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Zero Suit Samus

I'm a massive Metroid fan and I genuinely think that Samus' is one of gamings greatest female characters. She's the interective Ellen Ripley for gods' sake!


I very much like the way that Samus handles without her power suit and I totally fangasmed when you got to play as her in Zero Mission (probably why it's my favourite 2D Metroid, after SM obviously). But I've become increasing uncomfortable and a little frustrated by the way that she is portrayed outside of the suit. For a couple of reasons.


1) For me Samus should not be a skinny blonde white chick. Ever since she turned up in Brawl and the internet went mental for shopping her naked, it's become clear that Nintendo is trying to use her as a bit of a hot piece of ass. She's very slight with massive knockers (which in this generation seem to be getting rid of the under-boob a little). I'd prefer someone that reflects her personality in the suit a bit more. Frankly a bit more Ripley-ish and with auburn hair!


2) Her expression. To portray her properly you have to see her react to her situation in an emotional and relative way. She has spent far too long being essentially an emotionless mask who barely smiles, grimaces, expresses relief, pain, genuine sadness etc. For me this massively needs to change to make her a proper character.


3) I'm not going to dwell on this too much but Other M ruined her as a character in a lot of ways for me. They wrote her as a boring, snivelling, self-centred, nonotonous child. I didn't care or feel attached to the bungled story or experience that the game was meant to communicate.



Any one feel the same? Can I ask that we not make this entirely about Other M?


Good luck with that...


I hear the monotonous argument a lot with Other M. I think most of you guys don't realise that she sounds like that only when she's narrating events. She's giving a report, why would she sound emotional?


That said, there's a lot wrong with that game, but I still think it's great fun and that's all that matters to me.


Anyway, in my opinion, I don't give a damn, really. If Samus had more realistic proportions, given her upbringing, she'd look closer to female weightlifters than to Ripley.


And no-one wants that...

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Good luck with that...


I hear the monotonous argument a lot with Other M. I think most of you guys don't realise that she sounds like that only when she's narrating events. She's giving a report, why would she sound emotional?


That said, there's a lot wrong with that game, but I still think it's great fun and that's all that matters to me.


Anyway, in my opinion, I don't give a damn, really. If Samus had more realistic proportions, given her upbringing, she'd look closer to female weightlifters than to Ripley.


And no-one wants that...


Eheheheh... funny you should say that...




... how quickly we all forget the Japanese exclusive ending pictures from Metroid Fusion ;)


Not to turn this thread into a MoM rant fest, but Samus' monotonous voice was done on purpose, to reflect her lack of social skills & empathy by virtue of her upbringing & ostracization from the male dominant society she lived under, but that's for another thread ;)


Besides, aside from its story problems, the gameplay still kicked arse anyway and that's the most important thing :)

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Woah! Suddenly out of nowhere!!


Obviously they're trying to make up for the disappointing 3DS 3rd Party Direct ;)


Anyway, my bet is on Wario :)


The key phrase in that comment Sakurai made was "new challenger video".


This seems too big for a veteran. This smells of completely new character.


(Shulk makes it in time!)


I doubt it'll be Wario. They have only done videos for newcomers.


Sonic got one. Charizard as well, if you count sharing the spotlight with Greninja.

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The key phrase in that comment Sakurai made was "new challenger video".


This seems too big for a veteran. This smells of completely new character.


(Shulk makes it in time!)




Sonic got one. Charizard as well, if you count sharing the spotlight with Greninja.

Sonic's video wasn't really a reveal one akin to the others. It was just a clip from the game shown in a Direct. It wasn't a special video with special CG/animations like the rest. Charizard's was actually Greninja's





Stream is up

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Oh it's a new challenger? Well that changes things completely then...




Well I guess that confirms that we're not seeing any more new characters outside of the ones that were leaked... That's a shame :( Sucks almost all the fun out of the reveals, knowing who all the unannounced characters will be...


Chrom it is then! (The only real question here is whether or not he'll be pared up with someone else, probably Lucina, like in the actual game...)

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More excited for a 3 minute character reveal than that 22 minute ND.


Smash hype is the best kind of hype, after all.


Anyway, I'm hoping for Shulk. The sheer possibilities with the whole "Seeing the future" thing makes me very excited.


@Dcubed and I were having a conversation a while back about how it could be done and he suggested getting visions on your 3DS bottom screen of upcoming stage hazards.


