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Woo I finally got it on eBay(Shenmue II), ended up getting it for £31.71, used (but good condition) and buy it now.


I'm worried though, are those scratches on the second disc case or is it seal. Looks more like the first to me. Ah well its not too bad..




Damn you Stocka, you got the box aswell. I bought it for around £30 without the box, i forgot at the time about the box, so i just got the two plastic cases.


Hmm, i'll buy that box off you for £4. :wink:

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Wow! Is all I have to say for my first impressions, just like the original.

Its incredible how HUGE the area is, the whole atmosphere feels so new and exciting. Oh yes, the music is class too. At first I was worried I wouldn't get on with the japanese voice acting and english subtitles, but now i'm so used to it and in a way it feels perfect. It really does feel like you are in a totally different country and culture because of this.


Its really unique...and i'm so excited about what lies ahead :awesome:

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Wow! Is all I have to say for my first impressions, just like the original.

Its incredible how HUGE the area is, the whole atmosphere feels so new and exciting. Oh yes, the music is class too. At first I was worried I wouldn't get on with the japanese voice acting and english subtitles, but now i'm so used to it and in a way it feels perfect. It really does feel like you are in a totally different country and culture because of this.


Its really unique...and i'm so excited about what lies ahead :awesome:


This is exactly how I felt when I firsted played through it. I want to play it with english voices on the Xbox one day to see if its any different.


Feels a lot different to the small homely feel of the first Shenmue, doesn't it? When you step off that boat you feel completely alone and it really does feel like another culture. It only gets better as it goes on.


Still can't make my mind up which is better the first or second? I think they are both as good as each other really, only they both have a different feel to them. You'll have to let us know what you think when you finish it.

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This is exactly how I felt when I firsted played through it. I want to play it with english voices on the Xbox one day to see if its any different.

I heard the english voices on the Xbox version feel rushed and are generally poor...




You'll have to let us know what you think when you finish it.

Of course. :grin:

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:/ Why do you need the sleeve in good nick so bad.


Im pretty weird when it comes to my games collection and consoles. I like EVERYTHING in mint condition. Plus games like Shenmue that increase in value will sell for alot more in years to come with a mint condition sleeve....yes im strange.

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Disc 3; Kowloon is my favourite part of Shenmue II and possibly one of my favourite moments of any game!!

There are so many AMAZING events that happen there, it's just simply INCREDIBLE;



- The opening Kowloon Cimema that flies in across the sea

and zooms up alongside the skyscapers to an arial view of the city! and Ryu arriving by bus!

- When Ryo and Ren get chased down the corridors by Don Nui (the fat guy)

and you arrive at a dead end on the outside of the building (there's no staircase)

and you have to jump the gap!

- Climbing your way up the ruined building across the planks!!

- Listening to the tapes,

- Don Nui knocking you out of the window and being saved by the canopy roof,

then Don Nui jumping out after you and the fight that follows!

- The numerous QTE's Ryo and Ren face running through corridors,

jumping over gaps, knocking over obstacles to escape various situations!


- THE ROOFTOP!! The cinema, Lan Di's appearance in the helicopter, fighting Don Nui,

the setting/scenery etc...


One of the best moments in any game!!

Here's a movie for anyone wanting to remember the GREATNESS that is Shenmue II;



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I bought Shenmue 2 for the XBox at the end of last year and the bastard didn't work. The Xbox just won't read the game properly. I've got it to work up until the loading screen then it just freezes. Shame as I really want to play it. Might buy it again and hope I actually get a working copy this time!

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"You...remind me of someone"



lmao that scene was great :D


I loved the part where you are trying to catch the falling red leaves, genius. Beautiful music too.


Its amazing how tense I get when something mysterious happens and that tense eerie music starts, it just shows how immersed you feel when playing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OMFG I can't believe it :shock: :angry::angry::mad:

There I was playing Shenmue II, really enjoying it(just as it was starting to get good) and I finished disc 2. Went to put disc 3 in and it WOULDN'T LOAD!

I got this error message:


Data Read Error -30 TEXTURES.PKS


Data Read Error -30 COLD.BIN


WTF?! Please please please can someone here help me before I go nuts... :shakehead

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