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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Guys, I have a question. Me and this girl on OKC have been talking for almost a month every day and I've just asked her if she has Skype or any other instant messaging service so we can talk more. Do you think I should have done that? I don't know, maybe I'm being stupid in worrying but I kind of am, strange.


Why would there be anything weird about that? As the Danemeister said, it's just the natural step.



What is it with people on this forum? Half of you find online dating weird, the other half do online dating, but find it weird when people want to meet up.

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Animal: To me it sounds like the natural step forward. It's just that natural steps forward are scary when you're interested in someone.


I think that's what it is mostly. Still, I hope I get it, it would make life a little easier.


Why would there be anything weird about that? As the Danemeister said, it's just the natural step.


What is it with people on this forum? Half of you find online dating weird, the other half do online dating, but find it weird when people want to meet up.


I don't find it weird meeting up, I just hope she doesn't, haha. Besides, meeting up might be a bit impossible considering she lives in America, lmao.

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Guys, I have a question. Me and this girl on OKC have been talking for almost a month every day and I've just asked her if she has Skype or any other instant messaging service so we can talk more. Do you think I should have done that? I don't know, maybe I'm being stupid in worrying but I kind of am, strange.


Definitely, it seems like a positive thing to do. I've been talking to a guy on there for just over two weeks and he asked me if he could have my number/add me on facebook so we could chat more, which I liked. Having someone ask you that means that you must be getting on well which is a great sign, so I'm sure she'll be happy to know that you want to talk more.

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I don't think that's on the cards...yet...LOL!


Nah, I don't know where this is headed to be honest. I wouldn't actually mind trying a long-distance relationship thing out. I wouldn't usually so much but I think she's awesome, just a shame she isn't near me and vice versa. :(

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Yes I have, as it happens. I checked her little question thingy (I say little, she answered something like 250 questions...I did too) and all of the race/ethnicity questions are "I don't mind" rather than "I'd rather date someone my own colour/race/whatever" so yeah, hurrah!


She hasn't fucked off and deleted her account yet so I must be doing something right and she saw a picture of me anyway so it's going well at the moment! haha.

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I found out that the guy I was in love with is now seeing someone else. The one who said he'd date me if I was slimmer. Thought I was over him but obviously not.


Been talking to a friend who is in an unhappy relationship with sme suicidal woman (according to him anyway) and he wanted no strings sex. Oh so not going there. But I think he's developing feelings for me now. And it's confusing. I've known him for a very long time and the feelings there are so complicated. I'm power tripping over the fact he finds me irresistable, yet terrified over the whole messy part.


All this happening when I reduced my anti depressants leads to a black cloud lingering over my head for the past few days..


I had a massive crazy panic attack/episode over it all last night and I felt really really horrendous. Never felt that bad before in my life. I felt nauseous and like I just wanted to crawl in a hole and die. Getting attention from people just makes me realise how lonely I am.

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I found out that the guy I was in love with is now seeing someone else. The one who said he'd date me if I was slimmer. Thought I was over him but obviously not.


Been talking to a friend who is in an unhappy relationship with sme suicidal woman (according to him anyway) and he wanted no strings sex. Oh so not going there. But I think he's developing feelings for me now. And it's confusing. I've known him for a very long time and the feelings there are so complicated. I'm power tripping over the fact he finds me irresistable, yet terrified over the whole messy part.


All this happening when I reduced my anti depressants leads to a black cloud lingering over my head for the past few days..


I had a massive crazy panic attack/episode over it all last night and I felt really really horrendous. Never felt that bad before in my life. I felt nauseous and like I just wanted to crawl in a hole and die. Getting attention from people just makes me realise how lonely I am.


Aww, I'm sorry to hear you feel like this, Raining! :(


Try as best as you can to forget that jerk though, that man is deluded for wanting to change you in the first place! Also, I wouldn't go for that man who wants no-strings sex with you because if he's doing that and he's in a relationship, he could do the same to you if you two get together (does this make sense because reading back, it does to me but I can see if it confuses people, lmao).


