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The End Of The World Mafia - Sign Ups

The Peeps

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@ Sméagol, you had to pick MY game? lol no problem


Game set to start on Saturday or possibly Friday

Sorry! Doesn't seem you'll have problems getting enough people though ;).

You could try to entice me by teasing me with your game mechanics ;). I'm more interested in deviating game mechanics than flavour.

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@ Dannyboy, I suppose my post was a bit brash. I accept that if people don't like the rules then they won't sign up =)


Not really harsh, I was just surprised you seemed to take my comment as an instigation to an argument when it was merely a humourous poke at the fact that some of us, myself included, felt a bit strongly about the issue after the last game. : peace:

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I don't see it as a game breaker at all but there will be alignments on death :p


Nobody said it was.



It's a deal breaker for some people, though, you can't ignore that. ;)


Exactly this.



On which note, if the space is there, I'm in.


(that wasn't meant to add to the 'argument', rather point out there was no need? didnt really get where it came from)

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I really wasn't trying to argue either, just putting a point across. I find it interesting that some people seem dead set against it and I'd like to hear their reasonings - but it's more a topic for the mafia general thread I guess :santa:


PS. Once I get confirmation from Zell whether he's in or out, I'll start

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I'm not even dead set! Just decided I'm not a fan, it has its place and I'll take it if it comes, but it might affect me playing in mafias in future. Yours had me more sold on the firm limits, though, I think in such a situation alignments aren't too big a deal cos you have time pressues to deal with(whereas no alignments and open game could go on for aaaaaages, in fact, even alignments and open game goes on for ages as per gent's!). But yeah, only playing if there's alignments in this one, but glad to be on board for such an epic theme.

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I really wasn't trying to argue either, just putting a point across. I find it interesting that some people seem dead set against it and I'd like to hear their reasonings - but it's more a topic for the mafia general thread I guess :santa:


I've already given my reasonings (in short) in the Brawl Rematch thread. :)

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I really wasn't trying to argue either, just putting a point across. I find it interesting that some people seem dead set against it and I'd like to hear their reasonings - but it's more a topic for the mafia general thread I guess :santa:


PS. Once I get confirmation from Zell whether he's in or out, I'll start


I'll think I'll say no, sorry. If you're planning on starting today or tomorrow then the timing will be quite bad for me. Plus it should give me less distractions from revision.

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