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The thing never hits anything for me, it constantly misses.


Just finished the Pyramid. I hated that place.:angry:


Hmm, any idea why? I might have to read up on it and see. I don't want it to start failing me at a critical moment. I don't remember using it before when I played FF V, so there must be something dodgy with it and I've just got lucky this time with some combination of equipment/ job/ stats. ::shrug:


Persona is a series I would love to get into. I've only played the first hour or two of Persona 3, which I had the opportunity to do a couple of summers ago and liked what I saw. It was slow, but it was intriguing. What puts me off is the length of those games and the fact that, despite having a PStwo, I would just like to have those games ported to the 3DS now. :p

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Hmm, any idea why? I might have to read up on it and see. I don't want it to start failing me at a critical moment. I don't remember using it before when I played FFV, so there must be something dodgy with it and I've just got lucky this time with some combination of equipment/ job/ stats. ::shrug:


It only has a 25% hit rate but this can be bypassed by using skills like !Rapid Fire.


I found the Mirage village yesterday. I blew all my cash on various items but there were still items that I wanted and couldn't afford.



I set off to Shrine Island only to find another 2 Gargoyles sitting waiting for me. I quickly got rid of them and headed inside. The dungeon was nice and small, at least compared to the pyramids! The boss was a piece of cake as well. Stoker does very little damage, so I just sat back and absorbed it while I looked for the real one. With him done and dusted I headed back to the Sealed Castle to pick up another 3 weapons.


Next was the Fork Tower which was stupidly short! It may as well have been just a boss fight. Again, both bosses were stupidly easy. I did lol at Minitaurs as he tried to cast Holy on me as he died, only to find that he had no MP!


With them dispatched I was off to see Cid. When I got there he kindly upgraded the ship to a submarine and once again I was off on my merry way.



I'm trying to get this finished by next week as Kingdom Hearts is arriving and I don't want my time to be split between 2 RPGs. It's looking good though and hopefully I can put an end to X-Death this weekend.

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I'm currently saved inside the pyramid and taking a breather. Really not a fan of that area - I even had bother timing my killing of the guardian gargoyles at the entrance! Doesn't help that after me talking up my invincible Lenna, this is the segment where she is out of the party! I grabbed the Chicken Knife before heading in so I'm just trying to sprint through without worrying about looting the place at all. I won't be going after all the legendary weapons, as I'm sure you will, so as I'm off work now til Monday I might manage to finish this over the weekend too, if I can get the time in - though I've probably just jinxed myself. It all depends on if Lenna can carry us through the Void and then I'm just gonna one-shot Exdeath with my Chemist and be done with it! :laughing:

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Bah, Leviathan took some beating. The thing killed me 3 times in a row before I headed out of the cave to get some power ups. I went and did a bit of grinding to get some cash and then bought some Coral Rings from Mirage Town. After that I headed back and destroyed the stupid summon. Not so tough now that your spamming of tidal wave doesn't work, are ya?



The next area I visited was the Great Sea Trench. Again the dungeon was short and it wasn't long until I came across the boss of the area. These things weren't hard, just flat out annoying. Having to kill all 3 at the same time was a pain in the butt, luckily their HP seems to drop a massive amount once they respawn. After killing them a few times I finally managed to get all 3 of them to stay dead at the same time.


So, that was all of the lithographs now in my possession and I trundled back to the Sealed Castle to gain the rest of the weapons.


I set off to do a few sidequests next, which included travelling around the world on a yellow chocobo, defeating Odin and standing still while battling Gogo. :D


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Persona is a series I would love to get into. I've only played the first hour or two of Persona 3, which I had the opportunity to do a couple of summers ago and liked what I saw. It was slow, but it was intriguing. What puts me off is the length of those games and the fact that, despite having a PStwo, I would just like to have those games ported to the 3DS now. :p

I remember you loving Etrian Odyssey, I've no doubt you'd love this for similar reasons. It has a main dungeon with a ridiculous number of floors that is remarkably similar to the cavernous dungeon you trawl through in EO. Except the battles here are more like a PS1 FF game (yet much brisker).


It also has a more adult but still Pokemon-esque vibe at least in the fact you can fuse creatures together to get new ones (there's something like 200 of them) and train them up. A lot less tedious in raising them than Pokemon though. :p


As an RPG lover I would seriously recommend getting a Vita. Within a month or so it will have PS1 support so that allows you to play all FF games from 1 through to 9, as well as being backwards compatible with most PSP games (Persona 3 Portable, Ys, etc) and having RPGs like Persona 4 The Golden coming out for it too.

