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Seventh BISH Heaven


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Here it is! With a mildly subtle name change, but I assure you the nomenclature and listful listing is still as ever before.


The rules are simple. Below are those wot form the BISH. You soon-to-be-named players and playees are tasked to ash-ketchum as many of them as possible in an attempt to be sore-backed from all the congrat-slaps that are due to be P+P'd to the winrar.


Photos MUST have you in them.. If it isn't possible to get your face, then your username on a finger will have to do. Paper with your username on will not do. Points are marked next to the BISH on the list below. Please attempt to keep a running tally to aid ultimate counter-upping at the end of the show.


Any questions please PM me. Further rules/guidelines are found in teh sign-up thread and previous game threads.


- Trying TOO hard - 10pts

- Despicable me (NOT the film!) - 10pts

- Your better half - 10pts

- Enjoying Comedy Rainbow - 10pts

- The oldest digital/electronic device you own. - 10pts

- 5 used cinema tickets. - 10pts

- Dumb as a doorknob 10pts

- A bike helmet - 10pts

- Bottomless - 10pts

- In your duvet, the only thing visible is your face.- 10pts

- Cocaine. - 10pts

- "Beware My Power! Green Lantern's Light!" - 10pts

- Holding a fruit or vegetable at the crotch area to simulate a penis. 10pts

- You and three yellow peanut M&Ms. - 10pts

- Attempting to lick your own elbow. - 10pts

- Waking up on the wrong side of bed. - 10pts

- Do something radically different with your hair (comparison shot needed). - 10pts

- You with at least 5 different perfume bottles. - 10pts

- Wearing your trousers on your arms and shirt on your legs - 10pts

- you doing a token Asian pose from http://asianposes.com/category/pose/ - 10pts

- your breakfast - 10pts

- 1 U, 2 PG, 3 12a's, 4 15s and 5 18 certificate DVDs. All in the same photo. - 10pts

- "AAAAAAADDDDDDRIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!" PART 2 - Have a fight on a random object - 10pts

- Puppet Master - Take a picture of you and a puppet - 10pts

- C'mon Vogue - Strike a pose! (do a dance move) - 10pts

- Oooh, you sexy beast! - Pose like your life depended on it! - 10pts [not 'vogueing' as that's dance ~j7]

- You, with a moustache. (Not part of a beard, men) - 10pts

- Cutlery Tower - 10pts

- Reading a newspaper - 10pts

- Standing right up against a wall (facing the wall) - 10pts

- Laying face-down on stairs - 10pts

- The Shower Scene - 10pts

- Torches together - 10pts

- Cheers! - 10pts

- Poor and lonely - 10pts

- 10pts - 10pts


- Treasure chest. - 20pts

- Enjoying a strawberry Cornetto. - 20pts

- A ginger kid (with friends as bonus) - 20pts

- Blue and red car facing head-on - 20pts

- A zipline - 20pts

- A Big Issue seller - 20pts

- A street sign saying "High Street" (or equal translation thereof) - 20pts

- FALCON [VERB]! (Something you do everyday, but done in a massively over-the-top manner). - 20pts

- ????? (something that you don't know what it is) - 20pts

- Naked time. - 20pts

- Hey there Mr Moneybags. - 20pts

- "It Came From The Bin" - 20pts

- Engrossed by a chick flick. - 20pts

- Your favourite drink with a fun straw (curly, or novelty). - 20pts

- Pulling a funny face to make your lips and cheeks as wide as possible (no hands/outside help...face muscles only). - 20pts

- Wear underwear from the opposite sex over your clothes (Superman style!). - 20pts

- Belly-button faces! - 20pts

- Playing Tetris upside down. - 20pts

- A forum member made entirely out of skittles. - 20pts

- Danger! - 20pts

- Hiding in the bushes all shiftily. - 20pts

- A football goal celebration. - 20pts

- Musically gifted - Play amusical instrument (no plastic guitars!); extra points for a video clip! - 20pts [not singing, as that's another BISH ~j7]

- Athletically awesome - Playing a summer sport (volleyball, football, swimming etc) - 20pts

- all four Twilight Saga books balanced on your head - 20pts

- The fattest book in the shop. - 20pts

- a folded paper star - 20pts

- That new book smell! - 20pts

- Swagger Jagger, you should get some of your own! - Take a Cher Lloyd picture (take this as you will) - 20pts

- A dominoe with 12 dots on each half so...24 dots. - 20 pts [is this even possible?! ~j7]

- The complete works of William Shakespeare - 20pts

- The Avengers - 20pts


- C R E E P E R. - 30pts [?? ~j7]

- Swimming on land. - 30pts

- 2 rails 1 photographee - Get on or close to a railroad track; extra points for eating chocolate soft ice! xD - 30pts [... yeah don't do anything dangerous, n-ers! ~j7]

- Tortoise and the Hare - 30pts

- Primates represent! - climbing a tree / building, i.e. clearly above ground already! - 30pts

- a dog wearing sunglasses - 30pts

- Movie Buff - Re-create a cover of a movie (if one is done, you can not do the one submitted) - 30pts

- "I have the X Factor!" - Sing - 30pts [video bonus available! ~j7]

- "Mrs Robinson, you're trying to seduce me" 30pts

- A drunk person - 30pts

- Police arresting someone - 30pts

- Behind the counter at a high street shop - 30pts

- Cat with a teddy/cuddly toy. - 30pts

- A life-size cardboard cut out. - 30pts

- You doing a beer bong.- 30pts

- Crossbow carnage. - 30pts

- To show your love for N-E in a creative/original way. - 30pts

- 2 people inside one shirt - 30pts


- You dressed as another N-Eer. - 40pts

- To recreate a scene from your favourite film. - 40pts

- Hugging a complete stranger - 40pts

- Umbrella-Fort unite! (see N-E Meet for the reference). - 40pts

- A re-enactment of a NES game. - 40pts

- Bookworm - Re-create the book cover of a book (if one is done, you can not do the one already submitted) - 40pts

