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Animal Crossing: New Leaf


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There are several reports of people that have installed the recent 3DS system update (miiverse update) and apparently it causes their Animal Crossing game to lag during conversations with villagers etc. I haven't been able to install the update myself, but is this true/ very noticable at all?


I've got the update, talked to all my villagers today, all was cool.


Say, do I have you as a fellow Animal Crossing die hard in my friendlist?


Edit: Just checked, added you now, good times incoming from one Crosser to another :)

Edited by Fused King
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As long as my flowers don't die I'm good.




I am in desperate need of perfect cherries.

Anybody have some?


I have many perfect cherries (though not the "over a thousand" I did have). I think my friend code is on here. I'll add yours. IF you want me to come over and give you some just leave your gates open from 6pm. I'll search for you for about 5 minutes and then I'm off. (you've probably got them by now...)


Just had my birthday yesterday (my 3DS clock is 2 days behind). Never got the KK Birthday though,as only knew AFTER the fact.


Last week, Amelia moved in after Deirdre left. ANOTHER eagle.


Currently buying the gorgeous set to replace my regal set, since I was missing quite a few pieces of that set which I never seemed to be able to require.


Got 2 decent streetpass houses with lots of cool stuff. A 3rd but it was only the single room and not even bloody expanded. The really great one seems to be a "day one" player like me. Dead jealous of their pirate gear as there's a few items I want for my weapon/treasure/royalty room. (Pascal sucks! ...and scallops are rare, and despite catching many he's only appeared twice.)

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I have many perfect cherries (though not the "over a thousand" I did have). I think my friend code is on here. I'll add yours. IF you want me to come over and give you some just leave your gates open from 6pm. I'll search for you for about 5 minutes and then I'm off. (you've probably got them by now...)


Just had my birthday yesterday (my 3DS clock is 2 days behind). Never got the KK Birthday though,as only knew AFTER the fact.


Last week, Amelia moved in after Deirdre left. ANOTHER eagle.


Currently buying the gorgeous set to replace my regal set, since I was missing quite a few pieces of that set which I never seemed to be able to require.


Got 2 decent streetpass houses with lots of cool stuff. A 3rd but it was only the single room and not even bloody expanded. The really great one seems to be a "day one" player like me. Dead jealous of their pirate gear as there's a few items I want for my weapon/treasure/royalty room. (Pascal sucks! ...and scallops are rare, and despite catching many he's only appeared twice.)


You have been added.

Gates will be open around 6pm UK time.




You leaving a brother hanging here?

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I've got the update, talked to all my villagers today, all was cool.


Say, do I have you as a fellow Animal Crossing die hard in my friendlist?


Edit: Just checked, added you now, good times incoming from one Crosser to another :)


Added you back! If you want I have perfect cherries for you as well. I'll try to open my gates tonight somewhere between 8-9 pm (central europe time).

Edited by M_rock
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Finally caught a Tuna! :yay:

Put my Feng Shui back in order, and a few minutes later a tuna was mine. ;)


@M_rock, just to let you know, today I experienced what you mentioned the other day about lag during conversations since the update. It only happened once when talking to Merry, but yeah, her speech bubble was empty for a second or so before the text then appeared as usual.

Very strange. :hmm:

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^Thanks dude, apologies again though.


So, still being two days behind (I'll catch up) the snow finally settled yesterday. Beautiful.


I've take to planting a cedar at the side of each house, with a holly bush to the left and right of it, to make it more Christmassy. I'm finally going to make my town lush and add it to Dream place. Can't believe I never did it (blame OCD perfectionism...though my town still looks crap LOL).


I've also remodelled my main room (modern wood type). Well, I've kept most of it, but added the new Jingle stuff. Tree is at centre with the stuffed stockings, wrapped items on the ground around it (such a shame you can't drop the square parcel presents too...). Added a roaring fireplace with my Naughty or Nice day stocking above it (really should have got two...hmmm, wonder if you can buy?) A few jingle furniture pieces, and got a snow-globe yesterday! You can even shake its snow up with sound effects, sweet! Got a few candles too, and adding more candles seems to increase the "red Christmas light" effect.


Snowmen are well dodgy and I've naffed one day's up already. Time to consult guide...

Edited by Mr_Master_X2
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I caught the Dung Beetle yesterday which means I have now caught all the bugs. Only then to realize that I have to wait until the next Bug Off tournament to get my Golden Net.


Anyone building Snowmen? There are four different Snowpeople and one is the Snowman who gives you a bingo card and displays a number each day. You can get numbers from other towns, so it might be great to get some FC's from others to get more numbers each day.

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I've been trying to build snowmen, but haven't managed a single 'perfect' one yet. Did anyone try the fishiney tourney today? I got an easy first place, with a sunfish that was about 90 inches bigger than second!
I just handed in the first fish I caught and called it a day, I'm fed up of fishing after my tuna ordeal. :heh:

I suppose you used your golden fishing rod? ;) Man, Nintendo really need to change that for the next AC, and make the gold rod/net obtainable before catching all fish/bugs. I never really use the damn things. ::shrug:


Anyway, yeah I've been making the snow-people. :) Have so far made perfect versions of the baby, the mum and the dad. Messed up the brother today though, as the head was too big. :D

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