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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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The mafia would've known Jayseven was town, with the amount of evidence on him I wouldn't be surprised if only 1 or two voted. We all jumped on him fairly quick because the evidence appeared to be staggering against him.


I'm not sure how much we'd actually gain from studying that particular list

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Also worth considering that people will say things like 'I voted for dohnut and he was a killer' when accused, or say 'ha! Tld you he was a neutral killer' or whatever when I'm lynched - THIS DOES NOT MAKE THEM A TOWNIE. it's not a defense either - the mafia clearly want me gone, so if anything you need to compare the voting list from today and the one from yesterday and see who voted for both me and jay.


PLEASE don't make my lynch pointless - take as much info as you can from it.


Peeps - of course the mafia will have voted, they wanted a townie down! Also worth looking back over people who specifically didn't want to vote for jay and defended him etc - the mafia would want at least one person to defend/not vote for the townie so if they were accused they could say 'yeah but I defended jayseven'.


ALSO worth comparing the votes for Mundi to the other two (jay and myself). Bound to have some mafiosos in that list somewhere.

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Peeps - of course the mafia will have voted, they wanted a townie down! Also worth looking back over people who specifically didn't want to vote for jay and defended him etc - the mafia would want at least one person to defend/not vote for the townie so if they were accused they could say 'yeah but I defended jayseven'.


Oh ok so now you're saying look at people who voted for Jay and also at people who didn't :laughing:


The mafia want everyone lynched so saying 'the mafia want me gone' isn't a defence. The town want you gone.

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I'll do it at the end if people aren't willing to look elsewhere but so far I still feel Danny is actually worse.


I still don't get why I'm more suspicious. Is there a reason, or is it just gut feeling?


Anyway, I'm sticking with Dohnut. Sure, the mafia wants you gone, but so does the town. I'm pretty sure you'll steal the win from both factions if given the opportunity.

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Two kills last night. The mafia obviously killed Cube. Someone killed Esequiel. The only person with anything to gain from killing a suspected scumnag is Nintendohnut.


I'm with Chairdriver, it's obvious.


^Unless there's a townie killer who hasn't come forward. Everyone has posted now though so that's obviously not the case. Dannyboy is our vigilante - I believe that - so it would boost his defence if he came out as the killer.

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Yeah part of it is gut feeling part of it is being unsure whether you really are helping. Too many traps/nets/ whatever going around.


The annoying part is that there is a new Angus so we just need to find who is no longer fulfilling their roles.


I know people have "cleared" Diageo as good, but his now refusal to say what he is doing may mean he has become Angus when he was originally just a mafia member. I know he's an investigator, but he may be the mafia's investigator. Obviously this isn't a strong case against Diageo which is why I'm not voting for him. But someone is now Angus and no longer using their original power and yet we can't find that out!

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Has anyone even looked back to jaysevens lynch yesterday to look at the voting list? Seeing as I'm two votes from a lynch and we know that the mafia (Esequiel) was trying to get me lynched yesterday, it would follow that the mafia are also voting for me now. Why not look back over the people who voted for Jay (I know I was one of them etc but we're looking for mafiosos in this list) so that we have a list of probably mafiosos.


Rummy I have said repeatedly that I did not target anyone last night. Seriously, in the first few pages I said it over and over. Why, did you target me or something? Are you going to come out with some epic 'objection' moment where you conveniently targeted me and somehow prove that I killed Esequiel when I didn't? Because to be honest, when someone has bee trying to off me for three days (and has been distracting the town from lynch mafiosos through all of it) suddenly gets convenient information that nobody can prove is true or a lie that will get me lynched, I'm afraid I'm not really going to believe you.


Seriously - we saw it yesterday with Esequiel: THE MAFIA WANT ME TO BE LYNCHED. They need the town to go along with it, and right now they are.


Dazz is acting very oddly for him in these mafia games. His posts reek of mafia to me, asking funny questions and making lots of suggestions to make me look guilty. Tales is the same, but he's still moody when me and Dannyboy beat him in the pokemafia so that could just be that (or it could be a cover)


Check out those two tomorrow if I'm lynched. But please don't just follow the crowd - the mafia want me gone, and the town are getting dragged along with them


I'm not really acting any way out of the ordinary, dude. I clearly stated after finding out I was a dumb cop that I was going to observe everybody's gameplay and the way they type and their behaviour and attitude and I'd post my thoughts, which is exactly what I am doing now. I also said that people should not go what I go for based on my thoughts because they could be wrong (well, technically I said that when voting somebody but the sentiment still stands, don't vote for Nintendohnut just because of what I said). I'm not trying to make you look guilty or anything, you're doing it yourself. I mean, if you logically think about it, if roles were reversed and I was a Neutral killer with different win conditions, could you honestly trust me because, and I'll be honest, I wouldn't expect anybody to trust me. It'd most likely be different if you were Good but the fact you're Neutral means you could very well be balancing on the Good and Mafia side so how are we to know where your true loyalties lie?


