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Borderlands 2


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I finally got to the part with the spoilers @Shorty included at the bottom of the last page. Jack is such a great bad guy for a video-game, definitely one of my favourites.


I've enjoyed this a lot more with the Mechromancer than Zero, taken my time exploring and completing all the extra missions. Still cannot complete the bloodslaughter arena mission because it always bugs and I get stuck in there with no enemies.

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To be honest i was totally lost when i found it, not sure i could find it again, or describe where it was!


EDIT: Just re-read and noticed you said Sanctuary. Ignore what i said, i'm a moron.

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So my friend and I have been slowly making our way through the game. We tend to try all the side missions as we get tham as well before moving onto the main ones, as we want to do them while we're still the same level. We're level 23 right now, and probably halfway through the story? Hard to tell really.


Anywho, it's pretty damned awesome right now. I get a little annoyed at my friend because he tends to skip the odd cutscene here and there, and i feel like i'm missing some of the humour, but never mind.


I found out today that all ammo, money, eridium and xp is shared out through your party equally?! I didn't know that throughout the whole of the last game and this one!? I assumed money did, and eridium. But i always thought xp depended on who killed the person and was divided in a skewed way.....also, i didnt even imagine that ammo would be....did anyone else realise this?

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xp in Borderlands was something like 100% to the killer blow and 95% to everyone else. It's the second-most important factor in figuring who levels up quickest when you have a party who play together. The most important thing? Reviving a fallen teammate :)


My co-op buddy is fairly decent; doesn't skip anything, but has a tendancy to wander off near the end of a fight because he knows there are gun crates near-by even though he wants snipers and SMGs and I want Shotties and rifles, so whoever gets to the rates first is irrelevent.


[/still on BL1 :(]

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Oh yeah, my friend is absolutely terrible at that, and by terrible i mean he does it all the time.


Reviving must be where i get most of my xp from in that case. My friend plays as Axton, and so his (cheaty, cheaty, cheaty) turret seems to hoover up most of the kills, but he often gets downed at some point. Anyone who plays as Maya will tell you the second my badass power of hers is the ability to Phaselock a downed teammate, and second wind them instantly, from absolutely miles away. It's amazing.


The most badass power? Phaselocking a fucking rakk and crushing it. So satifying after putting up with those damned things all through the first game.

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As a soldier on BL1 I have to say that turrets are good, but sooo often I lay one down just as I'm getting killed -- the turret disappears, and any team benefits (ammo/health regen) go with it. But my teammate is sniper and basically runs away shooting, so by default with my shottie... I'm a shoddy Tank replacement (even though I have the ability to heal with bullets...)


Yeha still on BL1... Halo 4 and AC3 means my co-op cousin will be engrossed in other avenues so BL2 will have to wait 'til december... if I'm lucky. The game looks fantastic!

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I'm the other way around i think, we'll complete BL2, and then get Halo4 when it's a bit cheaper most probably.


In the first game, he would use Assault rifles and shotguns mainly, whereas i would use elemental snipers and pistols. But this game he tends to use everything, and so we are usually directly competing for weapons. Also, half the time he seems to spend the time halfway across the map, having run off without waiting for me, and so it feels less and less like a coop game and more just two single player games on the same map..

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I stumbled upon a really good shotgun - something like 11x119 dmg, 88 accuracy, 2.2 fire rate (possibly more) that meant I became a shotgunning legend. We've gotten quite good at multi-tasking - the one benifit of multiplayer (I've found).


But yeah I tend to find it's got to be decided, or at least announced, what weapon peeps are looking for. Weapon proficiency makes a fair bit of difference up to a point! Is that the same with BL2?

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Do you mean the actual 'weapon proficiency points' from the first game? I don't recall seeing those in the second game - i think they've been replaced by badass points.


So yeah unless your actually going for certain weapon achievements, weapon proficiency doesn't make a difference in BL2.


I find that snipers/pistols suit my play style as i tend to stay back and pick people off - the 'coward' style, whereas my friend is more the rushing in, all guns blazing 'idiot' style. It's a good combination.

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Ah ok! I say because my shotgun currently gets something like 34% more damage due to proficiency level 35, which means that it just makes more sense for me to get the shotguns than my co-op buddy who has proficiency of 3% damage increase. You and your play buddy sound just like me and mine - I'll lay a turret down and run to the other side of enemies. It's great fun.


I've just checked, and Borderlands is one of a handful of games that I have more achievements than @Hero\-of\-Time on!

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Yeah i'm actually quite glad they got rid of weapon proficiency points. It was really annoying having to grind up the levels for a weapon class just to get it to be useful, especially if you just picked up a cool orange gun that you weren't proficient in.


The badass points add cool stuff like extra gun damage and extra accuracy to all guns, so you don't have to worry about using one class more than the other.

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Yeha still on BL1...
James we saw you on Borderlands a couple of mornings ago and we were gonna jump in and join you! But alas, at the moment of truth, it emerged that you were un-join-able on XBL Silver. Teh shame. Edited by Shorty
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I've just checked' date=' and Borderlands is one of a handful of games that I have more achievements than @Hero\-of\-Time on![/quote']


I've still got it sitting in my shelf. Don't push me! :D


If anyone on here wants some free orange rarity weapons then ill happily dupe some for you. Ill just drop them in your game, leave and then you can pick then up and ill still have them, providing they never patched said method.

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I've still got it sitting in my shelf. Don't push me! :D


If anyone on here wants some free orange rarity weapons then ill happily dupe some for you. Ill just drop them in your game, leave and then you can pick then up and ill still have them, providing they never patched said method.


Me me me!!!!


Do you have the 'Conference Call' shotgun and 'The Bee' shield?

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Argh, the guy i'm playing with can be really annoying at times! He just doesn't care about the storyline or the humour of the game at all.


We were playing the level with Shooty Mcshootyface in it, and i found him first. I was standing in front of him, enjoying his dialogue and laughing, and my friend just comes up behind me, reads that you have to shoot him in the face, and does so. Then runs off. I mean, it's not his fault, that is the objective, but i wish he'd spend a bit more time 'savouring' the game sometimes.


Never mind. Game is still really good, and it's nice having someone to play it with.

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