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The Eldin part had my heart beating like crazy, amazing tension and atmosphere to the whole bit, I was determined not to get caught. The place looked gorgeous too if you stopped and looked around, at the sky etc

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Why are you putting whole posts in spoiler tags in this thread? Use the spoiler thread.


I'm still banned from the Spoiler thread. Also, I'm used to this one now. Don't make me move, master.


*sadface/forever alone/multiple chins*


Totally agree. The Eldin bit near the end was a highlight of the game IMO.


It really was awesome. Threw me off completely. After the tadtones, I was expecting a quest of that type from each area, where you just collect objects to prove you are awesome.


But this, brilliant! Should've had more sections/variety in the game like that. Just to add suspense.




Time gate thing: That could have been used in a puzzle. Maybe it could've worked like the time crystals, where you could go backwards and forwards in time to complete a temple/dungeon. Would've added more use for it, as I've only used it to meet Zelda and to plant a tree so far.



Finally finished this yesterday, was...good I guess. Felt like I was going through the motions a bit towards the end, and have only got round to completing it so I can finish the probably far superior Xenoblade, then get going on The Last Story. I enjoyed it, and it was pretty good on the whole, just felt a little like it began to drag/stall towards the late middle/end.


I've just hit 50 hours in the game. I'm fairly certain I'm getting close to finishing as I completed one of the main side quests today however the final reward for it was not that great. Guessing I'm one of the few people on the forums who got this before/on launch but yet to finish it. I'll be happy to give my final thoughts once completion but I presume everything has already been said in the spoiler thread!


I've had it since launch, I just haven't had much time to play it until recently.


Completed the 4th dungeon not too long. I'm really liking the game, and it's growing on me more and more.

I haven't really used any of my shields.


I did break one shield at one point in the game. I think it was in the desert with those spiny snail things that ram you. I was having too much fun stunning them and totally forgot about the shield health guage. Was a nasty reminder when it smashed, but it did make me appreciate my shields from then on!


I would love playing this game if I was younger. But the magic of the series seems to have gone, and I'm attributing this to me being older not to Skyward Sword not being up to standard. It's a very well crafted game but it just seems like it's for kids.


The only thing in it that brings me pleasure is the variety of shields Link can acquire and contemplating the Dungeon design. All the little gimmicks like being able to sit down, sleep and use the toilet would have amused me if I was younger but now they're just making me roll my eyes, along with a lot of the other features in the game. Disappointing.


Really enjoying the game so far! I'm currently in the Eldin place and I've been playing for a few hours now. May have a slight OCD cutting grass situation going on. I just can't walk past without getting slice happy.

I would love playing this game if I was younger. But the magic of the series seems to have gone, and I'm attributing this to me being older not to Skyward Sword not being up to standard. It's a very well crafted game but it just seems like it's for kids.


The only thing in it that brings me pleasure is the variety of shields Link can acquire and contemplating the Dungeon design. All the little gimmicks like being able to sit down, sleep and use the toilet would have amused me if I was younger but now they're just making me roll my eyes, along with a lot of the other features in the game. Disappointing.


You see I felt pretty jaded about Twighlight Princess but I'm liking this quite a lot. For one, it's been more challenging than TP and the dungeon design is a HELL of a lot better.


Also combat is really quite hard! I wasn't expecting to have to concentrate so much and have just had my ass handed to me twice by the boss in the first dungeon!


Might need to just recal the controller but seriously, getting beaten a bit in Zelda makes me happier than I'd thought it would :bouncy:

  • 2 weeks later...

Been playing this whilst staving off a hangover and I absolutely love it. So many small things that just make it wonderful. They seem to have cured Zelda of the formulaic repeating that was going on in Twighlight Princess but I was thinking about it and it's been done in the most subtle of ways.


For instance, in TP you KNEW that you were going to have to collect those tears of light every dungeon and although I've just got the bit where I'm going to have to do something similar, it's been turned into it's own different type of challenge. Each time I go somewhere, I don't actually know what's going to happen or what obstacles I'm going to face. Plus they have brought back one of my FAVOURITE Zelda weapon ever:


Wind Jar!



