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You could put aside a certain percentage of those extra three months and make your first day/night in Australia really special. That way you have a personal reason (as well as the possible professional benefit) to keep on going. .


Oh man, I thought you meant sexually. Like, "only masturbate 70% of what you normally do and save things up for your boyfriend."



Anyway, I'd discuss it with the boyfriend first, but three months really isn't that long. And you could buy a Wii U to keep you company!


I didn't quite understand that bit at first either haha. Written down it doesn't seem like a big deal but for some reason 3 months seems quite long.


Also re getting a Wii U...I already have no idea what to do with all the games/consoles I have at the moment! If I leave them here I know they'll get lost/thrown out. I had thought of buying a Wii over there and bringing some Wii/GC games in a sleeve holder but now I hear new Wii's don't play GameCube games? This could possibly be the real issue.

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No reason he can't do both!



I had thought of buying a Wii over there and bringing some Wii/GC games in a sleeve holder but now I hear new Wii's don't play GameCube games? This could possibly be the real issue.

I'm sure he'll understand.


(You could just get a regular Wii, if you're still set on moving.)

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No reason he can't do both!




I'm sure he'll understand.


(You could just get a regular Wii, if you're still set on moving.)


That is true! Don't think I'll be visiting a sperm bank anytime soon though haha.


I thought I read somewhere that new Wii's now don't contain backwards compatibility with GameCube games? I must have got mixed up. I know the Wii U doesn't, I'll see what happens when I get over anyway.


I keep changing my mind. This morning was convinced I would stay but then wasn't so sure and now I'm back to square one!

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When I'm in a difficult dilemma where I keep weighing pros and cons without getting anywhere, I employ the following strategy: Pick one of the options. Make a decision. Then go around for a while with that decision in the back of your mind. Soon you should be able to feel if it feels right. Then after a while, do the same with the other. If nothing else, this should hopefully clear up your feelings on the matter a bit.


This strategy usually works for me, but of course I can't guarantee it will for you. I hope it does. :)

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When I'm in a difficult dilemma where I keep weighing pros and cons without getting anywhere, I employ the following strategy: Pick one of the options. Make a decision. Then go around for a while with that decision in the back of your mind. Soon you should be able to feel if it feels right. Then after a while, do the same with the other. If nothing else, this should hopefully clear up your feelings on the matter a bit.


This strategy usually works for me, but of course I can't guarantee it will for you. I hope it does. :)


There is never a perfect decision. The best option transpires only because a decision of some sort was made that served as a stable base from which to build and create an end result.



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When I'm in a difficult dilemma where I keep weighing pros and cons without getting anywhere, I employ the following strategy: Pick one of the options. Make a decision. Then go around for a while with that decision in the back of your mind. Soon you should be able to feel if it feels right. Then after a while, do the same with the other. If nothing else, this should hopefully clear up your feelings on the matter a bit.


This strategy usually works for me, but of course I can't guarantee it will for you. I hope it does. :)


Thanks Danny!


I've decided I'll stay the extra three months. Going in January feels way more attractive in my head, but staying the extra few months seems like the best decision in the long run.


If I go in January I get to see my boyfriend sooner, get to enjoy the summer, and a lot of other festivals etc etc. But I need to maximise my chances of getting a decent job! And hopefully coming later will mean I'll get to enjoy many more summers over there in the future :)


Plus I'm really liking my job, especially the people I work with, and finishing in three weeks seems way too soon!

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Was in a club last night and this girl who was all over guys started trying it with me and as it was near the end of the night said to me, "So are we going back to yours?" my response was: I don't know what you were thinking of, I'm taken!



I wouldn't dare tell my missus though as she'd never let me go out again!

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Hai. So, my girlfriend of 6 and a half years and who I was going to ask to marry me when we were in Vegas for new year has left me. Heart broken. Give me some love N-E.


It ended on quite bad terms. She said she had fallen out of love with me. She loves me but not like that anymore..... AND she said she had been cheating on me for the past few months with someone we know and has feelings for him and wants to be with him. What a shitter eh?


Completely out of the blue too. We had been pretty happy over the past 6 and half years and even right up until she broke it off I thought we were fine and was planning shit for her birthday in 2 weeks. She was obviously putting up a good front. None of my friends thought anything was wrong either. I picked her up from work 2 fridays ago and got the "we need to talk" line. I feel absolutely devastated.


Fuck women. She was the one, we were to be married and it still all goes wrong. Can't be arsed anymore.

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Ouch. Mother-fucking ouch Platty, that's a world class shit-fest. It sounds like she was really crappy and cowardly about the whole thing too, going behind your back like that for that amount of time.


Hope you recover and get back into the game soon. Problem is your one of the actually genuinely intelligent nice guys. Humanity isn't really going to survive long without you somewhere in the potential vicinity of the gene pool. Fertile women would instinctively just stop going outside.

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Cheers chaps.


The most hurtful thing is that after 6 and half years she treated me with no respect. Ok so you have feelings for someone else. It happens. How about you two show some dignity and hold off fucking each other and speak to me first, the person you need to deal with.


I financed her life for the past few years as she has no money, I done everything for her and shared so much of my life with her and get treated like that. Horrible roller coaster of emotions.


Gotta try and cancel the whole Vegas trip too, I don't want to go on my own!

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