Also, the questions I have been asking aren't funny and are quite valid. You could do all of the questions I have asked above and in my post where I voted for you, especially in your Neutral position. As far as I can see, Neutrals can either get a Town win, a Mafia win or their own depending on what the GM has set you. You say that you want to find Angus and that'd win you the game so how do we know you're not clutching at straws right about now and voting for anybody, hoping they'd be Angus because people suspect you and you don't want to die? How do we know you're not randomly killing anybody in the hope they're Angus and you win? Let's face it, you have to kill one person to win the game. Besides, you can't deny that having a Neutral killer in the game is a good thing, surely. Yeah, okay, you may or may not be a threat at the moment but the threat is still there nonetheless.


You also forget that you are not Town and so your win conditions are different to ours. You may have helped us or whatever or it could be some kind of act to gain our trust (I tend to hope it's the first) but if you do find Angus, you win the game and the Town get nothing. It's nothing to do with if you killed Esequiel but it's to do with the fact you can kill and you could kill randomly to meet your win conditions before you got lynched, which is something I'm sure anybody would try to steal the win. I'm sorry, my vote is stuck on you because either way, through you killing or through you winning, you are a threat. I will say, you are hard to work out.


Also, my theory may not be completely right but if we go by the theory of Tales/Dannyboy, the Mafia may have two kills. One which may be natural and one by the hunter. As I said, I'm still learning the game so ignore the last sentence if it's wrong.

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Yeah part of it is gut feeling part of it is being unsure whether you really are helping. Too many traps/nets/ whatever going around.


The annoying part is that there is a new Angus so we just need to find who is no longer fulfilling their roles.


I know people have "cleared" Diageo as good, but his now refusal to say what he is doing may mean he has become Angus when he was originally just a mafia member. I know he's an investigator, but he may be the mafia's investigator. Obviously this isn't a strong case against Diageo which is why I'm not voting for him. But someone is now Angus and no longer using their original power and yet we can't find that out!


"Too many traps/net/whatever"? That's pretty flimsy. :heh: But fair enough, I understand the wariness, I just don't get at all how you're more wary about me than Dohnut. It makes no sense to me.


Well, seeing as Diageo was one of the leaders of the lynch against Marcamillian, I really doubt he's evil, despite his secrecy.

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It's not a defense, I'm not trying to defend myself at this point. I really don't want to be lynched, but it's looking likely, therefore I am trying to get the town to see that something useful can at least come from it. Look at the voting patterns for all non-mafia lynches tomorrow and consider who is on all three lists. And yes, I say look at people who didn't vote as well, because its another potential mafia tactic. Look at the physical lists of votes for each lynch, but ALSO look into how people behaved during the two townie lynches and who didn't vote POTENTIALLY to make themselves look good.


When I said that in my last post it wasn't a defense Peeps. It was just advice for tomorrow seeing as I'm likely to go today. At this point I'm just trying to help the town for after I'm gone, because I fear that, like today, the voting list from yesterday will be totally ignored when there is some really legitimate evidence there. I'd do it myself but I'm at work.


Didn't read your epic post Dazz, sorry (at work etc) but I'm simply saying you're someone pele need to look into for suspicious actions. You can't say 'I'm not acting funny' then say 'I've been getting all my info from the way people are talking in the day' - that's exactly what I'm doing, and I'm afraid from my point of view you sound like a mafia member. Soz.


One last time, not as a defense but just because I'm sick of people getting things wrong about both myself and Dannyboy


Dannyboy claims he is town, can either kill or protect people will traps, and will win alongside the town.


I am a neutral, I am looking for Angus and I need to kill him. I have no win condition in my Role PM so I don't know what will happen when/if I had ever gotten to him.


Again, that's not a defense or whatever, I'm just stating the facts (from my POV I know it's true but I understand everyone thinks I'm lying for some reason)


Anyway, yeah, please actually do something useful tomorrow. Don't let the mafia distract the town AGAIN. Look at voting lists for the townie lynches to see who appears on them. Also look at who REFUSED to vote for jayseven and Mundi, perhaps to try and make themselves look better.

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I know people have "cleared" Diageo as good, but his now refusal to say what he is doing may mean he has become Angus when he was originally just a mafia member. I know he's an investigator, but he may be the mafia's investigator. Obviously this isn't a strong case against Diageo which is why I'm not voting for him. But someone is now Angus and no longer using their original power and yet we can't find that out!


Something I meant to say earlier on: I think one thing to keep in mind is certain events/conditions which trigger alignment changes/new objectives with certain people. Even if someone is good/neutral now, doesn't mean they won't become evil later.




People who voted for jayseven:


  • Cube
  • Dannyboy-the-Dane
  • Flinky
  • The Peeps
  • chairdriver
  • Eenuh
  • Zell
  • Nintendohnut
  • Dyson
  • Ellmeister
  • Esequiel


As for me, I managed to miss the entire day phase. "Oh hey, it started! I have to go now, will read everything once people have all got their opinions in." "...oh."

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I don't think he acted scummily. Stupidly maybe but not scummily.


Different strokes, I guess. Accusing me with a lie and a farfetched theory after redirecting me while only knowing me to be a killer certainly seems scummy to me, and a lot of people agree. But this discussion is pointless, really. I accept you don't trust me. I just hope I can earn your trust along the way.

