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The End Of The World Mafia

The Peeps

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I started feeling unwell the day after that.

I don't really believe this.


Very interesting. Who else claims to have been effected by that? Eenuh?

Also, we really need roleblockers/jailkeepers to come forward to see if they stopped a killer.

I was affected but nothing untoward happened to me.


Alternatively, you can leave my alone, find out has been roleblocked for the 3 nights there were no mafia kill, and let me help you. As long as I do something during the day, I can't do something at night.

You act as if we should know you are town. You have killed 2 of us so far, so tbf I don't give a shit if you are lynched for voting patterns or whatever.


How do we know you aren't the killer with the gun Danny?


Cube, I'm a roleblocker.

Who have you been roleblocking?


How come nothing happened last night? Even with no kill, you'd expect something to happen. A side-effect of Tales' power?

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I don't really believe this.


Night 4: Sharp prang on the back of my neck.

Night 5: Began to feel nauseous.

Night 6: High fever, hallucinations, sweating and vomiting.


You act as if we should know you are town.


There is no way he can be town.

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Night 4: Sharp prang on the back of my neck.

Night 5: Began to feel nauseous.

Night 6: High fever, hallucinations, sweating and vomiting.




There is no way he can be town.


Hmm, sounds more serious than what happened to me. Did you hear a noise before the prang?


EddieColeslaw what is your power?

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Sorry, I just finished my last exam so I was out getting pissed and then being hungover, so I didn't get to send my target in.


My power is not a dart, I said it was a mechanical drone.


I don't believe Tales can end the day again. Vote Tales and he's obviously not town.

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Hmm, sounds more serious than what happened to me. Did you hear a noise before the prang?


I thought I felt a sharp prang on the back of my neck, but I wasn't sure if I imagined it or not.


I'm not 100% convinced that it is related to the illness, though (and the last PM said I felt like my usual self this morning).

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Why? Because I don't act town? It's about time someone didn't in IMHO.


Because you're claiming so many powers, you could just as easily be claiming that the effects of your mafia teammates are your own powers. You are also killing townies and trying to pass it off as a good thing. Incredibly aggressive mafia bluff, but I don't think we'll fall for it.

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Put simply: Tales won't be able to end the day early again as it would mean that the game is simply broken.

I can do other things.

Anyone who doesn't vote for him is certainly mafia.

And anyone who is ignoring finding the roleblockers and getting them to tell what they know are also mafia.

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Hmm, sounds more serious than what happened to me. Did you hear a noise before the prang?


EddieColeslaw what is your power?


I don't want to say at this point. I hope I'm trusted enough not to be hounded about it. I'll be more willing to say it later on in the game.


Put simply: Tales won't be able to end the day early again as it would mean that the game is simply broken. Anyone who doesn't vote for him is certainly mafia.


I disagree. He could be a neutral with his own agenda, or an incredibly crazy townie.




Guys, the threat level found by mr-paul doesn't necessarily indicate alignment. For example if a mafioso was a protector, then the threat would be low. But for a townie killer/vigilante, it would possibly be much higher.


Of course I could be wrong, but that's how I see it.


I don't trust Dannyboy at all, not only because of his threat level. I would vote if it guaranteed a lynch.


Regarding Night 1, I don't think Cube was saved from the kill from a roleblocker, he dodged it himself. But Night 3 and last night, it would definitely be useful if players with roleblocking powers came forward.


Argh, my reply to Cube's quote is all wrong. I thought you were saying that Tales is definitely mafia...ignore that. I agree that he has to go, even if means lynching a townie. UNLESS we get a better lead today.

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Just to let you all know I'm leaving for Portsmouth and won't be back until Sunday. I've PM'd my night targets in advance just in case!


Wll try and check thread but will be on iTouch so replying won't be the easiest.

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I know this incriminates me, but I didn't send a target last night (first time this has ever happened), because of collegework and starting the day in Gents' mafia.


And if you ask me, Dazz and Diageo look like the most suspicious to me.

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Ellmeister is correct. The last animal I was was a wasp that did nothing for some reason. I can prove that I am good. Ellmeister, tonight I will be a polar bear, I would like for you to target me and you can confirm this if you wish. My polar bear is the only animal who's power I know; it has the power to protect. The others, I haven't recieved any PMs about them but in the write-ups, it says the survivors see one of my animals and it does nothing or something along the lines of that.


I'll be honest with you guys, I'm just thinking of bizaare animals that are quite out of the ordinary. I mean, my list contains polar bears, wasps and Komodo Dragons.

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I'm really not sure what to do, whether Tales' threat to end the day again is just that, a threat.


Also unsure on how to read my threat ratings.

Danny, you're still bloody suspicious to me.


There's gotta be quite a few people who haven't posted yet today, who must have things to say.

All we've got really is Tales is threat 7/10 and mysterious.

Ell roleblocked Dazz and he's a wasp.

Jonnas claims to not have sent a target.

Eddie won't reveal anything yet.

Cube says he's ill

HeroJan says he had been targeted by the same thing but has felt nothing untoward (but he has died/come back). He interviewed eddie who has the town's interests at heart.

Diageo says he also did nothing due to alcohol. He claims to be a mechanical drone.

Danny claims to have protected Diageo

MadDog asked Danny why he's rotten and smelly.


Have we really not got anything???

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My doubts are more aimed towards Nintendohnut and Jayseven, they are just not doing anything. I think they are relaxing and letting Tales soak up the limelight. I also have doubts about Cube, but that is just a vibe. Eddie won't give any info. Regardless of my info I still suspect her.

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My doubts are more aimed towards Nintendohnut and Jayseven, they are just not doing anything. I think they are relaxing and letting Tales soak up the limelight. I also have doubts about Cube, but that is just a vibe. Eddie won't give any info. Regardless of my info I still suspect her.


I get the same vibes as you about Cube, and your other suspects.


The thing about Cube, he's a very good player, and I was getting similar vibes off him reading through the gentleman's thread, knowing that he was good.

I think he's very good in the way he seems similar whether he's good or evil.

Doesn't make me like it though!


I really have a feeling that Tales could be neutral/supertownie and lots of the people going after him may be mafia.


Surely if my threat level really was on how powerful people's powers are rather than their evilness, surely Tales would be top of the list as he can kill?

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I'm really not sure what to do, whether Tales' threat to end the day again is just that, a threat.


Also unsure on how to read my threat ratings.

Danny, you're still bloody suspicious to me.


There's gotta be quite a few people who haven't posted yet today, who must have things to say.

All we've got really is Tales is threat 7/10 and mysterious.

Ell roleblocked Dazz and he's a wasp.

Jonnas claims to not have sent a target.

Eddie won't reveal anything yet.

Cube says he's ill

HeroJan says he had been targeted by the same thing but has felt nothing untoward (but he has died/come back). He interviewed eddie who has the town's interests at heart.

Diageo says he also did nothing due to alcohol. He claims to be a mechanical drone.

Danny claims to have protected Diageo

MadDog asked Danny why he's rotten and smelly.


Have we really not got anything???


You forgot that I Jailkept Jayseven and got a special notice about how he apparently was not doing anything else going on and was very cordial.

That bit of flavour text is holding me back from voting Jayseven.

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