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Well @Hero\-of\-Time how has your year of Final Fantasy gone? Did you get to FF V yet?!


Terrible. Finished I and played a bit of II and then got sidetracked by other stuff.


I've had the urge to go through VII and VIII again recently. I sat and watched/listened to videos and music from both these games the other day, I just don't have the energy to play through them though. :(


I will complete at least another 2 before the year is out! Hopefully one of these will be V, as I really want to see what happens in that game.

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My advice is to skip the Final Fantasy games before VI. Then skip them after X. :p




FF VI is so good. X is ok from what I've played. :heh:


Terrible. Finished I and played a bit of II and then got sidetracked by other stuff.


I've had the urge to go through VII and VIII again recently. I sat and watched/listened to videos and music from both these games the other day, I just don't have the energy to play through them though. :(


I will complete at least another 2 before the year is out! Hopefully one of these will be V, as I really want to see what happens in that game.


FF V is very whimsical - it doesn't really try to be serious. You're saving the world of course but there are comedy lines from start to finish... especially from Gilgamesh. :laughing: Well man, I'm having a run through the game at the minute so if you have a slot in your gaming calendar you should fire it up and we can bounce ideas off each other. : peace:


I completed Final Fantasy III DS the other day. Gah was the final level hard! An extra save point in it would have been helpful.


Did you think it was worth it in the end? I finished FF III DS off at the start of this year after having it on ice from shortly after its release. I'd like to hear your thoughts on the game as a whole. :)

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Do you like Chrono Trigger dark? I always think of FFVI and CT as having a similar presentation and slightly similar feel. Always felt that CT was more about fun and had better characters and story though.


My general thoughts on earlier Final Fantasies (including III on the DS) summarised succinctly:


Something, something, something, crystals. Something, something, something, complete.

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Did you think it was worth it in the end? I finished FF III DS off at the start of this year after having it on ice from shortly after its release. I'd like to hear your thoughts on the game as a whole. :)


Much like Hero-of-Time, I'm trying to go through the whole series. I own all of the main series in one form or another but I've only ever completed XIII, XIII-2 and now III.


I enjoyed the game overall. All the mechanics felt right and while the story wasn't anything excellent, it did feel complete. The randomly changing difficulty which forces you to grind to gain levels was probably the only bad point.


I do sort of wish it had a quest log. That way I could remember what I was trying to do the last time I played it but I understand that they were keeping true to the original game.


I can't decide if I should move onto FF IV DS, play FF I Anniversary Edition on the PSP or go to FF VII on the PS1.

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Do you like Chrono Trigger dark? I always think of FFVI and CT as having a similar presentation and slightly similar feel. Always felt that CT was more about fun and had better characters and story though


Ah, I'm not the only one that has felt this then! I think may have been the colour palettes they used combined with the music. Both games are home to my favourite music produced by a SNES, they clearly pushed the sound chip to the limit and everything just sounded so real.

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I can't decide if I should move onto FF IV DS, play FF I Anniversary Edition on the PSP or go to FF VII on the PS1.


All of them are great games, so which ever one you choose i'm sure you'll enjoy. Bear in mind that FF I is very light on story if that's what you're after.

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Do you like Chrono Trigger dark? I always think of FFVI and CT as having a similar presentation and slightly similar feel. Always felt that CT was more about fun and had better characters and story though.


My general thoughts on earlier Final Fantasies (including III on the DS) summarised succinctly:


Something, something, something, crystals. Something, something, something, complete.


I LOVE Chrono Trigger. I only played it for the first time when it came out on DS over here and it was (and is) clearly a classic. I fully intend to replay it enough to get the rest of the endings. I was dabbling with one of my NG+ files earlier this year and should really get back to that. It really is a joy to play.


Sure all a Final Fantasy needs is a story about the crystals and chosen heroes and you're good to go. None of these modern day melodramatic emo plotlines need apply. :awesome:


I do sort of wish it had a quest log. That way I could remember what I was trying to do the last time I played it but I understand that they were keeping true to the original game.


I can't decide if I should move onto FF IV DS, play FF I Anniversary Edition on the PSP or go to FF VII on the PS1.


The only things I would change about FF III DS is the number of baddies it can handle in battle (needs more!) and the speed of transitioning into battle and hammering through them (needs to be faster!). I sort of wish they would do a 2D rerelease of it sometime - which I think was under development at one point for the WonderSwan...? ::shrug:


As for what to go to next I'd say play them in order. You're better playing FF I sooner rather than later before you get used to the more complex and ambitious nature of the later entries. FF IV DS is really good but they added the augment system without ever really explaining it at all, which makes things really confusing if you want to try and make your characters as strong as possible.


I'd say just go FF I to IV to VII and you'll be able to experience how the series evolved. :hehe:


Ah, I'm not the only one that has felt this then! I think may have been the colour palettes they used combined with the music. Both games are home to my favourite music produced by a SNES, they clearly pushed the sound chip to the limit and everything just sounded so real.