Edited by Sheikah
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The end is nigh.


Man, that phoenix Tower was annoying. I had to climb 30 freaking floors, with no doors and random battles galore. I did manage to get a summon out of it as well as a fair bit of AP from various Magic Pots that were scattered around. Still, it was a bit of a hassle though.


Next up was a trip back to the mountains to gain a powerful summon spell. At least in this place the battles were very easy as the enemies were just the same as when I was here the first time. Bahamut was a bit of a pushover TBH. I was expecting a little more fight from him but my warriors, who were at level 46 at this point, simply brushed him aside.


With the summons in my possession I set sail for the N-Zone. This area is very annoying. Most of the normal enemies can do a fair bit of damage and take some beating and then there's the fact that every10 seconds there is a boss fight, with very few save points kicking around.


  • First I had to fight WoodSprite which wasn't too bad as I used Carbuncle and bounced my spells of myself to hit that thing.
  • Next was supposed to be Omega but I simply walked past that thing as I care not for the stupidly hard sidequest bosses.
  • With him behind me I fought Apprehendr who was quite a joke. I just used Fire 3 with my Black Mage and a few normal attacks with my other characters and it fell pretty quickly.
  • My next opponent was Azulmagia who I quickly dispatched with a few Flare and Holy spells.
  • This next one, which was Catastroph tried to put up a fight but I just used Float and the boss was pretty much useless.
  • This next one was a bitch. I still managed to beat her on my first try, but seriously, it was such a pain. Halycanos kept turning my people in to frogs and I ran out of maidens kisses during the fight. Eventually I figured once I turned into a frog I would just defend until she turned me back. This worked out well and as soon as I turned back to normal I cast Carbuncle. This meant the Holy spell she was using went straight back at her and I continued to attack with my own Holy and Flare spells.


After those fights I went back a bit and saved it. Phew. Time for a break.



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If Halycanos was a pain for you, just wait until you face this infernal fiend called

Twin Tania



Always gives me headache. And I also remember you were complaining of the speed of certain bosses a while ago. Did you know you can stack Slow-spells on enemies. What I mean is, casting one slow slows enemy a bit, but casting multiple slowd greatly slows them down. I don't think that's told anywhere, you just have to know. But it works, some bosses can be reduced to snails with those.

Edited by Andyliini
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Broadcast Yourself


What a final push this was to the finish line. Where do I begin?


So I had a few bosses left to take care of a first up was Twin Tania. This thing was an absolute pushover. I didn't even break a sweat tackling the thing.


After I beat it I walked a long way back to rest and save my game. With that done I made my way back to where I fought Twin Tania but I got ambushed and ended up reset the game due to some enemies turning most my team into zombies. I loaded the game back up my game only to realise that I used a tent but didn't save my game after beating the boss! Luckily I destroyed Twin Tania a second time, just for good measure. I went back and I did save it this time.:D


Next up was Gilgamesh. Can you even lose this 'fight'? I had no idea what he was rambling on about and quickly took care of him.


Next on the hit list was Necrophobe. I was completely caught off guard with this guy. I went in with a team practically made up of magic users only to find the stupid thing had reflect on the little barrier gits. I died pretty quickly which meant I had to go all the way back to where I saved just after the Twin fight.


I loaded the game back up, ran all the way back into the void, killed Gilgamesh again and headed back towards Necrophobe. This time I used normal attacks and summons to take the shields down after which I just unleashed some big magic attacks, like Holy and Flare. Things were going fine and then Gilgamesh showed up. I didn't ask for his help, nor did I need it. He died pretty quickly which stopped me from getting the final blow!


Finally a save point was created and I was able to have a crack at the final boss. This is where things went pear shaped.


My first attempt I figured I would go all out attack. My characters were level 47 and I thought I could power my way through to the end. Nope I was sooo wrong. I didnt even get past the first form.


My next attempt I tried the magic approach and it went a little better. I managed to get past the first form this time but the second one made short work of me.


Before my next attempt I decided to hang around the save area and grind some AP for some better abilities. I read that Movers were the way to go when farming but I found out very quickly just how rare they are.


I managed to kill 3 groups of them in the space of 2 hours. I was just running from every battle unless it was Movers and this was very, very tedious. I then had a look at how much cash I had and seen that I had a stupid amount saved up. It was at this point I knew my plan of action.


