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3DS StreetPass Plaza


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I used some of my coins to advance through the quest but then I reached a level where everything was dark and my warriors just sodded off! I assume if I don't get a white warrior to light the place up, all the guys i've bought with my coins will just leave? What a waste!


Methinks I will nick my mates 3DS, create a Mii with a white top and then transfer him over to mine so I can finish off that level.

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The StreetPass map thing is a really nice touch, but I can't help but think some people will ruin it by changing their country/region to something completely false. I hope I don't encounter anyone doing this, it'll be a nice challenge to collect as many regions as possible.

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Some of the new hats from SP Quest II are genius! :grin::


Spot the N-E Miis too, loving the MK7 invitation thing. :hehe:


Almost at the end of my first playthrough, but there are still loads of ??? on the hat list! :o

Looks like it might require more than 2 completions this time to get all of the hats.

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It's one of the options down the bottom of the screen next to the new accomplishments.


I went on Puzzle Swap and got a new piece of a Star Fox 64 3D Puzzle. What new puzzles have everyone else been getting? Is it too much to hope that there is a F-Zero Puzzle? Or a Captain Falcon helmet in the new quest... :rolleyes:

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It's one of the options down the bottom of the screen next to the new accomplishments.


hhhmmm... maybe for some reason it's not availble in Ireland then?


the options I have on the bottom are

Settings - Music Player - Accomplishments - Slideshow - My Mii - Play


that is all :(

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So far the hats I've found are...

a Ninja Mask, a Top hat, an Arwing hat and a Yoshi hat,

Now if only they would make so these hats were used on all instances of your Mii... Riding around wearing a streetpass hat on Mario Kart would be fantastic :D

Edited by Daroh
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How do you know what magic the different colours cast? Is there a list somewhere on the 3DS that lists them all?


You talking about the original Streetpass Quest? I've haven't unlocked the second one yet but here's the list of magic from the first game.


Brown magic: Summons another random warrior to take his place. This can be useful if he's a level 1 hero - by summoning a different adventurer, you may well get a level 2 hero instead, or someone with a useful magic power.


White magic: Brings light to the darkness. This is not useful for most of the game, up until the second to last room, where you'll be engulfed in darkness and unable to see. Best to simply use the sword with this hero.


Light-green magic: Puts enemies to sleep. This allows the next hero along to fire off an extra attack or two, depending on how long the enemy stays asleep.


Orange magic: Invigorates heroes - essentially, the rest of your heroes will receive an extra (fourth) attack. Since it applies to all heroes, it's best to use this power as early as possible to affect the most heroes.


Pink magic: Makes your heroes feel daring, and makes critical hits more likely. Again, best to use this early on so that it applies to as many heroes as possible.


Yellow magic: Whips up a sandstorm. Probably the most useless power since, while it can stop enemies from attacking a couple of times, it makes it more difficult for your heroes to hit. Best to just use the sword for this hero.


Dark-green magic: Strengthens the next hero, doubling their level. Hence, if the next hero is level two, he'll now be level four. In other words, make sure a level two adventurer is up next!


Blue magic: Attacks with water. Great against red enemies (e.g., blood ghosts) but no effect against blue enemies.


Red magic: Attacks with fire. The opposite of blue magic - great against blue enemies, no effect against red enemies.


Purple magic: Poisons enemy. Once poisoned, an enemy will lose one health point for every hero that attacks, so best to use this one as early as possible.


Black magic: Darkens the room. As with the yellow magic, this is both good and bad, as it makes it harder for the enemy to hit you, but also makes it difficult for you to hit them!


Light-blue magic: Freezes enemies. Basically the same as putting them to sleep - you'll get a couple of extra attacks into after using your sword, but they'll quickly thaw out of the ice.


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Whats the deal so with getting puzzle pieces from SpotPasses?


How does that work... I thought it meant from Mii's you meet online in other games so I turned "invitations" back on and played some Mario Kart 7 but nothing new on the puzzle front :(


Also can anyone with the Map feature like take pic/screenshot/video for me so I can see what I'm (for god knows what reason) missing.


Anyone else missing it? (Maybe I should send PM's to other Irish members :heh:

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Whats the deal so with getting puzzle pieces from SpotPasses?


How does that work... I thought it meant from Mii's you meet online in other games so I turned "invitations" back on and played some Mario Kart 7 but nothing new on the puzzle front :(


Also can anyone with the Map feature like take pic/screenshot/video for me so I can see what I'm (for god knows what reason) missing.


Anyone else missing it? (Maybe I should send PM's to other Irish members :heh:


The Map feature should just be inbetween Accomplishments and Slideshow. It's a white, spinning globe.


I haven't a clue about the puzzle pieces. I was going with the same assumption as you and like you tried to play Mario Kart and get a peice. got sod all.

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Weird that you don't have it. :hmm:


I've just sent him a PM with this in it. It's a guy on Gamefaqs having the same problem and it looks like its not available in certain regions.


Something I don't know much about is Streetpass Map because plainly, it doesn't exist in my StreetPass Mii Plaza. I know I'm not the only one as I've seen others report the same.


So where are you and do you have it?


I'm from Australia and don't seem to have the feature at all. However, I'm overseas in Asia right now so I hope that's the only reason I'm lacking it. Can anyone from Australia clarify? I find it absurd they'd miss out on an entire continent. Also, I have met foreign Miis before. One person I met was from the US.


I was right. I changed my region to UK and behold, StreetPass Map was there. I still cannot believe they left an entire continent out. I'm getting sick of the lack of support we get.


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Strange. PM darksnowman or nando to see if either one of them has it.


I'd say they have it, just remember Nando is in Northern Ireland so he'd have his set to UK most likely... and not 100% but I think Darksnowman is in the North too



Anyway, after I got your PM I tried changing my region settings.


Switched to the UK, went to the plaza and there is was, a White Globe :mad:

Tried switching to France too and it was there too. Tried Norway too randomly and that DIDN'T have the map. That's all I did, would take ages to switch between all regions, but from that GameFaqs post you found it's madness that a place the size of Australia don't have it either.


Wonder if NoE are just being lazy and didn't give it to countries with lots of "regions", IE: they only have the UK divided into 5 regions (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man)... Ireland would be 27 regions (One for each of the 26 counties and 1 for Dublin city).... don't know how many regions France is divided into so I could be wrong anyway.


Also noticed when I was set to "France" and checked the map, I could scroll left and see the UK map still...then it let me scroll left again and it said "Ireland - No Map - Regions:6".... the 6 I assume is the regions I have Mii's from.


Quite annoyed by this, I know it's not a major feature but still would like some explanation.... what's a good email at NoE to send for complaints? :heh:

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