should be able to do Sharla's and Dunban's quests at this point. The rest are a bit out of your league. :heh:

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There is a trick to the liver bean. Warp to the interior heart chamber area but don't go in. Stand close to the door and face it and make the time 3PM. Wait until 4:15pm and turn around and run to the edge of the platform where that lone blue orb is.


Doing this trick makes the blue orb respawn so long as you save and reload in front of the heart door at 3PM. And the rate of it being a liver bean is roughly a third or better. Worked for me to get both.

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Cheers @Magnus, I've got Scarlen's quest already (was one of the first I found after that event), though at the moment it needs me to beat a level 86 monster so leaving that be for now.


Also gonna avoid that spoiler tag of yours I figure I just need to keep running round populated areas doing side quests.... can't be that many left to find (though who knows I could be way off) and eventually the skill quests will appear I guess.....hope


And Cheers @Sheikah will try remember that if I can't find the bean... I got one already during my first run through that area though can't remember where it was.

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Man, this game is eating my life away! Just under 28 hours in now and about level 35(or just under). Just picked up Melia and gotten to the Nopon village. I'd worried I'd accidentally trained up too much as a lot of mobs were generally appearing black or blue, but it does seem to still be challenging me in places. This game is so vast, it's definitely the sort of game they could have cashed in on a strategy guide with(and I might have bought it for more info on some aspects). Does anyone know exactly how Agility affects a person? I'm still not sure. Also is it good to rotate who you're playing as in order to build affinity? Nobody seems to have that great a relationship except Shulk and Reyn atm. What's the deal on gem crafting too, are there any 'good' ways to do it? I seemed to max out a lot on raw crystals. Questions questions questons!

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Ahhh! I quite liked the Nopon as was, but Riki has just joined me! Not fought with him yet, and first impressions a bit iffy, but hopefully he'll turn out quite a nice little character. His moves seem interesting. I was wondering, does the game scale NPCs when they join you according to the level you're at etc, or is it a standard join level/xp/AP etc?

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Also is it good to rotate who you're playing as in order to build affinity? Nobody seems to have that great a relationship except Shulk and Reyn atm.

Yes. Once you've maxed out the affinity between two characters, using them in the party at the same time will just waste affinity, both during battles and when you accept/finish quests. The game is easy enough that, for the most part, it doesn't matter which characters you use.


You can also give collectables as gift from your inventory and there are ways that you can fight certain enemies and get the option to 'encourage' allies constantly (but that's not something you need to worry about right now).


That said, you can just use whichever characters you prefer unless you want to see all of the heart-to-hearts.


New party members scale to your level, as far as I can tell.

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I use the Wiimote too without any issues.


I don't mind the camera controls either although when I go to play Monster Hunter for a bit I keep trying to control the camera using the Xenoblade controls now, which is really annoying considering I think it should be the other way round given I've put over 800 hours in MH3 and so far only 105 into Xenoblade :heh:


Anyway yesterday I finally got all areas of Colony 6 to level 5, took a fair bit to get the last items I needed.


I needed 3 as mentioned before, Black Liver Bean (blue orb), Inferno Element (monster drop) and Bolt Element (monster drop)


The search for all 3 started on Friday.


I first spent 30mins running around that map that the Black Liver Bean was meant to be with no result, then I resorted to the 3pm, warp, save, reload wait till 4pm trick mentioned before. I did this for like an hour and still not a single Bean. (While waiting for 4pm I also went warpping to other areas fighting monsters for EXP and lookin for orbs.)


After an hour I gave up and went to the area where I correctly suspected to find the monsters to drop the other two items. Found the Inferno Elements pretty quickly, no trouble.


Took a while then to get other nebula in that map to drop a blue box to find the Bolt Element. Finally found the right nebula in that final room before the cut off point transporter. Thought it shouldn't be that hard then to get the second Bolt Element I needed. I then proceeded to spend the next 90 mins, beating the monster, saving and reloading to get it to repawn and all it kept dropping was small brown boxes with Element Chunks inside :mad:


Gave up and went to bed then.


