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Aliens: Colonial Marines - Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen


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Sure, you guys clearly had huge expectations of this game. Well, I didn't. Maybe the single player is messed up, but that doesn't mean the multiplayer isn't functioning well and fun to play. Just saying that some of the "critics" out there seem to have rated this based on their personal rage and disappointment, and not the actual game. 4/10 this is not...


I think the critics have every right to be angry and disappointed. This game has been in development for no less than 6 years. You expect more than just a semi-decent multiplayer with all that time.


Yes, if you've not been paying attention to this game throughout its development and don't care about the single-player, you might get something out of it. But, the primary purpose for this game was to be a sequel to Aliens, in terms of story-telling and atmosphere.


It's amazing how the third AvP game was created, released and marketed in the space of about a year (maybe 2). Even if the game wasn't really fantastic, how did the numerous developers get this so wrong? They deserve to get slammed for this, it's poor management of resources, time and of a bluddy good series.

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So you know people are asking what happened the sweet looking demo footage from the videos with all the dynamic lighting and what not? It was on Eurogamer... Well, as a joke I commented that footage was probably from the Wii U version...


... well guess what guys.. .. ... .. :) :) :)


So far I think everyones in on this thing (fiasco) and not just by association but circumstance as well as a hell of alot of mis-communication.


From what I can gather this project has gone through that many restarts since it was announced its not funny - we all know this right?


However, what alot of people don't identify (again because of general concensus) is that the Wii U version (still very much on the way), done exclusively by Demiurge studio's, is the big version; the joint venture was banking on.


I know what you're thinkin right? "WTF!?, how stupid, no ones adopting the Wii U, what were they thinking?" and you'd be right if it wasn't for the fact that SEGA's industry analysis favoured the U version, in fact the entire joint venture did.

This is because that version ports to the new consoles by Sony & MS (in the future) and thus has the tightest longevity of the product. Instead of a few months in the dying period of current gen systems, they favour a product that will last (potentally) 2-3yrs and allow for sequals.


Moving on, alot if not all the pre-production of the title was handled by Demiurge studio's before they went onto work exclusively on the Wii U version from the ground up.


Post-production was then handed to Timegate studio's and Nerve software; whilst Gearbox software completed Borderlands 2. Once assets there were completed Gearbox software retook up post-production to release candidacy of the campaign (sp or story, if you like) finalising with Fox and SEGA over the final shape of the product; and Timegate studio's finalised thier assets for the multi-player/co-op campaign with Nerve software (if I'm not mistaken). Which I think is where everyones getting confused. Timegate studio's finished thier work a coupla months back if I'm not mistaken?


Now heres where I have a hunch something behind the scenes went ass-up. Purely speculation of course - and the media is in on it in this scenario (boy I just won alot of cred. there..).


Somewhere around the time Timegate studio's finished the PS3/360 version was canned. The last trailer released by Gearbox Software was the 'Kick-Ass Trailer' - this is actually Demiurge studio's Wii U trailer. I believe that was shortly before the big 2hr IGN reveal, shortly before launch - which again, was the PC version - and why I believe SEGA canned the PS3/360 versions at this time; and the media knew about it.


During this time SEGA must've had a change of heart, possibly due to Wii U adoption looking less progressive (which the joint venture was banking on); and asked Gearbox Software to resurrect those versions at the 11th hour.

Now I know people aren't ready to write off thier current consoles just yet, but from a buisiness perspective - not sinking money into the dying moments of the end of a system generation is a sane call.


So you might ask, "Why then was the PC version not en par with the IGN reveal either?" because its been dumbed down to maintain parity with the console releases. Its actually still quite alot better, the console releases were pretty ordinary.

In the next couple of weeks the Wii U version, the one with the greatest longevity, will be released; I suspect in all my speculation, you will see a magic patch that will bring the PC version up to date, if not surpassing the IGN reveal everyone was watching.


Sweet baby Jesus.


GearBox Soft forums: http://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/showpost.php?p=3698396&postcount=10


Demiurge Studio Tweet: https://twitter.com/DemiurgeStudios/...93809901342722


@Marshwv33 It's in the works! Sorry, we can't share details beyond that... SEGA has the official word ;)
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So you know people are asking what happened the sweet looking demo footage from the videos with all the dynamic lighting and what not? It was on Eurogamer... Well, as a joke I commented that footage was probably from the Wii U version...


... well guess what guy.. .. ... .. :) :) :)


guess what...what?



Did you forget to post a link or screenshot?

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... Seriously???


@Fierce_LiNk will explode!



I can't believe no one in the industry is aware of this though?... all sites are running features called 'WTF Happened to Aliens Colonial Marines'!


I don't know wtf to believe.



Aliens for WiiUUUUU

Brb, delays

Brb, Demo version!

Hi, reality version


Brb, bad review scores

HI AGAIN, WiiU version definitive version

Brb no release date




I want to be leaf, but no sauce.

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If true it would be amazing... but I'm not holding my breath.


That said if the Wii U version does come out at the end of March it's around the same time as MH3U and Luigis Mansion 2.... so even if the above did turn true and the Wii U version was somehow a different beast all together I prolly will still hold off on picking it up.


My original plan was to get Aliens in Feb to tide me over till MH3U...that obviousl not happening

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I call bullshit.


It's not even worth calling. This is what one guy said on a Eurogamer forum/news article.


All Gearbox/whoever the fuck is developing this/Namco Bandai/Acclaim have to do is release a proper WiiU trailer with a list of features and what this game does different to the other versions.

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"A hunch" is all I read in that massive quoted wall of text. Someone is speculating wildly and, probably, incorrectly.


Are we taking bets ;) Officially, it would have to be classed as rumour, but source seems well known/respected on GearBox forums... so...


Also see Demiurge tweet.


Guy on Eurogamer forums says "some shit"... Have you seen the state of their writers? God only knows the mental capacity of their forum members.

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Are we taking bets ;) Officially, it would have to be classed as rumour, but source seems well known/respected on GearBox forums... so...


If this was fur real, why aren't Gearbox/whoever hyping this to high hell and doing a bucket load of marketing for this? If this is so true, why haven't we even got a proper release date?

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If this was fur real, why aren't Gearbox/whoever hyping this to high hell and doing a bucket load of marketing for this? If this is so true, why haven't we even got a proper release date?


Same reason the PC version was dumbed down?



Also, don't you think it kind of adds up seeing as no one seemed to give two shits about pissing the current gen versions out... I thought it seemed almost comical... this would go a long, long way in explaining that.

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With all the deception circulating around the 360/PS3 release, a rumour being spread from within Gearbox about the superior quality of the Wii U version doesn't surprise me.


All Gearbox needs to do is repeat the same bullshit tactics they employed for the current release and they'll surely scrape a few thousand sales on day one.


Please keep in mind, as I said before, I want to be proved wrong here. Having played a good few hours of Colonial Marines, a handful of technical issues are the only things holding it back from being a pretty damn cool game.

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Demiurge's tweet basically confirms they're developing it. Could be a nice little tonic for Wii U sales this, too.


Somebody needs to attach "Haters gonna hate" to this gif.


Looks someone after playing CoD for 5 hours straight.

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