I changed a character to Samurai and the others to the same or Hunters, depending what skills they needed. I then just used coin toss on the normal battles to end them quickly and get a quick amount of AP. I levelled my guys Samurai and Hunter jobs pretty fast doing this and then I set my guys up for battle and saved my game.


I decided to make all of my team Freelancers which allowed me to faff about with jobs and abilities. I had Faris and Bartz as my attacking team, with X4 attacking and !Toss and Krile and Reina as my support team, with !White and !Toss. I equipped everyone with Ribbons which would stop that stupid move X-Death was doing where it would turn my characters to stone and kill them at the same time. Time for battle.


I butchered him this time, he never even came close to killing me. Faris and Bartz were doing 8 attacks in a row each while Krile and Reina were throwing my cash like no tomorrow. X-Death kept trying to use his stone attack but it just wasn't working.


He changed into his next form pretty quickly and shot a Flare spell at me. It did little damage and I just pounded him with !Toss. He managed to get a few cheeky attacks on me but he was on the ropes and eventually fell to the barrage of money I was throwing at him. Maybe I just paid him off, I dunno.:laughing:


"I'm melting! MELTING!"



Gotta love the Mode 7 effects.



Run free my little warriors



My band of merry men...and women.






Fun while it lasted.






Overall I really enjoyed the game. I played through FFI earlier in the year and I have to say I enjoyed that more than this. This isn't a bad game by any means, I just enjoyed the simplicity of FFI. I'm also not the biggest fan of job systems in RPGs, so this had that against it. Like I said, I really enjoyed it and it's now crossed off my list of FF games I have never beaten. Just FFII, III and XII left. :D


I'm not sure which one I will tackle after i'm done with KH3DS. I'm probably gonna go with FFVII or FFVIII as I haven't played either of those in AGES and it would be nice to revisit those worlds.

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Ah, it was Necrophobe the one I was thinking of. He also copied your Blue Magic, right? I know it's possible to trick him into using the Selfdestruct/Sacrifice Blue Magic to end the battle early without Gilgamesh interfering.


Also, Neo X-Deth :blank: Seriously, it's like a youtube username.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It begins!




Actually it began the other night, I just forgot to post that I had started it. :D


Loving the game. I forgot how easy it is to get into. I don't have to worry about certain jobs, I can just slam some Materia on a character and away we go!


I just met Aeris for the first time.




After playing though Crisis Core she just seems like a whore now. To be fair she kind of did back in the day when I first played through this. I mean a guy crashes through the roof and the first thing you want to do is take him on a date! You live in the slums woman! He could be some low life scumbag. ::shrug:

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I put a couple of hours in to this last night and got myself up to the start of the Shinra Headquarters.


While playing it I came across the part where you have to dress up Cloud like a girl to get in to the Dons mansion. For years people have been screaming for a remake of this game but how would this section of the game work in a remake?


If they did remake it I assume they would use the same style as Advent Children, but this just wouldn't work in this scenario. This part of the game is very tongue in cheek and I think would lose something without the little chibi characters and with voice acting.

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^Speaking of this area of the game, I was on that site that lists stuff cut from games, and apparently that Honey Bee Inn area had a lot more plot line and was cut. The scripts supposedly still in the game, I think there was a transcript on the site.


Yeah, there was a stupid amount cut and changed from the game at that particular part.




My adventure continued yesterday. I stormed the Shinra building and rescued Aeris. During the course of this rescue I realised just how funny Barret is.





Once I left Midgar he also made a funny comment when I split the teams into two, as I had Cloud, Aeris and Tifa in one with Barret and Red in another.


I also got to play one of my favourite mini game sections last night.




It's so much fun to play and the music is great as well.


Broadcast Yourself


I managed to catch a Chocobo, cross the swamp and get through the mines before calling it a night.

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Having made my way through the mines I headed off to Junon. I did a spot of levelling up before going into town though. I was aiming to get my main 3 characters limit breaks on to the second level. With that done, off to town I went.


The boss here was a pushover, much like most of the bosses in FFVII. I think the bosses are very much like those found in the Mario & Luigi/Paper Mario games. They aren't hard, they just have a large amount of HP.


After defeating the boss and doing a spot of CPR it was off to one of my favourite sections of the game...marching with the Shinra troops! I find this part a right blast and very funny. I always like to cock up the first section just to see what the reporters say, but when Rufus is there I like to try my best so I can get the Forcestealer sword.


