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X-Men Mafia II Game Thread


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I have *a* suspicion, but whether to out it and let them make an excuse, or take a free for all on who targetted Ell, I find myself torn. I don't want to reveal anyone useful, but I also don't want to possibly miss a mafia. I imagine they tried to kill Ell last night, but someone took heed his word and protected him(or, the more elaborate, he's mafia and they didn't kill to highlight his own innocence).


(also the glistening objects I know not of, but it looks like the phoenix is possibly manifesting? this is interesting)

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I'd like to run and get there ahead of Rummy :p


So no one died? I thought someone killed Earth at first... Sounds a bit stupid now. It sounds waaayyy more like a protection than a roleblock, so I don't think we can learn too much from it. Our trackers or investigators will need to have gotten something.

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Either we have a lot of women in this game or it's the same person/people being forced to kill each night. Or the mafia can only target women to be their killer.


Whichever it is, I'm starting to think the mafia are just forcing one of their own to kill (either because they have to or because it gives them a shred of defence if they're caught). Not one person has come forward as being made to kill instead of their regular action.

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Whichever it is, I'm starting to think the mafia are just forcing one of their own to kill

Why would they force someone? Doesn't redirection only affect the power you choose to use that night? If I'm reading you right, not only can someone redirect someone they can choose which power (if there's a choice) to use also?

Not one person has come forward as being made to kill instead of their regular action.

Who would? It's basically a massive "lynch me" target.

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Why would they force someone?


either because they have to or because it gives them a shred of defence if they're caught.




Doesn't redirection only affect the power you choose to use that night? If I'm reading you right, not only can someone redirect someone they can choose which power (if there's a choice) to use also?


Who would? It's basically a massive "lynch me" target.


I'm saying either they have to force someone to kill - maybe they have to use this armour we keep seeing, and maybe it's not as foolproof if they choose one of the X-Men to do it (so they pick mafia to be certain).


OR maybe they're forcing one of their own to kill so that if the killer is caught they can so 'no I'm not mafia, I was forced' - but while this defence probably would've held some weight early on, it's been far too long without people saying they've been forced for it to be an effective argument imo.


I don't know what you're on about with redirecting someone and choosing their power. Not even close to anything I said :p




say* not so.

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Well I tracked someone and they targetted Ell, I don't want to reveal them yet in event of being a protector, though. Waiting to see if they even decide to post -.-


But you're asking them to post about it themselves..which would give them away.


BTW, heroic: you need to convince me to use your power again.

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