Let's take Spear Pillar from Brawl as an example. About 10 seconds before it happened, the Shulk player might glimpse one of those beams of death and can then set up accordingly. The main action would still go on, but no-one else would know about it.

Yeah, the WiiU version may not be able to do it without the gamepad, but it'd be super cool.


Not to mention he has a wealth of Monado arts to use as specials. Buster for hard hitting. Cyclone for a recovery. You could even have Monado Speed as a kind of counter attack.


And of course, his Smash attack could be BACK SLASH! Which would do more damage on opponents not facing you.


Well I guess that confirms that we're not seeing any more new characters outside of the ones that were leaked... That's a shame :( Sucks almost all the fun out of the reveals, knowing who all the unannounced characters will be...


You're assuming too much. He said he's nearing the bottom of new character videos. Which confirms 1 thing and supports one other.


First of all, this isn't the last Character reveal. There will be more.


And secondly, and this is slight speculation...

It's quite possible not EVERY new character has a video. There might be some unlockables that he just won't reveal at all until the game is actually out.

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@Glen\-i Of course the Gamepad would be required for the Shulk player. How else would "Shulk Foresee ('s) a Battle" ;)


On both versions you'd get that B&W overlay with the whiblywobbly effect from the original Xenoblade and you'd get little indicators telling you in advance of what items/stage hazards are about to appear on your private screen only :D


His moveset would be made up of his artes and he'd have a meter that fills up and allows him to start using his Monado artes when it's fully charged up. For his Final Smash, he calls in his allies for a chain attack :)


Obviously his stage would be Gaur Plains and Rein would be an assist trophy (complete with reused sound bites of course ;) Yes with all the ones we all love...)

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Obviously his stage would be Gaur Plains and Rein would be an assist trophy (complete with reused sound bites of course ;) Yes with all the ones we all love...)


I've had worse excuses to get this up!




@Glen\-i Of course the Gamepad would be required for the Shulk player. How else would "Shulk Foresee ('s) a Battle" ;)


What if 2 people play as Shulk though?

I wouldn't mind it being a 3DS only thing. That would be good enough for me.

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What if 2 people play as Shulk though?

I wouldn't mind it being a 3DS only thing. That would be good enough for me.


Then the 2nd Shulk player would just look at the Gamepad screen over the shoulder. The visions would apply the same to both of them anyway.


4 Shulks would result in all visions just showing up on the TV ;)

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Then the 2nd Shulk player would just look at the Gamepad screen over the shoulder. The visions would apply the same to both of them anyway.


What's gonna stop the non-Shulks from seeing it then?


4 Shulks would result in all visions just showing up on the TV ;)


That would break up the action and just annoy players.

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What's gonna stop the non-Shulks from seeing it then?


A quick punch to the arm to any non-Shulk player who tries to sneak a peek of course ;)


That would break up the action and just annoy players.


It wouldn't pause the action like in Xenoblade itself, but rather the B&W overlay just appears onscreen for a couple of seconds or so and then fades back out - without pausing the game.

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A quick punch to the arm to any non-Shulk player who tries to sneak a peek of course ;)


OK, fair enough.


It wouldn't pause the action like in Xenoblade itself, but rather the B&W overlay just appears onscreen for a couple of seconds or so and then fades back out - without pausing the game.


Oh, I see what you mean. An overlay would be a great work around.


Anyway, as much as I love Fire Emblem: Awakening and how it deserves a rep, I would happily shove Chrom out for Shulk, purely because Xenoblade is a better game, British voice acting in a Smash game is cool, he could be way more unique, giant freaking laser swords are cool and Reyn being an Assist Trophy for that glorious dialogue.


(Then again, I would kick both of them out for playable Dillon, but that's never gonna happen now...)

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Oh it's a new challenger? Well that changes things completely then...




Well I guess that confirms that we're not seeing any more new characters outside of the ones that were leaked... That's a shame :( Sucks almost all the fun out of the reveals, knowing who all the unannounced characters will be...


Chrom it is then! (The only real question here is whether or not he'll be pared up with someone else, probably Lucina, like in the actual game...)


Yes, BUT "nearing" the bottom is not the bottom. This kind of implies there's more to come...right? How many people are working on this game? The characters, the details, the modes... Sakurai has the stamina of multiple gods fused together. I guess this is the kind of skill you develop when you dedicate yourself solely to one thing (Smash series, in this instance). Give yourself a nice new IP after this to concentrate on, Sakurai, you deserve it.

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