I hope you'll be happy soon, Raining! Just know that you're not lonely, you have us! When you feel down and you think there's no-one to turn to, just think of us! We're always here for you! :D

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Haha thanks guys :D


Me and no strings have decided to not bother with anything sexual and just be friends which is a huge relief. :)


I'm still gutted about the other guy but it'll just take time I guess.


My love life is a complete roller coaster of crap feelings but I feel so much more positive about myself looks wise. I've got pretty much to my lowest adult weight, I bought trousers 3 weeks ago that now are falling off me. Hurrah :)


Ive been talking a lot to a friend who I've always connected with. We've been friends for about 8/9 years. He's basically my brain twin, we think pretty much identically. We've got the exact same sexual preferences, he's a dom and I'm a sub (lol) but the big stop point is the fact he has a girlfriend. Me not being confident and him being a head melting mess has kinda prevented us getting together in the past... Right person wrong time.... :(


Sorry to hear that, Raining. :( When you say lonely, do you mean romantically or socially in general?


Sexually and romantically.


Aww, I'm sorry to hear you feel like this, Raining! :(


Try as best as you can to forget that jerk though, that man is deluded for wanting to change you in the first place! Also, I wouldn't go for that man who wants no-strings sex with you because if he's doing that and he's in a relationship, he could do the same to you if you two get together (does this make sense because reading back, it does to me but I can see if it confuses people, lmao).


I hope you'll be happy soon, Raining! Just know that you're not lonely, you have us! When you feel down and you think there's no-one to turn to, just think of us! We're always here for you! :D


He said the same thing himself, that he knows if we had an affair, and ended up together, it would always be in the back of my mind. We're very sexually attracted but we are also good friends, so it's not worth risking it.



Wow this conversation feels very weird, telling a forum about my sexual preferences... I've never had the confidence to do that before now lol

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I'm with animal, have chatted to a few girls and have developed a bit of a relationship with one now. The weird thing is, how do you make that distinction from online dating to 'couple'? It seems like we are getting pretty couply, though only met her 3 times, the things she says imply she's really into this, and we plan to go to Alton towers on Sunday, which would normally be a big thing I guess but with her it's just normal as we always have fun. Who knows, I shouldn't get caught up in the relationship game, she's an awesome girl and we're having fun. Worked so far :)

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Good luck with that Jav, that sounds promising!


I'm quite happy at the moment. We've been talking for a month and we've exchanged numbers and Skype details and such. She said that she looks forward to my messages every day and she hopes I never stop sending them. She also said that I'm the only one she's had a long, in-depth conversation with and she loves that. I'm just a little sad she lives so far from me. It's a shame she doesn't live closer.


Still, I'm enjoying talking to her at the moment so I'm cool with it.

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I'm with animal, have chatted to a few girls and have developed a bit of a relationship with one now. The weird thing is, how do you make that distinction from online dating to 'couple'? It seems like we are getting pretty couply, though only met her 3 times, the things she says imply she's really into this, and we plan to go to Alton towers on Sunday, which would normally be a big thing I guess but with her it's just normal as we always have fun. Who knows, I shouldn't get caught up in the relationship game, she's an awesome girl and we're having fun. Worked so far :)


In my opinion you transfer from dating to a couple when you agree that you stop seeing other people and have 'the chat'.


I personally like this to happen after sleeping with the girl and in an ideal world would be around after a month or so of seeing them. If you are going to be a couple you need to really know the person as you'll be spending a lot of time with them.


Good luck with that Jav, that sounds promising!


I'm quite happy at the moment. We've been talking for a month and we've exchanged numbers and Skype details and such. She said that she looks forward to my messages every day and she hopes I never stop sending them. She also said that I'm the only one she's had a long, in-depth conversation with and she loves that. I'm just a little sad she lives so far from me. It's a shame she doesn't live closer.


Still, I'm enjoying talking to her at the moment so I'm cool with it.


I think it's great that you're enjoying talking to her and there's nothing wrong with that at all but my advice on the situation, take it or leave it, is to not ensure you don't get too attached. She lives in a different country and realistically you're not going to meet her any time soon. She could easily disappear just as quickly as she appeared.

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