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Norse Mythology Mafia


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Honestly, the best thing for us to do at this time is confirm both Herojan and Jayseven's character claims. It is entirely possible one of them is lying, since the goddesses are so similar (Let's say the mafiosos found Freya/Frigg among the townies, kept secret and used the other Goddess as a claim)


Of course, if both are in the game, and one of them is evil, it's Freya, but even she has been compared to the Virgin Mary before..

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If we're gonna lynch someone on names, why not Dazz, his character has scummy meanings!

Anyway, this day has gone on for too long nooooow.


Valkyries are the archangels of Norse mythology. If they go to war, it's under Odin's command. I don't even recall tales of any Valkyries betraying Odin.


And if I remember correctly, your accusations of Dazz's character (Herja) were based on etymology, which is a very weak argument.

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When I say the day end soon, it means it's getting dark outside! Get those pms in when I say it! I only got two including mafia.


The day has ended.



- Mundi

- The Peeps

- Jonnas

- Cube

- mr-paul

- Maddog

- Nintendohnut

- Ellmeister

- Heroicjanitor

- Rummy

- Eddiecoleslaw

- Jayseven

- dazz


If you can't decode your role, send me a pm and I'll give you the correct one. Shouldn't be a problem to understand the changes anyway in my opinion, but if you're confused, it's safer to just send me a pm.


And get those targets in. Still got 2.

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day 4 has started

A one eyed man let off two birds which flew in different directions. They ended up at the same destination.


A wise woman had a small chat with the one eyed man.


An enchanting woman cheered up a pristine woman, but she was seen pouting the entire night instead.


A strong man had a “chat” with the wise man.


A mystic woman was looking through the stuff to the nimble man while he was out.


Outside not one, but two, victims were found:




Heroicjanitor is dead. He was Freyja, the goddess of love and beauty. With her beauty she could stop players in their tracks or encourage them to work faster. He was good.




The Peeps is dead. He was Thor, the god of thunder. With his chariot he could roleblock players with lightning or use his hammer to enchance players’ items. He was good.




ReZourceman has replaced Mundi.




- ReZourceman

- Jonnas

- Cube

- mr-paul

- Maddog

- Nintendohnut

- Ellmeister

- Rummy

- Eddiecoleslaw

- Jayseven

- dazz


Majority is 6.

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That's not Thor!




Anyway, I presume that Nintendohnut, which is rather annoying as I find my posts tend to be rather short - I'm not particularly big on making longer posts. Still, doing it for only four posts doesn't seem like too much of a hassle. I'm still not sure if he's good or not, but wouldn't it make much more sense to target one of those not posting much? I don’t have a great deal to add at the moment.

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Just re-read my last post, in an attempt to add more words it seems that I missed some - I was supposed to say that I assume that Nintendohnut targeted me. This incapacitation is new and is quite interesting.


I don't know if anyone can answer this, but is the incapacitation a day power or is it just part of the write-up that Tales originally missed? Jay, are you able to enlighten us at all - I'll take silence as, well, you being silenced or something to that affect.

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"one eyed man" - enhanced tracker, tracking with two birds?

"wise woman" - idk

"enchanting woman" - enhancer, Freyja/Frigg?

"pristine woman" - idk, Freyja/Frigg?

"strong man" - Peeps?

"wise man" - idk

"mystic woman" - idk


Wow, seems like Peeps was powerful :( Pretty ambiguous, is this a double mafia kill or one mafia, one serial killer? Esequiel is gone though. And what happened to jayseven? "incapicated" sounds a bit worse than just silencing, it sounds more like he got hurt or attacked. Maybe he can't vote now?


Oh, and I guess we can't experiment with heroic and jayseven's roles now...

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Well, Eddie... It seems my night wasn't as fruitless as I thought it was.


Vote: Eddiecoleslaw


You think I wouldn't find out? You redirectress... You nearly wasted my night, you know that?


Ok, I don't understand the hostility here.


You boasted about being able to gather lots of different info about people earlier on. I directed you to Peeps as all I knew about him was that he was a "muscular" man from a write-up because I had a hunch that he was good and wanted to confirm it. Day phase: you share the results, we have a confirmed townie.


