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Do this to make R-E Forums Better!

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On the Planet Xbox 360 Forums, where all the links are one of them says The Arcade. People who are registered play those games and the person with the highest score, it shows up when they post. E.g: Say I got the highest score on "Spank the monkey", it would show "Winner of Spank The Monkey" under my name on my posts.


Planet Xbox 360 uses vBulletin, So I was wondering if it was possible to do that on the R-E forums?


[This isn't advertising, I am only comparing the 2 forums and suggesting things to make R-E forums better.]

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People were talking about having the arcade in, hopefully they'll put it in.


None of you guys would win any of the games though, I'm just too damn good. :P

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Yeah, they're called Custom User titles. I dunno, it may seem like a good idea to some, but not really to me.

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I think this would be a cool idea, its a gaming forum so why not add some games that we can all compete in :D

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For starters, I'd like to see that 3/4th of the way squishyness of the forums disappear. Yeah, you've probably heard it a million times, but I feel like I'm looking left the whole time, which gets annoying.


The game thing would be pretty cool yeah.

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For starters, I'd like to see that 3/4th of the way squishyness of the forums disappear. Yeah, you've probably heard it a million times, but I feel like I'm looking left the whole time, which gets annoying.


i agree, got to keep looking to the left, the big grey area is just sitting their doing nothing, unless your planning something with it?

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i agree, got to keep looking to the left, the big grey area is just sitting their doing nothing, unless your planning something with it?


Even if they were to put something there, it'd still make for uncomfortable forum-viewing. And this is a forum. Obviously.



It's hard getting used to this clinical look. The CE colours were....warmer or something. I'm sure that the staff have enough on their plates but I'd like to request a slight redesign :no:

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Maybe in the future theyre might be a choice of skins? So you could choose to your tastes/moods

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Right to address several issues:


1. We dont think your advertising Garden Pidgeon, don't worry.

2. An arcade is possible, but its known as a hack (more of a mod then a hack but thats just semantics) and only the license holder can download hacks. So i've got to see about that with Tim as I believe he is the license holder.

3. I'll tell Jan about the whole size issue we've got going on. Im sure he knows but I'll see what his word is.

4. The officialish word is yes we're planning new schemes based on old site schemes but Jimmeny Cricket ladies and gentlemen, its been like four days since we've launched. Let us get our breath back.

5. Take care and party hard.

6. The forum is grey, not white :P

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Bluddy hell. It's a message board, not an English exam. It's ok to make mistakes like that.

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Yes but the weirdest part is I still havent got any reputation.gif

points from anyone for trying to find ideas to make R-E a funner place :wink:

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I agree with Fierce Link. Probably for different reasons.


It just doesn't seem like it fits the theme, and I also think it looks a little tacky. Also, it would be like re-adding post counts-ish.

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But it's purple though.. And Rev isn't purple..



IIRC, the rev will be out in several colours, so that's not really an issue :)

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6. The forum is grey, not white :P

The bits around the posts are white. Unless it's such a light shade of grey paint cannot detect.

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The colours aint an issue at the moment. We do have the option for multiple "skins" and our staff will get round to implementing them. But, it will take time. We have only just launched and things are quite hectic around here.

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I don't have a major issue with the colours, in fact I love the main site design. The only problem I have is that everything feels a little cluttered. But as the admins have said, the new site has barely been up a week, so I'm sure people's problems will be solved over time.


I'm just interested into what the staff feel about Revolution not being the final name for the console. Many sites are now saying it isn't, mainly due to the disapearance of the name on the console itself. Does this mean you will have to change your website address again, and ask people to click a link to visit the new site? If so, I feel so sorry for you guys! (Please note, I know little about website "stuff" so I may be over exaggerating what is a minor issue.)

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It's hard getting used to this clinical look. The CE colours were....warmer or something. I'm sure that the staff have enough on their plates but I'd like to request a slight redesign


Request denied! We just spent the last month frantically redesinging the place. Not again, FOR A LONG TIME PLEASE! Although some alternative styles for the forums are on the cards, but it takes alot of work to get them looking tip-top.


So for the moment the forums may appear to only take up 3/4 of the screen for some people becuase you probably have a screen rez higher than 1024*768. The forums are aligned left and are set at the same width as the main site as to create continuity between the two.


We try as hard as possible to make sure as many people as possible are happy with the design, but alas, we just arent good enough to make everyone totally pleased!


Ganon, check these threads:



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personally im very happy with our new colours, gives us a new kinda grown up look which is fitting for the revolution! or something....

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