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Lucas Blood and the Mystery of the Puzzle Killer


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Note: You've lost but THANK CHRIST! My God it was so frustrating trying to keep my mouth shut! So glad it finally clicked, mind! You guys need to be on the ball for this game, it's going to get tougher, haha! ;)


Vote: Go to the abandoned warehouse


Fuck me I saw that days ago and just forgot to get round to PMing R_A about it. JUST CLICKED.


Dazz; game = awesome again :P I highly recommend more like that!


Vote: Go to the abandoned warehouse


It's so clear now.


Edit: I so should have said "I can see clearly now..."


Oh man, that is GENIUS. I take it all back.


Go to the Abandoned warehouse


Answer: Go to the Abandoned Warehouse.


I'll do the abandoned warehouse thing too.


Lucas looked at the weird paragraph, trying to think of what it meant. How did he know it was raining? Lucas turned to his left and to his right frantically, trying to see any clues. He took a step back and looked up to see that there was a camera pointing to the wall where two bins were resting against.

He moved one of the bins to have a look behind it and he saw nothing. He moved the other to find two simple words: Warehouse 13.

"Warehouse 13?" Lucas reads aloud. "Where can I find that?"

He gets his phone out and starts punching in the numbers.

The phone rang.

"Hello?" answered a voice.

"Jay, it's Blood, I need you to do a quick search on Warehouse 13 near McGuinness."

"The thing is, Lucas, you say that you want me to look for Warehouse 13 but there's loads of Warehouse 13s" Jay replied.

"Damn it, Jay. Just search for it, it's right in front of you!"

Jay sighed and done as he was told. Blood never took any prisoners.

He heard the tapping of the keys and then nothing but silence for thirty seconds.

Jay started to talk. "Right, this Warehouse 13 is an abandoned warehouse just ten minutes away from you. I'll send you the location on your phone"

And the conversation ceased. Lucas' phone beeped and he was sent the map as to where he needed to go.

Lucas got into his car and drove off to the location.

"I just hope Smith is okay!"




Blood entered the warehouse, gun held in his hand, wondering what would happen next. However, nothing braced him for what he was about to see...

As he entered the building, a massive light blazed down on him and another in the distance. He walked to the light in the distance to see another piece of paper on the floor.

"God damn it, when are you actually going to stop hiding?!" Blood shouted.

The next thing he heard were muffles. He raised his gun, pointing into the darkness. When he was sure he was safe, he looked down to the piece of paper.


Bang and the dirt is gone!


"'Bang and the dirt is gone'? What the hell does that mean?" he asked himself loudly. The next thing he knew, another light turned on to his left and his reflexes made him face the light and what he saw made him sick to his stomach.

Hiro sat there with a pained expression on his lifeless face, his eyes bulging facing down to the ground. He was wearing blue overalls with some kind of liquid escaping his mouth. On the desk next to him were bottles of a well-known cleaning product that could clean pennies good as new. On the overalls was one word: DIRT.

"Hiro! No! Hiro, come on!" he pleaded as he ran over to the lifeless corpse, shaking him, knowing it was too late to save him.

Lucas phoned the police station.

"Jay, send back-up and a paramedic to the warehouse immediately!"

Lucas heard another muffle. He spun around quickly to find Smith nailed to a chair, facing Hiro. His face covered in blood and bruises.

"Smith! Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I've been kidnapped, beaten up and had nails stuck in my feet and hands, I'm grand thanks!" snapped Smith.

Blood laughed a little and shook his head. "Paramedics are going to be here soon, dickwad!"

Smith laughed a little and sighed in pain.

Blood got his torch out and started shining the light in the dark areas. He saw nothing.

He put the torch back down and then he let out a sigh.

He knew this wasn't over, not by a long shot.


Hiro Nick Jan is no longer in the game, he died through drinking too much Cillit Bang!


To be continued...

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Well heroijan, to be fair, we had no idea that there was any silencing possible, or that someone would die because of it, despite riddles seemingly solved perfectly fine.


Whilst I applaud the latest riddle solution... still don't feel like I quite know what the game is all about. I guess we should make sure that we do a roll-call at the start of the next phase. folks.

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I don't get why HeroJan is dead....


Like a snake in the night, you slowly creep to find your prey and unravel their secrets but we really know why you're so intent on catching me. We both know that if you take a gamble and roll the dice, either way, you lose and I win. You wouldn't be able to catch me or even win me, even when you're old in a wheelchair or walking around with a zimmer-frame. Either way, the chase is always fun and interesting. I see that it's raining again, you should trust in the rain as it can lead you to new places. Should you try to be a hero and second-guess my location, both the cleaner and your partner dies but if you can unravel this message within three days, both leave unharmed. Now go and do what you do best and go eat sugary pastries!





You had three days to solve it...

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