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Hope I haven't made any mistakes...





  • Esequiel
  • Diageo
  • The Peeps
  • aqui1a
  • Dazz
  • Nintendohnut
  • ReZourceman
  • Cube
  • Ellmeister
  • Flinky
  • EddieColeslaw
  • Tales
  • Dyson




  • Cube
  • Dannyboy-the-Dane
  • Flinky
  • The Peeps
  • chairdriver
  • Eenuh
  • Zell
  • Nintendohnut
  • Dyson
  • Ellmeister
  • Esequiel




  • The Peeps
  • Nintendohnut
  • Esequiel
  • Dyson
  • Cube
  • Ellmeister
  • Flinky

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Actually him accusing you of a lie is fair enough, what you said wasn't right. If all the information he had from the what has been said I would have assumed you could kill as well and tested it.


I know Jay got it wrong but it is understandable!


But you can try to earn my trust, I will let you try :p

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Actually him accusing you of a lie is fair enough, what you said wasn't right. If all the information he had from the what has been said I would have assumed you could kill as well and tested it.


I know Jay got it wrong but it is understandable!


But you can try to earn my trust, I will let you try :p


Oh, no, I didn't mean he accused me of a lie (you're right, I did lie, sort of, by not telling people about my protector power), I mean he lied about whom he redirected me to.


But still, why on earth would he redirect a known killer to either ReZ or Flink? Flink is almost certainly good, and ReZ wasn't the most suspicious character at all. If he'd redirected me to Sméagol, I'd have been much more in doubt about him.

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Rummy I have said repeatedly that I did not target anyone last night. Seriously, in the first few pages I said it over and over. Why, did you target me or something? Are you going to come out with some epic 'objection' moment where you conveniently targeted me and somehow prove that I killed Esequiel when I didn't? Because to be honest, when someone has bee trying to off me for three days (and has been distracting the town from lynch mafiosos through all of it) suddenly gets convenient information that nobody can prove is true or a lie that will get me lynched, I'm afraid I'm not really going to believe you.


I just hadn't seen it and couldn't find it explicitly said, but ok. It's still not enough for me to remove my vote. Unfortunately I don't have any killer info to bring either unless you count the fact that...everyone is evil!!


Something I meant to say earlier on: I think one thing to keep in mind is certain events/conditions which trigger alignment changes/new objectives with certain people. Even if someone is good/neutral now, doesn't mean they won't become evil later.




People who voted for jayseven:


  • Cube
  • Dannyboy-the-Dane
  • Flinky
  • The Peeps
  • chairdriver
  • Eenuh
  • Zell
  • Nintendohnut
  • Dyson
  • Ellmeister
  • Esequiel


As for me, I managed to miss the entire day phase. "Oh hey, it started! I have to go now, will read everything once people have all got their opinions in." "...oh."


Didn't me and Eenuh both vote but miss the majority?

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I just hadn't seen it and couldn't find it explicitly said, but ok. It's still not enough for me to remove my vote. Unfortunately I don't have any killer info to bring either unless you count the fact that...everyone is evil!!




Didn't me and Eenuh both vote but miss the majority?


It really doesn't count if you vote after the majority.

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I'm still very suspicious of Eddie and I'm very sure she is scum. Can we please have your name and character description?


However to get things done I think I'm going to:


Change Vote: Nintendohnut


Sorry Dohnut. You're like Gollum: dangerous, yet insisting to be good and help the town, knowing full well you can back stab us at any point. You're very presence has actually been a burden to the town, so it's best we get rid of you.

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I'd love to know where ReZ has gotten all this supiscion over me from. It's all come about today for no reason at all. I'd already posted my targets a few days ago, and mentioned right at the start of the day that I tried to protect Esequiel but was roleblocked myself. I'm not hiding anything.


Right now, there are three options we should be looking at. One is EddieColeslaw. Another is Nintendohnut. The final one is, as much as he may not like it, Dannyboy. I'm not comfortable with how easy it was for him to lead us all to a lynch of a strong townie and for that reason I remain suspicious of him. However, I don't think it's as much of a lead as the first two. I also think chairdriver is worth looking at, but mostly gut reasons more than evidence.


I know how good a Mafia player Nintendohnut can be, which does unfortunately work against him here. I'm not 100% sure that lynching him will help the town, but it seems that he's the popular option right now, and I can't be sure that he's telling the truth. So I'm taking a risk and Voting: Nintendohnut.

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I'm still very suspicious of Eddie and I'm very sure she is scum. Can we please have your name and character description?


However to get things done I think I'm going to:


Change Vote: Nintendohnut


Sorry Dohnut. You're like Gollum: dangerous, yet insisting to be good and help the town, knowing full well you can back stab us at any point. You're very presence has actually been a burden to the town, so it's best we get rid of you.


Hmm, so this post just reeks of mafia as well. Seems like there are a lot of scummy people about. Who are you again Zell? What is your power? Just wondering as I can't remember who you are and the vote seems rather 'off', like you're trying to vote quietly and with a justified reason without attracting attention.

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