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Aliens: Colonial Marines - Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen


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I was just thinking, a big barrier with the AVP games were that you had to learn 3 different control schemes and only the marines one ever felt like it worked well. As it looks like this is only played from the marines point of view, this could have some major advantages.


Here's hoping they implement a multiplayer mode that mimics the one from Killer Freaks eh?

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I was just thinking, a big barrier with the AVP games were that you had to learn 3 different control schemes and only the marines one ever felt like it worked well. As it looks like this is only played from the marines point of view, this could have some major advantages.


Here's hoping they implement a multiplayer mode that mimics the one from Killer Freaks eh?


I thought the change in setups added immensely to the variety of the game. But I can understand how it would be annoying, horses for courses and all that.

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  • 2 months later...
The Aleins don't seem menacing at all.


It will do in the actual game. In a video, you don't get the actual claustrophobic nature of games or films. But, on a big screen in your living room, in the right conditions, I think they will seem menacing.


Infestation made the Aliens seem that way, too. There's one particular section that blew me away:


Where you're going into a room in the second "level" and the power is out. You can just see silhouettes or shadows of the aliens. Really gave you that "oh shit" feeling.



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  • 1 month later...

Yet another game gets delayed til next year.


Aliens: Colonial Marines has once again been delayed.


It is due out globally on 12th February 2013. It had been due out autumn 2012.


The new release date applies to the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game. A release date for the Wii U version will be revealed "at a later time", publisher Sega said.


"I am thrilled to announce the definitive launch date for Aliens: Colonial Marines," Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford said.

"Aliens: Colonial Marines is the culmination of a life-time of inspiration from the films and relentless passion and drive from the exceptionally talented development team behind the scenes."


Gary Knight, senior vice president of marketing for Sega Europe and Sega of America, added: "We knew this game would be incredible from the moment Gearbox began developing Aliens: Colonial Marines. Now that the title is in its final stretch of development, we can confidently release the exact date that gamers will finally get to experience this blockbuster thrill-ride."


I think what Cube said in the other thread about it being a timed exclusive is a good shout.

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Yet another game gets delayed til next year.


I don't think it will be - I think the reason the Wii U date isn't announced is because they want to announce it at Nintedno's E3 conference as a launch day title.


Edit 2: I'm sure that last sentence wasn't there a second ago.

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I'm a bit up and down about whether this is Nintendo's work. On one hand I think the game would actually sell more in total if it were a timed exclusive. But then again, they might not be able to mention anything Wii U related until E3.

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Sorry to be the barer of bad news :sad:


Source: http://www.nintendoworldreport.com/news/30218


Aliens: Colonial Marines on Wii U Not Playable at E3 2012

by Neal Ronaghan - May 21, 2012 - 11:22 A.M.



We won't be reporting back about Wii U motion tracker controls at E3.



The Wii U version of Aliens: Colonial Marines will not be playable at E3 2012, according to representatives from Sega.


This follows earlier news of a delay to February 12, 2013 for other versions of the game. The Wii U version wasn't given the same solid release date, with Sega saying that that version's release date would be announced later.


This effectively dashes any dreams of Aliens: Colonial Marines being launched on Nintendo's next system before the other versions. It is likely that Sega and Gearbox's game will come out on Wii U sometime in the first few months of 2013.

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Right, well...whether it's timed exclusive or not (I'm going to say it's not until we know better), February 2013 is a complete fucking joke of a release date. That's almost a year, and I wouldn't be surprised if it gets delayed again til after that.


There is only so long you can sustain people's interest before they get bored and go after something else. February? Really? Considering this has already been delayed God knows how many times, this just doesn't fill me with positive vibes.

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Right, well...whether it's timed exclusive or not (I'm going to say it's not until we know better), February 2013 is a complete fucking joke of a release date. That's almost a year, and I wouldn't be surprised if it gets delayed again til after that.


This is unlikely to happen. As with most companies, SEGA doesn't mind if timing slips a little bit (or if your Empire Total War as shit load) but it will almost never fall out of the financial year, especially out of the window for it to sell in the the financial year.


But I understand your pain. The delay is pretty long for a game that seems pretty far along.

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This is unlikely to happen. As with most companies, SEGA doesn't mind if timing slips a little bit (or if your Empire Total War as shit load) but it will almost never fall out of the financial year, especially out of the window for it to sell in the the financial year.


But I understand your pain. The delay is pretty long for a game that seems pretty far along.


To be honest, it's a long running joke between ViPeR and myself that this game will never get released. It's almost absurd. There are trailers out there which show 10 minutes of footage of the actual game...what can they possibly be doing to finish it off?


I guess we'll wait til E3. But still...so pissed right now.

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