What happens instead? You attack me, give no results, and Peeps is dead. What did you do?

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Can you give us some more info on that? How do you know that you got redirected, and who did you target and/or get redirected to - if you let us know then we someone who targeted one of those two may be able to confirm what your say. And what you you mean that it meant that your night was (nearly) a failure - what were you expecting instead?


We’ve had redirectors in previous games as both good and evil so I’ll wait to hear from both sides.

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I had already investigated The Peeps. There was a good reason I trusted him, and that was it. I can target several people during the night, actually, and since you only gave me one target, I ended up with a bunch of info on Peeps that I already knew, that he was Thor and improved people's powers (except I also know he targeted mr-paul: the wise man)


As for how I know it was you? With the info I had on you previously, plus the write-up, my suspicions were directed to you. I accused you on a hunch, actually, so thanks for confirming it.


So, let me sum things: we have a bunch of players we know nothing about, and you redirect me to someone who was most likely good, just to confirm it. I don't buy that. I think you're an evil lady who wanted to stop me for a night by investigating someone who the mafia was about to kill.


The fact that you redirected me to The Peeps and he appeared dead, yet you didn't even question me before I revealed what I learned is suspicious in itself, but that's a lesser accusation.

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I had already investigated The Peeps. There was a good reason I trusted him, and that was it. I can target several people during the night, actually, and since you only gave me one target, I ended up with a bunch of info on Peeps that I already knew, that he was Thor and improved people's powers (except I also know he targeted mr-paul: the wise man)


As for how I know it was you? With the info I had on you previously, plus the write-up, my suspicions were directed to you. I accused you on a hunch, actually, so thanks for confirming it.


So, let me sum things: we have a bunch of players we know nothing about, and you redirect me to someone who was most likely good, just to confirm it. I don't buy that. I think you're an evil lady who wanted to stop me for a night by investigating someone who the mafia was about to kill.


The fact that you redirected me to The Peeps and he appeared dead, yet you didn't even question me before I revealed what I learned is suspicious in itself, but that's a lesser accusation.


Well you didn't exactly share all of that. It's no use if you have a bunch of people to trust, yet no one else knows anything about them. It's probably wise in the long run re:not handing info to mafiosos, but I didn't have as much info as you to work from. And I know nothing specific about you or your power, so of course I didn't target "several people"... Call it a weak defense if you will, but that's a reason I'm putting forth, not a defense. Because I don't feel like I have to defend against anything (apart from your vote on me/annoyance that I ruined your big plans...sorry?).


Investigating someone who will then be dead and have their description shown in the write-up doesn't make sense, so I don't really know what you mean? How would that hinder the mafia/help us? Are you trying to confuse me? :(


I also don't understand your last sentence. I combined my assumption and questioning in one post. By "What did you do?", I'm not trying to force you into admitting anything. I'm asking civilly for any results or happenings during the night.


I'm just gonna be blunt: did you or did you not kill The Peeps? If you aren't lying about having investigated him again, then I don't think it's you.

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I don’t want to draw attention away from the current argument - I just don’t have enough to say about it to form a longer-than-usual post - but does did anyone find out that someone did nothing last night? If so, I’d be very willing to bet that the person who did nothing could be the one who targeted jayseven at the start of the day (unless, as speculated before, it was a late addition to the night write-up).


I believe that I should be free from Nintendohnut now.

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Cube - I have to target someone. I went through yesterday and saw who hadn't been posting much. It was between you and Mundi, and I went for you. I'm happy to target whoever people suggest but you can't be annoyed with me for targeting you when you admit yourself that haven't been posting much.


As for Jonnas - I'm willing to go with that, but would like more out of the day. To be honest I'd like to hear a lot more from Rez as I don't know how much we knew about Mundi but if it's a lot I clearly haven't been paying attention.


ALSO: One reason I don't think it's okay to replace people who have previously played in a game this late on is that if they join the faction who are in the lead and likely to win, they win with them despite the fact they have actually been killed. That said, I suppose it's better if people are talking.

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