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No it isn't. That's the most interesting thing about you. You could be a skydiving nudist and it'd still be the most interesting thing about you. I don't fucking know anybody who runs a popular games site, let alone the most read independent Pokemon site on the fucking internet. Running that site is the thing that demonstrates you are an intelligent, accomplished, passionate, fun human being. Without that you are, at best, Captain Nice McNormalguy and nobody wants to date him. You know why?


Because he's boring. He's not the guy who has studied hard to develop an important skill. He's not the guy with a fun passion for something millions of other *adults* enjoy. He's not the guy with so much enthusiasm for something he built a fucking awesome website for other people to share. There are no "Normal People". There are people who have got something to share and people who fucking don't. You have something to share. Stop hiding it.


This. Times a million.


Serebii, but omitting this it looks like you're embarrassed about what you do for a living. If you're embarrassed by it and don't want to talk about it it looks like you're not comfortable being yourself. Why would a girl want to be with someone who isn't comfortable being himself?


When a girl asks you what you do what do you tell them?

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This. Times a million.


Serebii, but omitting this it looks like you're embarrassed about what you do for a living. If you're embarrassed by it and don't want to talk about it it looks like you're not comfortable being yourself. Why would a girl want to be with someone who isn't comfortable being himself?


When a girl asks you what you do what do you tell them?

I typically say I'm a freelance journalist, which is true...


I'm not embarrassed, it's just not the best first impression, and first impressions are important

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I typically say I'm a freelance journalist, which is true...


I'm not embarrassed, it's just not the best first impression, and first impressions are important


I agree. That's why you're going to stop telling people you're a "freelance journalist" (which is usually code for "unemployed") and start telling them you "run a very popular video game website" because you FUCKING RUN A VERY POPULAR VIDEO GAME WEBSITE MOTHERFUCKER.

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I typically say I'm a freelance journalist, which is true...


I'm not embarrassed, it's just not the best first impression, and first impressions are important


Dude, the best thing you can do is be yourself. If people don't like it, fuck them. Seriously, what you do is awesome and I wish I could do something like that. You make money from your hobby, that's something a lot of dudes dream of doing!


First impressions are important, you're correct on that one, but you have to remember that that goes for her as well. If she's not impressed by what you do and stuff, tell her where to go! I mean, you have something that's seriously interesting to discuss. She could potentially be a boring tit and want to discuss what scandals celebrities have been doing and stuff.


Never hide yourself, dude! You're awesome and they're the ones fighting for your attention and approval, not the other way around! ;)

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I typically say I'm a freelance journalist, which is true...


I'm not embarrassed, it's just not the best first impression, and first impressions are important


I would want to date somebody who ran a website.


I would definitely want to date somebody who ran a gaming website.



I wouldn't want to date a journalist.


I definitely wouldn't want to date a freelance journalist.



First impressions do count, and you're giving the wrong ones.

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I dunno, it just seems to me that it'd end up causing me to get even less attention


Try it. You claim you've tried everything else. You've got nothing to loose.


And try to be more positive for gods sake.


(Can I just clarify one other thing out of curiosity, is your site how you actually make a living or do you have income from elsewhere?)

Edited by gaggle64
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Serebii you don't have to mention Pokemon.


"I run a website."

"I run a gaming website."

"I run a world leading website."

"I run a world leading gaming and news website."



(Can I just clarify one other thing out of curiosity, is your site how you actually make a living or do you have income from elsewhere?)


His income comes from his journalism.

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Try it. You claim you've tried everything else. You've got nothing to loose.


And try to be more positive for gods sake.


(Can I just clarify one other thing out of curiosity, is your site how you actually make a living or do you have income from elsewhere?)

The money the site makes typically goes towards servers and other costs. I refuse to fully monetise it like some other sites have done despite it taking the majority of my free time. I get other money through magazine work and the occasional web design work.


I do try to be positive, but when life gives you lemons, you end up with citric acid in your eye

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The money the site makes typically goes towards servers and other costs. I refuse to fully monetise it like some other sites have done despite it taking the majority of my free time. I get other money through magazine work and the occasional web design work.


And suddenly I get the impression of a dynamic, professional, passionate, self-assured human being.

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Serebii, why don't you let somebody on here design your dating profile? You say you're not getting anything from it, so what have you got to lose? You either get some responses/dates, or you get to say "I told you so". Win-win (sort of).


