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Oh my god. I'm actually feeling really sad right now. Is this really the end?


Perhaps now is the perfect time. I'm a huge SP fan and I've watched pretty much every episode, but even I'll admit that it's gone downhill since season 11. I thought the last few episodes were pretty strong, but I guess they can't exactly keep it up forever. Let's hope that these last episodes are going to be Matt and Trey's "Abbey Road".


The episode itself was brilliant. Not only funny, but also quite a poignant view of society. Then the ending really shocked me. I loved the use of Landslide, funny how it was the only song in the episode to "not sound like shit".


Terrible episode! Started out good but devolved into an emo episode of Scrubs. Why did they feel the need to destroy the Marshs' in such unspectacular fashion?


Best one in a while. I'm glad they've decided to end it before they completely run the series into the ground. Its been a long run, longer than most shows ever can hope to get, I mean, when it started (not that I watched it back then) I was about the age that the kids have been throughout the series, younger even. Hopefully in the remaining episodes they tie up all the loose ends and bring all the significant characters that were lost over the years back for one last spectacle.


I reckon they're doing a "Cleveland Show" and giving the Marsh's their own show. It will of course be ace since Randy is amazing.


Or it's ending. Whatever. Trey Parker and Mat Stone do love fucking with people though, so I imagine it will be something unexpected.

Posted (edited)

I don't know if it's on a break or anything but the full season is 14 episodes I think.


[edit] Apparently it's been renewed for seasons 16 & 17 but I haven't seen anything official about that.

Edited by The Peeps

Awesome, awesome episode. Let's hope the show comes back to finish off and South Park really goes out on a high note. That end montage was incredibly well done, while remaining just as goofy as we'd expect from the writers. I think the discussion between Sharon and Randy is as definitive proof as you could ever need that South Park is gonna be ending.


So I was looking on the South Park studios website to see if they had made any comment about the episode (All I could find was that this was the mid-season finale and that the rest of the season will resume in the fall). Anyway, while I was there I clicked on the link to the forum, and for some reason I've been banned from it, yet I've never actually used their forum before. I don't really care but it was quite weird.

So I was looking on the South Park studios website to see if they had made any comment about the episode (All I could find was that this was the mid-season finale and that the rest of the season will resume in the fall). Anyway, while I was there I clicked on the link to the forum, and for some reason I've been banned from it, yet I've never actually used their forum before. I don't really care but it was quite weird.

Well your location does say you're from Canada... You're not on strike again are you?

[edit] Apparently it's been renewed for seasons 16 & 17 but I haven't seen anything official about that.

I hope to fuck that's true. I don't want one of my last memories of it to be an obvious "When you get old your opinions/tastes change" episode.


They're still contractually obliged to do another 7 episodes guys, this was the mid-season finale and it just seemed to hint very strongly that things are going to wrap up.


Considering there still hasn't been an announcement about a new contract, it may be the biggest hint that they're no longer interested in continuing it, compared to when we heard about Seasons 13,14 & 15 there was still a season and a half left of their contract.


Either this episode was a massive hint, or the biggest troll episode they've ever made.


I would like to see the guys do some new things outside of South Park now. They have done well to have made South Park be funny from the first episode to now. Unlike most cartoons. Sad too see it go but it has had a fantastic run :D


Maybe it was their way of saying that they're sick of doing it and any future episodes are because of the contract. That could be a nice little "fuck you" to the contract holders who are forcing them to see out the contract.


Either that or they just thought it was funny and it's not a sign of anything.


Taken from the Wiki:


As contractually obligated, Stone and Parker were given one week to produce the episode as with every other in the season.[2] Coinciding with production and performance of the Broadway The Book of Mormon musical produced by the South Park creators, there has been speculation over doubt within the writing team on the future of South Park. [3] Shortly after the opening of The Book of Mormon, an "exasperated" Parker commented to The Hollywood Reporter in reference to the upcoming season: "I don’t know how we're going to do it. It's a nightmare."


They've only got themselves to blame for this. Ditch whatever this Mormon shit is and concentrate on South Park. When it's done you can go back.

Sorry Mr Murraymint, but you are in the minority thinking it was shit.


In this thread perhaps. There have been tons of negative comments about this one in other places though, way more than usual (Saying that, I did like it personally).


Considering it's pretty unanimous that the last 5 seasons have been completely unworthy of the "South Park" name, even as admitted by Matt and Trey themselves, the fact that this specific episode caused such a ruckus is pretty much proof it'll go down in history as one of the best episodes ever in SP. I mean, let's be honest here, ever since season 11 started we've had like 10 good episodes. Out of 63.

It's been way too obvious they're not feeling it anymore for quite some time... and with everyone kind of noticing it, I think it's fantastic that they managed to mock their own decisions, and make it emotionally significant to the audience, all the while still managing to take the piss out of both Dubstep and nightime TV dramas' emotional montages (and wouldn't you now it, they actually made them into something good)...


Fuck me, as a 10 year fan of South Park, I gotta say, thank god they still have it in them to surprise everyone after 15 seasons!

the fact that this specific episode caused such a ruckus is pretty much proof it'll go down in history as one of the best episodes ever in SP.

So anything which causes a stir means it's the best in whatever field it's in?


So Human Centipede 2 will go down in history as one of the best films in history!


This episode certainly got me thinking about it for a while after I watched it and gave the impression that it was coming to an end. But the whole last five minutes could be interpreted in a few different ways so I want to see how things go when it returns later.


Read a few good thoughts about it over on the SouthPark Studios forums.

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