With that done, off I went on a boat trip. I love Barret at this point as he looks hilarious with his little sailor outfit on. :D I also enjoy this part of the game as its the first time you get to fight Jenova.




I've always enjoyed the Jenova theme so much more than One Winged Angel, especially the Advent Children version of it.


Broadcast Yourself

Broadcast Yourself


Costa Del Sol was up next. It was a very brief visit, although I did laugh at the comments I made Cloud give when looking over at Hojo. Yup, I made him eye up the women in front of Tifa and Aeris. :)


After a trek through the mountains I came to the Gold Saucer. Once again the music in this part of the game is great. Its so cheerful, it wouldn't be out of place in a Nintendo game.


Broadcast Yourself


I also love the Chocobo music that plays while your racing for your freedom.


Broadcast Yourself


I visited Zacks home town yesterday. Poor Aeris, just thinking Zack had met someone else during his travels. If only she knew that Zack died fighting hundreds of enemies while Cloud lay of the floor, cabbaged.


My last adventure for the night was visiting Cosmo Canyon. Dat music!




Broadcast Yourself


Everything about this place is fantastic. The atmosphere, the music, the storyline. Everything!

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If only she knew that Zack died fighting hundreds of enemies while Cloud lay of the floor, cabbaged.


You mean the 3 soldiers that got him realistically, it really irked me when they made that Gackt prequel and have everyone have power of DBZ characters. The prequel alone (Don't even want to think of the sequels) makes me shit scared to know what they would do to a remake of FFVII.

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You mean the 3 soldiers that got him realistically, it really irked me when they made that Gackt prequel and have everyone have power of DBZ characters. The prequel alone (Don't even want to think of the sequels) makes me shit scared to know what they would do to a remake of FFVII.


I love the hell out of the prequel. Zack>>>>>>>>Cloud

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I love the hell out of the prequel. Zack>>>>>>>>Cloud


Zack is a good character, was one of the good things of that game, but the gameplay ugh...seriously button mashing haven right there, plus I never got the whole random slots that appeared and then BAM random story. It was really cringe worthy at times as well.


The end bit with Zack talking to Cloud was good, but the other stuff at the end was like whhhooooaaaa there. I enjoyed the more realistic approach the original FFVII had with Zacks death, you can tell he was tired, he was carrying Cloud a long way, he had no energy left to even fight one soldier to me that gave me a good impact it didn't need to be changed. Just my 2 cents on the Zack ending, don't get me started on Gackt though >_>


Back on topic, was going to start a final fantasy game and then I started playing Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky....BIG mistake >_>


Glad to see people playing FF though even though it has it's ups and downs it will always be a special series to me. :D

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Back on topic, was going to start a final fantasy game and then I started playing Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky....BIG mistake >_>


Glad to see people playing FF though even though it has it's ups and downs it will always be a special series to me. :D


I've heard good things about TitS *snigger* although pacing seems to be an issue for some. Was this the case with you, KK?


Yeah, i've enjoyed playing through them this year. I'm not sure which one will be next after i'm done with FFVII. I may jump back to FFIII as I have yet to finish that one. I may give FF a rest though as i'm considering playing Baten Kaitos Origins. I've had that sitting on my shelf since it's US release but just never played it. Weird, as I thought the first game was amazing.

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Baten Kaitos Origins. I've had that sitting on my shelf since it's US release but just never played it. Weird, as I thought the first game was amazing.


.......first one was average IMO typical medicore JRPG, Origins however...words can not describe how much I love Origins :D

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  • 4 weeks later...
I will complete at least another 2 before the year is out! Hopefully one of these will be V, as I really want to see what happens in that game.


I finished off Final Fantasy VII last night and with that done I met my target of finish at least 2 more FF games.


I was gonna go the whole hog and get everyone up to level 99 in FFVII but figured what's the point and fought Sephiroth anyway.


I did breed a Gold Chocobo, get all the Materia, all final weapons and all final limit breaks though. Doing all of that got my characters in the 70's anyway, so Sephiroth was still a pushover.








So, that's another one down. I may start VIII or VI next but i'm thinking of tackling another RPG first. Possibly Xenogears of Chrono Cross but that is for another thread. :D

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  • 3 months later...

It's 25th anniversary of Final Fantasy! Actually, it was already, on 18th.


Anyway, if aynone is interested, I'm doing a Let's Play on Final Fantasy I (Origins Version) on YouTube. I just did Part 4 and more will come as often as I have time to record these episodes. The first part is right


Yeah, and english is not my native language, so pardon my accent.

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