- A first generation Fiat Multipla - 40pts [What is this I don't even... ~j7]


- You taking a picture of a camera which is taking a picture of a screen that has a picture of you taking a picture of a camera which is taking a photo of a screen on it. - 50pts

- A busking group of musicians featuring at least one set of panpipes or other pseudo ethnic instruments. Bonus points if they’re wearing traditional Native American or Mexican clothing. - 50pts

- Complete 1000-piece jigsaw - 50pts



As always there will be much that is up for interpretation, many that will be impossible for some, and some which have been granted additional points purely because I want to see people trying them out. If anywhere bonus points are offered, it'll be for 20% of the points that BISH is worth anyway.


Anyone can do any on this list - that means you are free to attempt the very BISH you have suggested. Some have been removed or altered due to similarity to others, or general impossibility.


- A picture of the game you're most addicted to at the moment - 10pts

- A slide - 10pts

- Job Done - 10pts

- Your forum username spelt in red skittles - 10pts


- A pink macaroon - 20pts

- A ladybird - 20pts

- 10 games made before 1998 - 20pts

- A cat and a dog (in the same picture) - 20pts

- Stood in a bin (the bigger the better) - 20pts

- Lucky number 13 - 20pts

- Power Cut - 20pts

- You with 30 mugs - 20pts


- Five different energy drink cans, open (can be empty) - 30pts

- Something very over priced in a charity shop - 30pts

- Cross dresser - 30pts

- A lambretta - 30pts

- A representation of your strongest personality trait - 30pts


- A high score on a game with the name "N-E", not a flash or phone game - 40pts


- Magic stars faces have returned!! Yayee! Now find 14 packs of revels [may need to elaborate nami - you want magic stars and 14 packs of revels? ~j7]


- Harmony. - 10pts

- Recreation of a famous internet thing. - 10pts

- 7 trays. No more no less. - 20pts

- The essence of ReZ. Can't just be a picture of you and a picture/video of him. Kinda like an impression? Or something? - 30pts

- Dressed up as Link (guess who submitted this BISH :P) - 40pts


- Open a rainbow umbrella in a bathroom - 20pts

- 4 tvs next to each other - 30pts

- Hiding in a computer box - 30pts

- Wind in your hair - 10pts

- Fly away! (photo of you at airport) - 30pts


- One person riot. - 20pts

- Welcome to the future of the past, today! - 20pts

- Surfing/standing on something you probably shouldn't. - 10pts

- An item you really wish you hadn't bought. - 10pts

- A visual representation of your favourite song. - 30pts

- Playing a boardgame in public - 20pts

- Reverse Sandwich - 10pts

- A forum members avatar IRL - 30pts

- A floppy disk tower - 20pts

















Eddie Coleslaw

Coolness Bears


Dan Dare

Aztec Rose










Teams! (for fun - tally of both participants scores)

Aztec Rose & jayseven

ReZ & Claire

Eenuh & Flink

Diageo, Heroijan & EddieColeslaw

Dannyboy & Dazz

emma & Dan Dare

Shorty & nami


I hope I've not forgotten anything... Go!

Edited by jayseven
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Btw, what are the rules regarding teams? Don't teams have double the chance of winning than an individual? Seems unfair.


taking a picture of a camrera
But where will I find a camrera??





I just wanted us to be first btw:


Reading a newspaper - 10pts


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- A picture of the game you're most addicted to at the moment - 10pts

- A slide - 10pts

- Job Done - 10pts

- Your forum username spelt in red skittles - 10pts


- A pink macaroon - 20pts

- A ladybird - 20pts

- 10 games made before 1998 - 20pts

- A cat and a dog (in the same picture) - 20pts

- Stood in a bin (the bigger the better) - 20pts

- Lucky number 13 - 20pts

- Power Cut - 20pts

- You with 30 mugs - 20pts


- Five different energy drink cans, open (can be empty) - 30pts

- Something very over priced in a charity shop - 30pts

- Cross dresser - 30pts

- A lambretta - 30pts

- A representation of your strongest personality trait - 30pts


- A high score on a game with the name "N-E", not a flash or phone game - 40pts


- Magic stars faces have returned!! Yayee! Now find 14 packs of revels [may need to elaborate nami - you want magic stars and 14 packs of revels? ~j7]

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- A bike helmet - 10pts





- your breakfast - 10pts



(I'm on a soft food diet)



- Treasure chest. - 20pts



(Gotta love childhood money boxes)



- ????? (something that you don't know what it is) - 20pts



(I think it's something to do with electricity)



- A picture of the game you're most addicted to at the moment - 10pts





- A lambretta - 30pts






Total - 100pts

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- 7 trays. No more no less. - 20pts

- Harmony. - 10pts

- Recreation of a famous internet thing. - 10pts

- Dressed up as Link (guess who submitted this BISH :P) - 40pts

- The essence of ReZ. Can't just be a picture of you and a picture/video of him. Kinda like an impression? Or something? - 30pts

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In fairness, that is technically quite right.


But I'm assuming that was a trick BISH and actually owning all four twilight books is an automatic 50 point deduction.






*ignores you*


your breakfast - 10pts



5 used cinema tickets. - 10pts (I am not so fat that I need five seats...this was from when I saw Narnia with my family :))



Total: 50pts


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