The OST for both CT and FF VI is too good. The overworld theme in FF VI is spine tingling, never mind the Maria and Draco opera. Square where on tremendous form during the 16-bit era. :love:


All of them are great games, so which ever one you choose i'm sure you'll enjoy. Bear in mind that FF I is very light on story if that's what you're after.


And if you're after something goofy with a deep job system, Final Fantasy V. Is that what you're after right now Adam? Get it fired up! :bouncy:

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And if you're after something goofy with a deep job system, Final Fantasy V. Is that what you're after right now Adam? Get it fired up! :bouncy:


Challenge extended? Challenge accepted!




I've only played about half an hour, but so far it seems very light. The banter between the characters has been great and like most FF games the battle music is great. I look forward to putting a lot more time into it. I'm just hoping I still enjoy it once the job system comes into play as i'm not a fan of that system in RPGs.

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Challenge extended? Challenge accepted!


I've only played about half an hour, but so far it seems very light. The banter between the characters has been great and like most FF games the battle music is great. I look forward to putting a lot more time into it. I'm just hoping I still enjoy it once the job system comes into play as i'm not a fan of that system in RPGs.


Great stuff. :grin: I hope you don't power ahead of me too quickly - but I'm sure you will be by the close of the weekends play. :heh: The last two times I've had it on have been to grind for some gil as I want to upgrade and stock up on some guff before moving on to my next port of call: the Earth Crystal. Of course the first half an hour will be light. It has to ease you in before layering on the complexities!


I'm playing it on the GBA Micro (had it on the NES SP but that screen is so dull after the Micro!) so its little vs large with you playing on the PSP. :heh:


And what do you mean you don't like RPGs with job systems?! I thought you were a big supporter of X-2!

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And what do you mean you don't like RPGs with job systems?! I thought you were a big supporter of X-2!


I love X-2! The dress sphere system was fantastic. What made this great, and different from the usual job system, was the fact that you could switch jobs mid battle with the press of a button. It's kinda like FFXIII in that sense, as you could shift "jobs" in that as well, again with a quick press of a button.


I started FFV again last night. When starting it the first time I named my character Adam, as it didn't give me an option to name him anything different. I thought this was a bit strange, so I googled it and found out that his name is actually Bartz. I like to have the proper names when I play RPGs , so I just restarted it. No big deal, I was only half an hour in to it anyway.

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His real name is Butz. :wink: Restart!


Not likely! I made sure what it was before I started. :heh:


Speaking of names I see that Reina is called Lenna in your version. There is also a load of other translations or mistranslations as the case may be. I mean when I win a battle "YESSSS!" comes up instead of the usual "Victory!". Clearly a shoddy job by Square.


It's strange because despite this being number 5 in the series, it actually looks worse than Final Fantasy I on the PSP. They did a great job updating the visuals with the first and second games on the PSP and then jumping to V is a bit weird.


Despite these niggles i'm still enjoying the game, even though I haven't played as much as would have liked. I think i'm only about 3 hours into the game.


The jobs I have chosen so far are:-


Bartz- Knight- I like to have a powerful character and this is it.

Reina- White Mage - Needed a healer and she's a wome...nuff said. :D

Galuf - Black Mage - Again needed some spells so I chose him, plus his beard looks cool in the Mage outfit.

Faris - Is a pirate so I thought the Thief job was appropriate.


So, Faris then...

I didn't see that twist coming that he was in fact a she! While reading her dialogue I was imagining something like Steve the Pirate off Dodgeball and now I can't imagine anything else, despite her being a woman! I read that they toned down the pirate accent in the GBA version though.


I'm also thinking there is a connection between her and Reina. Possible long lost sister? Time will tell.



I was laughing my head off when I had to fight Siren. Galuf just stood there and said "Who the hell are you?". Classic. :laughing: I was looking for a youtube clip of it and it seems they changed it in the GBA version.


Siren took some beating though. She kept using massive damage attacks that were mixed with status attacks. I managed to beat her, but it was still a struggle.


I'm finding that grinding in this game is a little slow. I have a ton of cash but the experience you get is pretty poor. I mean I was grinding near Tule Village and then when I moved on to Kerwin Town I was still getting round about the same amount of exp, despite the battles being harder.


The music, as always in a FF game, is top notch. Two of my favourites so far are...


Broadcast Yourself


Broadcast Yourself


At the moment i'm at Walz, so yeah, still early days. The adventure continues....

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H-o-T as you are playing with that version/ translation, the lead character really is called Butz! (I called mine Funky and was gonna name the others after the Kong Clan but had forgot this one doesn't let you rename the entire party.)


I'll be wrapping up some events in the first act of the game today before moving on to act 2. I'm trying to remember if there is anything worth buying so I might have to do a whip round all the shops first. I do need to stock up on Phoenix Down again as I burnt through my reserves in the Purobolous battle as I approached it completely wrong (rookie mistake!) and ended up with a lengthy battle on my hands.