I've also talked about Twighlight Princess having a density problem, where the world was too big for the amount of stuff you did in each place. Majora's Mask is the polar opposite where they reuse the environment constantly, getting you to look into every nook and cranny and see it from lots of different angles. I'm seeing that coming into play in SS much more so I feel like I'm building a relationship with the world and characters.


Also I don't understand everyone's complaints about the swimming controls, it's just the same as flying :/


I finished the game last week or so and really enjoyed it. There are some moments of brilliance, but there are also areas that stop this from being the best Zelda it could have been.


Wow, everything from the Skyloft trial to the end of the game ROCKED. I mean that, the triforce dungeon on Skyloft was brilliant, such an intricately designed dungeon. It's a shame there weren't one or two moments like that in the game, as I really enjoyed this.


The final boss fight felt like a mammoth task. It had a Clash of the Titans feel, the way the Sword could attract lightening before hitting Demise. Loved it and it's one of my favourite Boss Fights in the Entire series. Again, there should have been more moments like this, rather than fighting Ghirahim multiple times. It was just nice to have something a bit different.


Also, I did feel that the "story" did make an appearance towards the end, but it was pretty weak for the majority of the game. It felt like the game had suddenly hit another gear in the last third, but then by then it was close to the end. I could have gone for another 60 hours after that. :p



It's a great game, controls are great, overall gameplay is fun and the look of the game is beautiful. However, there is a definite lull period where it can feel somewhat repetitive and going through the motion. But, there are moments of greatness, such as the triforce temple, sandship, the Eldin Volcano sans weapons sequence and the ending. However, in contrast, fighting The Imprisoned 3 times and having scarcely any story in the middle section of the game does stop this game from becoming the greatest Zelda.


I loved and still love Twilight Princess, so this would come after that. However, I prefer it to Wind Waker.



I have just completed the game. Great finish and ending. I think the best finish to any Zelda game. Personally I loved Twilight Princess, but the end in this game is better. Skyward Sword is a great game, not as epic as Ocarina of Time, not as many areas in this game, but still a sufficiently long quest. Took me over 60 hours to complete. Thoroughly enjoyed it throughout, and it is quite hard in parts.

I would rate this 9.5/10

Now I can get back to finishing Xenoblade


Right so, I've heard this game has a game-breaking bug, and I think I'm near it.


More specifically, after that awesome battle with the one-eyed goop monster.


I wandered Skyloft and found Sparrot needed a new crystal ball. He said "Mountain", so I waltzed to Eldin, even before dowsing anything. As soon as I land, wham, eruption, smoke and evil everywhere. I'm captured, I notice this is going to be the Forsaken Fortress all over again.


Saved as soon as I could (hadn't saved in a while), but then I remembered the so-called bug. The question is, have I encountered it? If not, how can I avoid it?



I'd appreciate if someone could answer


Can't play any of it because of a problem with WM+ (see Wii General discussion for my woes in detail)... From what I'm now hearing I should have never bought a bolt on one and just stuck to a built in one


This is the style I wish Zelda would go back to for a game, gorgeous artwork:




It basically illustrates what LOZ and Adventure of Link were like, ALTTP and LA a little less so. That's why I like the idea of the former two games taking place at the end of the timeline, when the world is just a little more dark and bleak after all the smiley happiness of SS or Minish Cap


The main thing I liked about the old style was how pig-like Ganon was. Other than that, my new favourite style is that of the Wii U demo. If it looks as good as that I'll be very pleased.


The Wii U demo doesn't really have an art style though. It's technically amazing of course, but it looks just like Twilight Princess with HD visuals. No character.


Zelda II with modern day visuals would look like the graphics in that article I reckon. Love the gothic style, it fit the Zelda franchise perfectly, in contrast to the cutesy colourful visuals we're used to these days (which are also great when done right WW/SS)


Twilight Princess always had a fantastic art style, but the hardware let it down in the end. I always try to make a distinction between TP and the 2004 trailer because I don't think we've ever seen it done as well as it could be.

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