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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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After playing that I'm actually tempted to cancel my preorder now. Nothing to do with the quality (though I do think the screen is too small and it should be home console only), I just guess the series must not be for me anymore. I loved Melee but I haven't played since that and wasn't getting the same enjoyment from this.

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After playing that I'm actually tempted to cancel my preorder now. Nothing to do with the quality (though I do think the screen is too small and it should be home console only), I just guess the series must not be for me anymore. I loved Melee but I haven't played since that and wasn't getting the same enjoyment from this.


Yeah the demo has made me consider not getting the 3DS version, although the Wii U version WILL be mine.

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If anyone has a spare code it'd be SUPER appreciated c: My stomach is hurting from suspense, been waiting ever since it was announced.


We can add each other and play together at launch if you want, too c:

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Yeah the demo has made me consider not getting the 3DS version, although the Wii U version WILL be mine.


I'm going to play some more tomorrow before I make my mind up but I only had the Wii U version preordered so that's the one I'm thinking about cancelling.


I only played a couple of matches tonight though and my hand is already killing me. Never usually get this with 3DS games.

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It's a shame that they didn't keep his moveset and give it to an Advance Wars character.

tbh I think it would be a lot easier if they just got Snake back rather than trying to shoehorn his moveset onto an AW character. As much I want one ("What's an airport, again?" Andy fo' life) I'd prefer it if they developed something from their games, maybe even akin to how Pac-Man appears.

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I get really bad cramp when playing 3DS. Mario Kart 7 kills my left hand. Looked it up online and not alone. Tons of folk have bought the prongs available and also the wheel add on as a means to cope with the pain. I think it stems from the analogue or something. Either way - unfelt it from a couple of games on this too. Might have to get a grip for the system at this rate.


Either way: picking up both games. Demo has confirmed it. I think it's superb. Stunning graphics for the 3DS too. You can tell it struggles when you press the home button and days pass before it recognises it.

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The circle pad feels way to slippery for this game, I'm finding it impossible to do up tilts without either jumping or doing an up smash, then again I usually play with tap jump turned off :D


Does anyone need a code? I have 1 spare.

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I have 3 spare codes as well if anyone still needs one!


Would like one too! Although I'm not sure I deserve it, being such a passive member and all... (Not really expecting anything, but I have to try right?)

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Would like one too! Although I'm not sure I deserve it, being such a passive member and all... (Not really expecting anything, but I have to try right?)


I'd be interested in a code if anyone still has one going


Done, check your inbox! All out of codes now!

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Very impressed by how smooth the game runs even in 3D. Controls are definitely a bit wonky, especially because the demo locks you into using up for jump so getting tilts, smashes and jump can be kind of a dice roll. The demo is probably a bit too bare, I can't imagine people being sold on this alone. I can see the game being pretty enjoyable for just doing a quick match every now and then, but I presume all the meat will be in the console version.


Villager is a beast.

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Just had a quick go on the demo - had to stop because my battery is running low.. I should probably head to bed too!

Thanks Eenuh :)


Tbh the game is playing better than I had expected, although I'm not sure why my expectations were so low. I need to get used to the controls though.

Also.. I found it hard to keep track on my character in more hectic situations. Hopefully that's just due to me being tired!

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Well, seems like I didn't get any codes but if anyone else gets code(s) and wants to share one with me then I'd be grateful for one please. : peace:


If not... I'll just get the demo when it's released next week. :)


Anyway, enjoy everyone! :D

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Did it rain this evening? The amount of strangers that have crawled out of the woodwork is something else.


Haha! Look at all these new and ninja members pop out for codes. :p


Couldn't agree more. Where are these folk every other day of the week? But when they want something, they come a slithering out of the deep. I christen thee Whacking Day!




Then it's like thanks for the code and...



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