I tried giving some hints once a few months back. Some were taken on board, others not.

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I do try to be positive, but when life gives you lemons, you end up with citric acid in your eye


And there we have it folks, the reason why you are getting nowhere.:bouncy:


Negativity makes women run for the hills. You gotta love yourself (and you blates don't) or else you will never BE loved.

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So as you know I have been single since November.


Of late I have been having a bit more confidence in myself and have started to enjoy being single again. Met a few women and had a bit of fun. One particular girl I met who I really wasn't trying to get anywhere with cos I thought she was way too attractive for me actually asked for my number via a mutual friend a few days after we met. We have been in contact for about a week now and getting to know each other is fun. Massive confidence booster and feels good.


Getting happy again. Just thought I would share! :)

Edited by Platty
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Good shit platty :) pretty much in the same boat myself.


Let me share a story.. I hooked up with a chick on Friday night, I'd had a mild crush on her for a few weeks. All was well, drove her home the next day, got her number.. and just sent a super casual text to give her my number as well.


3 days later I haven't heard a peep from her.. So I guess that means one night stand right? Kinda disappointing.. Quite cute and fun :(

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Good shit platty :) pretty much in the same boat myself.


Let me share a story.. I hooked up with a chick on Friday night, I'd had a mild crush on her for a few weeks. All was well, drove her home the next day, got her number.. and just sent a super casual text to give her my number as well.


3 days later I haven't heard a peep from her.. So I guess that means one night stand right? Kinda disappointing.. Quite cute and fun :(


I've never been sober enough to give a girl a lift home the next morning... I do the gentlemanly thing and call a taxi for them early doors.

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Never had a one night stand in my life, couldnt do it, i get too attached i think. I like relationships, not meaningless sex.


Anyway, relationship news. My g/f has a pretty high sex drive i think, and while this is generally pretty amazing, and i never thought i would say this, the other night i was just really exhausted and wanted to sleep! I even gave her a little massage hoping she'd then feel as worn out as i was, but that just made her even hotter! Of course, she thought i was rejecting her and got a bit upset, so i just had to say "look woman, let a man sleep!" (I didn't really, but i should have, would have made my point a lot quicker). :p

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Never had a one night stand in my life, couldnt do it, i get too attached i think. I like relationships, not meaningless sex.


Anyway, relationship news. My g/f has a pretty high sex drive i think, and while this is generally pretty amazing, and i never thought i would say this, the other night i was just really exhausted and wanted to sleep! I even gave her a little massage hoping she'd then feel as worn out as i was, but that just made her even hotter! Of course, she thought i was rejecting her and got a bit upset, so i just had to say "look woman, let a man sleep!" (I didn't really, but i should have, would have made my point a lot quicker). :p


The double-standards of some women astounds me. If it was the other way round and you were pushy about sex when she didn't want to then she would've been annoyed at you for pushing her. If you don't want sex and she is pushing you then you are rejecting her.


Not in anyone bashing your girl, just something I've picked up on.

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The double-standards of some women astounds me. If it was the other way round and you were pushy about sex when she didn't want to then she would've been annoyed at you for pushing her. If you don't want sex and she is pushing you then you are rejecting her.


Not in anyone bashing your girl, just something I've picked up on.


No you're right, I totally agree. It's annoying really.

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Never had a one night stand in my life, couldnt do it, i get too attached i think. I like relationships, not meaningless sex.


Anyway, relationship news. My g/f has a pretty high sex drive i think, and while this is generally pretty amazing, and i never thought i would say this, the other night i was just really exhausted and wanted to sleep! I even gave her a little massage hoping she'd then feel as worn out as i was, but that just made her even hotter! Of course, she thought i was rejecting her and got a bit upset, so i just had to say "look woman, let a man sleep!" (I didn't really, but i should have, would have made my point a lot quicker). :p

It must be hard, having your life


Lucky git :p

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@Serebii - why don't you try both personas? Have one tailored exactly how you want to appear, to seek out "normal" peoples' attention, and another showing off that you run an immensely popular gaming website and looking for a pokemon fan?

Well, I tried the normal and it yielded nothing.


I then switched, sent a few messages out since...nothing again.


I'm just going to buy an obscure animal and be known as the crazy guy with one...

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