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Posted (edited)

Only played it for an hour so isn't much to say, but it looks and plays nice. It's very much a Tales of game that's for sure. The opening theme is nice, although not in English sadly. I have started the game on the hardest available difficulty(two up from normal and one up from what I played in Graces)


You probably don't know this but how do I get the XMB theme and costumes? There's no code with box other than a code to Namco's own site.

Edited by Tales
Only played it for an hour so isn't much to say, but it looks and plays nice. It's very much a Tales of game that's for sure. The opening theme is nice, although not in English sadly. I have started the game on the hardest available difficulty(two up from normal and one up from what I played in Graces)


You probably don't know this but how do I get the XMB theme and costumes? There's no code with box other than a code to Namco's own site.

Whomever you bought it from should email you the code when your order ships.


Weird, I got nothing of the sort. I shall e-mail them tomorrow then.


Played a couple more hours. Very good so far. I like the new battle system.


I'm really tempted to get a PS3 for this game, graces f and all other tales of games. Man I've missed out too much, and Tales of Symphonia Chronicles announced for next year makes it that much more tempting. It was one of my favorite GameCube games.

PS4 isn't backwards compatible but it will stream them via cloud right?


I started this yesterday and i'm enjoying what i'm seeing so far.


I started with Jude ( who did everyone else start with? ) and I thought my game was broken or something as there was no anime movie/jpop opening that I had seen on youtube. I was calmed down after a couple of hours playtime when the games story started to kick in and the anime intro sequence fired up. I love Tales games opening music. :D


It took a while to get used to Milla's voice. The character model and voice just don't match that well, as the voice just seems too old for her. I swear the actress playing her also has a problem with her S's at times.


This guy is THE man.




I thought he was voiced by Troy Baker but it seems this isn't the case. The guy voicing him ( Matthew Mercer ) sounds so much like him though and looking around the net it seems others have made this same mistake.


I look forward to playing the hell out of this during the course of the weekend. Shame I have to go to work now. :(


Regarding the pre-order dlc... was this only for people who ordered via the namco site?


I ordered the Milla Maxwell edition from ShoTo, is there any way of me claiming a pre-order code from Namco?


It's not a must but being that these things came as standard with Tales of Graces f it feels a bit off that they wouldn't just include it with this one.


I started with Jude ( who did everyone else start with? ) and I thought my game was broken or something as there was no anime movie/jpop opening that I had seen on youtube. I was calmed down after a couple of hours playtime when the games story started to kick in and the anime intro sequence fired up. I love Tales games opening music. :D


Jude. I heard it was best to start with him.


Glad I wasn't the only one confused about the opening, the main menu is weird. Not played enough to see it then, I just looked it up on Youtube. :laughing:


Is the opening song on the CD?


Not sure if I should be starting this yet, I should finish Pikmin 3 first, then I wanted to play Earthbound. :/

Regarding the pre-order dlc... was this only for people who ordered via the namco site?


I ordered the Milla Maxwell edition from ShoTo, is there any way of me claiming a pre-order code from Namco?


It's not a must but being that these things came as standard with Tales of Graces f it feels a bit off that they wouldn't just include it with this one.


I got a preorder from GAME via email last night. It contained a PS3 theme and some character costume DLC. Is that the stuff you are after?

I got a preorder from GAME via email last night. It contained a PS3 theme and some character costume DLC. Is that the stuff you are after?


Yes that's the one, just seems really odd that they would offer it as a pre-order bonus in quite a few places - I checked on Google and it seems Game Amazon and Namco were offering it - but not on ShopTo.


I started with Milla. I agree about her voice, it doesn't quite fit with character model.


I'm at the second boss battle, excluding the tutorial. Hard mode was relatively easy up to then. The boss kicked my add and the first time I got the game over screen. Don't think grinding for levels is the way to go so I will stock up on more items and devise a new tactic when I get back.

I started with Milla. I agree about her voice, it doesn't quite fit with character model.


I'm at the second boss battle, excluding the tutorial. Hard mode was relatively easy up to then. The boss kicked my add and the first time I got the game over screen. Don't think grinding for levels is the way to go so I will stock up on more items and devise a new tactic when I get back.


How are you leveling up in terms of the grid? I just set everything on auto and haven't had any issues so far. It kind of reminds me of the sphere grid system from FFX.


Yes that's the one, just seems really odd that they would offer it as a pre-order bonus in quite a few places - I checked on Google and it seems Game Amazon and Namco were offering it - but not on ShopTo.


You can have mine if you want. I rarely use preorder DLC if it doesn't offer some kind of stat boost or something.

You can have mine if you want. I rarely use preorder DLC if it doesn't offer some kind of stat boost or something.


Yes please Hero :) that's most kind of you, if you're genuinely sure you don't want it then I'll gladly accept the dlc code, thank you. :D

Yes please Hero :) that's most kind of you, if you're genuinely sure you don't want it then I'll gladly accept the dlc code, thank you. :D


It's fine, bud. Think of it as payment for the early Ala hunting on Monster Hunter. :D


I'll PM you now.

It's fine, bud. Think of it as payment for the early Ala hunting on Monster Hunter. :D


I'll PM you now.


Well when you put it like that... :D


Thanks, I'll redeem the code right after my system updates. : peace:


What difficulty did you start on btw? I'm thinking of going for normal, but I probably won't get around to playing it until later after work, will get the game installed though so it's ready, I have a feeling that I'm really going to enjoy this Tales of... game. :)


My expectations of it so far are that it will probably be the same enjoyment level as Vesperia - which I enjoyed a lot - but probably not anywhere near Symphonia - which is still my favourite in the series - as I put quite a number of hours into that one. :smile:

What difficulty did you start on btw? I'm thinking of going for normal, but I probably won't get around to playing it until later after work, will get the game installed though so it's ready, I have a feeling that I'm really going to enjoy this Tales of... game. :)


I just started on normal. If there isn't is a trophy/achievement for doing it on a higher difficulty then I just stick to normal. With it being a JRPG, if I do get stuck, then I usually just grind my levels and then head back and give whatever was giving me trouble a beating. :D

How are you leveling up in terms of the grid? I just set everything on auto and haven't had any issues so far. It kind of reminds me of the sphere grid system from FFX.




You can have mine if you want. I rarely use preorder DLC if it doesn't offer some kind of stat boost or something.

I set them myself, but I don't think much about which nodes I activate.

Got this today, will play it after I finish Dream Team Bros.


The "artbook" is a joke.


For some reason the 'full' artbook is only in the Milla Maxwell Collector's Edition.


So who did everyone start with then?


I think I'll probably go with Jude, only because people seem to think its better to start with him? I've gotta be honest though, I'm looking forward more to playing as Milla but they both look like decent characters. :)

Posted (edited)

Why is Jude better? I started with Milla.


Up to the third boss battle now(still excluding the tutorial), still on hard. It gets very, very cheap halfway through(the battle). It's so cheap I'm considering giving up on the hard playthrough. It just wasn't fun.


I think I will go from hard to normal(so hard>moderate>normal). When a random fight took 3-4 minutes I should have gotten the cue.

Edited by Tales
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