As you are using mages you should stock up on rods. One of the simple pleasures in FF V is breaking rods in battle. :grin: To equip and use them you can access your equipped items from the item list (when in battle) by pressing up when you are at the top. Try it and enjoy!


Snowman, don't be mean :heh:


Also, you never really answered my question about this "Fiesta", did you? I am aware of what the run consists of, but what is the event, exactly?


Hey, hadn't noticed you'd asked on Backloggery. Apologies!


Basically, its a thing thats been running for some years now, every summer. You sign up to play, get assigned one job per crystal and you can't diverge from these four jobs for the entirety of the game. Last year, for the first time, it was run as a charity event where you could donate money to Child's Play and this year is no different. There's been a few additional "modes" this year to keep it interesting for long time players and those looking a new challenge. Its a really cool way to keep re-experiencing an old RPG. :cool:


All the details are in this thread and the website for it is here:


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Ha ok then, I was just trying to goad you into another restart. :heh:


I meant to ask, as you are playing it on the PSP, does that mean you have the PS version with the (allegedly) dodgy load times?


Yeah, I downloaded it from PSN ages ago as if was free to PS+ members. I then put it on the PSP so I can play it on the go. The load times don't seem that bad, whether they fixed this or that in just not noticing it I don't know.


I'm thinking of mixing the jobs up and was wondering is there a downside to this? I want all my members to learn some kind of magic and was thinking them to Mages for a bit, just until they learn some stuff and then I'll switch them back.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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H-o-T, you should be mixing these jobs. Not just the magic ones, as the Thief utilities can be useful to have equipped.

I would suggest having a character stick to a select few classes of their own.


Also, I had heard the PS1 translation of the game was sub-par, but I can't say I've seen it myself (not even telling you the main character's name is a big flaw)

The GBA version certainly doesn't seem to take itself that seriously, either ("Egads, he's a she!" ; "You just got served with mashed potatoes on the side!")

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Made Galuf a Monk, Reina a Knight, Faris a White Mage and Bartz a Sorcerer. Ive been looking for a decent ABP boosting area but all I can find is the area near the Wind Shrine that gives 2 ABP if I get into a fight with 3 Nuteaters, problem is its rare that battle happens. Others said to fight the Bandersnatch near the canal gates but only 1 appears on just drops 1 ABP.


At the moment i'm just trying to get everyone to be a capable fighter and magic user. I want options when it comes to healing and dishing out damage.

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After changing my jobs things have become a lot easier. I may stick with these jobs until I have mastered them.


I just finished Karnak Castle last night. Things were going fine until the place started to blow up around me. I ran around trying to get all the treasure while trying to make my way out of the castle but the greed got the better of me and I ended up getting blown up.

:( I nearly made it as well but as I came out of the castle I got attacked, which I found out later always happens.


I sucked it up and restarted the sequence again, this time making it all the way out while only missing one treasure chest.


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You broke my posting combo! :nono:


Yeah, i'm enjoying it a lot more now, especially now that i've got my head around the job system.


I didn't make much progress yesterday, at least in terms of the story. Instead I decided to level up some jobs and do other side stuff.


While looking on the net for a good place to farm ABP I came across the idea of killing Prototypes, just south west of Crescent Island. To do this I had to train the Beastmaster job type up, just until I gained the control skill.


So, that being the case I had to hang around the area just outside of the village and level up. It was quite the tedious task as I was only getting 1 ABP per battle and I had to level the job up twice.


Once that was done I changed my job type to Blue Mage and set off back into the Ancient Library. Galuf had reached level 20 and I went in there looking to nab the LvL 5 Death spell. It turned out to be a bit of a nightmare trying to do this though.


I nabbed the spell easy enough, but I couldn't find my way out of the maze. I trundled all the way back and still couldn't find a way out. I found the save point and then tried again. Now, while I was getting lost I was getting into fights and levelling up my characters, not by choice mind you. It got to a point where all of them were level 20....you can see where i'm going with this can't you? :D Yup, I ran into the enemy that cast lvl 5 death and he instantly wiped out my team. Gutted.


After this event I took a break and hit the net to see if I could actually get back out of the library. I mean last time I just beat the boss and was back outside. It turns out I needed to hit a secret panel once back at the entrance. With this knowledge I went back on the game and just ran from every fight, until finally I made it outside.


Phew! I healed up and went sailing, looking for this island that the Prototype called home. I landed on what I thought was the island and sure enough there he was. A quick control move and he was mine. All I had to do was simply explode him and a nice 4 ABP and 500 exp was mine. It's just a shame I don't get any cash from the fights as well, although I do get a dark matter after every battle. :)


So, that's all I did last night on the game. I plan on spending a fair bit of time here, just to level up certain jobs like Black Mage, White Mage etc. Just so all of my characters have spells at their disposal. It is a bit of a nightmare having to heal up though as I can't just go to Crescent Village due to my ship sinking once I enter, something I found out last night. Luckly I had saved before setting off there, so now I just head back to the Ancient Library and heal via the pot inside the building.




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