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3 Months Of Nothing / Aimless / What To Do With Your Life


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SO. It's, which means 3 months before any commitment -- I have nothing on my calendar until October, [apart from the 10th of September, when I have a wedding in the highlands]. I'm the spirit of my hair.


I need to achieve things with my life.


I don't know what to do. I'm aimless. I've been off a week, and I'm already so bored. I'm rootless. [/Marina+Diamonds]


What do people do during the holidays?


I haven't been abroad for 2 years, so I'm open to going faraway, but not open to spending hideous amounts of money on flights etc. I have about £300 (but can spare up to about £(6/7/8)00, if the thing to do is worthwhile spending my moneyz on). Does anyone know any good sites for cheap/lastminute flights? I was thinking about Wwoofing in France, but my language isn't really up to scratch, and I'm a bit apprehensive about arranging it, given everything is done in French.


Was also thinking about writing and filming a film, but need Paj!'s guidance / him in my life.. And thinking of going to London and living as the spirit.



But yeah, generally, I'm scared I'll be this aimless when I graduate / have a real life. What do you do in life? What do you do with your spare time?

Edited by chairdriver
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I write movie reviews, do projects like podcasts and such, I'm writing my book, writing my new and (hopefully) exciting N-E game, gaming and such. Try out a project, maybe write a book or whatever floats your boat. Try something.

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I started university this summer, so I haven't exactly been bored, but I know the feeling. I've had days where I just can't bring myself to do anything useful. The trick is to find something that you enjoy doing to the point where you get lost in it, writing and programming are good examples.

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Yes. Pretty much what all have said. Funny, this is the first time I've seen the thread...has a similar purpose to my thread about daily life.


What I've done is made a list. I have to finish my "The Kiss" painting, begin a different painting, clean room, play Hotel Dusk 2, finish "The girl who kicked the hornet's nest", keep practicing piano, organise holiday and continue becoming fluent in French.


Of course I'm still awfully bored sometimes but I'm kept sane by those things. Plus, J'ai Marilyn dans ma vie en ce moment, alors je sens à l'aise.


Friends -- ils me satisfait the most right now. So I'm always (trying to) organise stuff with them. It's gone to the point where even texting them is the high-light of my day.


Basically, I'm a man of the arts -- a Renaissance man. I play music, I paint pictures, I write poetry, I create and form films.


Que sera sera. Whatever may be, may be. The future's not ours to see. Que sera sera.

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Yes. Pretty much what all have said. Funny, this is the first time I've seen the thread...has a similar purpose to my thread about daily life.


What I've done is made a list. I have to finish my "The Kiss" painting, begin a different painting, clean room, play Hotel Dusk 2, finish "The girl who kicked the hornet's nest", keep practicing piano, organise holiday and continue becoming fluent in French.


Of course I'm still awfully bored sometimes but I'm kept sane by those things. Plus, J'ai Marilyn dans ma vie en ce moment, alors je sens à l'aise.


Friends -- ils me satisfait the most right now. So I'm always (trying to) organise stuff with them. It's gone to the point where even texting them is the high-light of my day.


I'm doing similar itty-bitty things. Reading V For Vendetta. Reading a book about scientific breakthroughs (it's remarkably bad, considering the subject material is interesting). Playing Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep. Learning the piano. Planning my stunning Kingdom Hearts mafia for HCR (actually spent so much time and energy on this). Doing some maths problems in preparation for next year. Grindring / playing the Edinburgh gay field (lol). Meeting friends. Nothing massive, but everything essential.


But the highlight of my day is getting an email from my the ("my" implies ownership, and causes annoying complexes in people) boyfriend guy I'm romantically involved with (wouldn't call him a boyfriend, since I'm still sleeping with other people outside the relationship). Sometimes I spend so long orchestrating a message that I forget to actually reply, and then I have to stress that I don't not like him, it's just it feels wrong to casually reply quickly, because he's so worth my time.


[Not that I know much about French (/I did get an A band 1 in my Higher, meaning I'z great), but dans ma vie sounds/sits wrong. If it's acceptable, sounds clumsy to me. [+ obvs my opinion is so pregnant.] ALTHOUGH, could be a purposefully a stunningly literal translation of "in my life", which is a really incongruous english expression, since it reminds me of your life being a massive ark, which can hold stuff, and if something's in the ark, then it's there.]

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