Then yesterday (Saturday), picked up where I left off. Started on the nebula again and the very first try yeilds not a blue box but a GOLD BOX... :heh:, both Bolt Elements gotten :D


Then back to the other map for that damned Bean. Using the 3pm, warp, etc. trick again. As I waited for 4pm warped to the "3rd" area of the map to beat some monsters. At 4 saw some blue obs spawn next to me in the "watery area" and low and FRAKKING BEHOLD. TWO Black Livers BEEEEAAAAAANNNNNNSSSSSSS


Now why couldn't it have gone that smoothly on Friday :heh:


So I got everything up to level 5 and I think I've gotten all the immigrants too. But when I talk to Juju now I noticed it says completion is only 85%... anyone know what's up with that? Or will the other 15% come when I beat that level 99 monster that appears after completing level 5?


Anyway went and did more side quests again. In the process found Dunbans 5th Skill Tree :D, I think only Sharla and the 7th Character quests are left to find (as mentioned before I have others but level not high enough to complete yet) :yay:


Finding ALOT of side quests in Colony 6 now too, got Shulk up to level 83 (that EXP VI gem is awesome), I think one other at 82 and the rest 81 (almost 82).

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I use the Wiimote too without any issues.


I don't mind the camera controls either although when I go to play Monster Hunter for a bit I keep trying to control the camera using the Xenoblade controls now, which is really annoying considering I think it should be the other way round given I've put over 800 hours in MH3 and so far only 105 into Xenoblade :heh:


Anyway yesterday I finally got all areas of Colony 6 to level 5, took a fair bit to get the last items I needed.


I needed 3 as mentioned before, Black Liver Bean (blue orb), Inferno Element (monster drop) and Bolt Element (monster drop)


The search for all 3 started on Friday.


I first spent 30mins running around that map that the Black Liver Bean was meant to be with no result, then I resorted to the 3pm, warp, save, reload wait till 4pm trick mentioned before. I did this for like an hour and still not a single Bean. (While waiting for 4pm I also went warpping to other areas fighting monsters for EXP and lookin for orbs.)


After an hour I gave up and went to the area where I correctly suspected to find the monsters to drop the other two items. Found the Inferno Elements pretty quickly, no trouble.


Took a while then to get other nebula in that map to drop a blue box to find the Bolt Element. Finally found the right nebula in that final room before the cut off point transporter. Thought it shouldn't be that hard then to get the second Bolt Element I needed. I then proceeded to spend the next 90 mins, beating the monster, saving and reloading to get it to repawn and all it kept dropping was small brown boxes with Element Chunks inside :mad:


Gave up and went to bed then.


Then yesterday (Saturday), picked up where I left off. Started on the nebula again and the very first try yeilds not a blue box but a GOLD BOX... :heh:, both Bolt Elements gotten :D


Then back to the other map for that damned Bean. Using the 3pm, warp, etc. trick again. As I waited for 4pm warped to the "3rd" area of the map to beat some monsters. At 4 saw some blue obs spawn next to me in the "watery area" and low and FRAKKING BEHOLD. TWO Black Livers BEEEEAAAAAANNNNNNSSSSSSS


Now why couldn't it have gone that smoothly on Friday :heh:


So I got everything up to level 5 and I think I've gotten all the immigrants too. But when I talk to Juju now I noticed it says completion is only 85%... anyone know what's up with that? Or will the other 15% come when I beat that level 99 monster that appears after completing level 5?


Anyway went and did more side quests again. In the process found Dunbans 5th Skill Tree :D, I think only Sharla and the 7 character quests are left to find (as mentioned before I have others but level not high enough to complete yet) :yay:


Finding ALOT of side quests in Colony 6 now too, got Shulk up to level 83 (that EXP VI gem is awesome), I think one other at 82 and the rest 81 (almost 82).


I know people said that you get the game and its not so complicated when I posted before but that sounds like so much jargon and such I hope this game is like an extended tutorial for 20 hours so I vaguely get it before it lets me lose.

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