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Thanks for that!


I managed to make my way to the first save point in the last dungeon today and my characters are around 70-75 at the moment. I know what you mean about running out of MP, its very frustrating :mad:


I now need to go and fight Dark Bahamut and another Behemoth to get some sweet items from the chests they are guarding, after that I can make my way through the 2nd half of the dungeon.


Is there a save right before the last boss? I hope so....

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All done! To answer my own question, there was no save point right next to the boss, the thing was halfway through the last dungeon :mad:


The whole cutscene before the final battle was epic. It was great to see all the characters praying to help Cecil and the gang and then when the Theme of Love kicked in it was all the more sweeter!


Zeromus didn't really casue me much trouble, I just used jump with Kain, spammed Bahamut with Rydia, used steal with Edge ( wanted that item off Zeromus ) attacked with Cecil and used Rosa for healing duties and slowing Zeromus down. He managed to get of a Big Bang attack which nearly wiped my party out but I stood strong and delivered the final blow.


I enjoyed the ending, it had a fairy tale feel to it and again the music was great.



Having finished the game this is how I rate it when compared to the other main series entries that I have beaten.


1. Final Fantasy VIII

2. Final Fantasy VII

3. Final Fantasy X

4. Final Fantasy IV

5. Final Fantasy IX

6. Final Fantasy VI


Bring on the Wiiware sequel!

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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All done! To answer my own question, there was no save point right next to the boss, the thing was halfway through the last dungeon :mad:


Thought it might be best to let you find that out for yourself. :heh:


Having finished the game this is how I rate it when compared to the other main series entries that I have beaten.


1. Final Fantasy VIII

2. Final Fantasy VII

3. Final Fantasy X

4. Final Fantasy IV

5. Final Fantasy IX

6. Final Fantasy VI


Bring on the Wiiware sequel!


Is FF X that good then? I've only got and played FF I - IX.

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  • 2 months later...

OK, I fired up Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings for the first time last night and I love it! I'm amazed at how well it captures the atmosphere of FFXII, mainly through music.


Also, I love strategy games on the DS. It's no coincidence that Star Fox Command is another one of my favourites. There's something so addictive about having different missions, with things to mine etc.


Incidentally, I regret that I didn't play Final Fantasy XII "correctly". I realise now that I just didn't know anything about RPGs and it's probably actually a great game. I can't believe what a wally I was with the Licence Board and Gambit systems! I take back any criticisms of those. However, I stand by criticisms of the overworld/lack of save points.

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  • 2 years later...

*casts arise*


For some reason I've been playing FF III DS again. From reading up on it when it came out, I got the idea that it was this hugely daunting, old skool RPG experience. While of course its old skool, its not daunting at all. What burnt me out on it originally was that I thought it would be a good idea to max out every job for every character... after succeeding with 2-3 per character, I couldn't take the grind any more and moved onto whatever the next DS release was - I think FF III was the precursor for the onslaught of non-mini game DS releases, wasn't it?


Turns out the game isn't a grind at all! :blush: Well it can be if you feel you need to level up because the encounter rate is so LOW, you can run through dungeons pretty much unopposed and then be unprepared, level-wise, for a boss.


So, with *checks game timer* almost five years on the clock, I reached the final dungeon which is beyond doubt the most difficult part of the game purely because you can't save once you enter. I got through the random encounters ok due to their being so few, then just lost an hour of progress because I got wiped out in a battle with Cerberus. It had three goes per turn which my party couldn't cope with. I'm gonna have a Google to see if there is any level/ job pointers for the endgame but I was dealing just fine being in the late 40's with a viking, summoner, devout and ninja. ::shrug:




Anyone else got FF III? I want to unlock the Onion Knight class. The only person I have on my FF III friend list is @Eddage and @Grazza has confessed to selling off his cart... any other takers? You need seven people for this which is a hugely tall order and the stupidest way to unlock anything ever.

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For some reason I've been playing FF III DS again. From reading up on it when it came out, I got the idea that it was this hugely daunting, old skool RPG experience. While of course its old skool, its not daunting at all.


Totally agree with that. It's one of the most straightforward RPGs I've played.


I'm not sure what classes I used to complete it, but I know I had two "fighters" of some kind, the girl was a Summoner and the other boy was the best type of healer (whatever that was called). For the fighters, I remember I liked the Knight classes as well as Viking and, my favourite, Dragoon. I loved the way you could disappear into the air for a turn. The last dungeon was indeed hard, but I eventually got to the last boss and it didn't give me too much trouble.


I'd love to play Final Fantasy III again. It needs a graphical spruce-up, in my opinion, so a remake for 3DS would be great.

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Anyone else got FF III? I want to unlock the Onion Knight class. The only person I have on my FF III friend list is @Eddage and @Grazza has confessed to selling off his cart... any other takers? You need seven people for this which is a hugely tall order and the stupidest way to unlock anything ever.


I would help but I can't find my cart, it wasn't in it's box which unusual since I normally keep them in their. If I find it I'll help.

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I liked the Knight classes as well as Viking and, my favourite, Dragoon. I loved the way you could disappear into the air for a turn. The last dungeon was indeed hard, but I eventually got to the last boss and it didn't give me too much trouble.


I'd love to play Final Fantasy III again. It needs a graphical spruce-up, in my opinion, so a remake for 3DS would be great.


Dragoons are cool. Have you played FF IV in any of its incarnations?


Don't suppose you remember roughly what level you's were by the end?


I'd like a remake... but more of a demake, going back to 2D. The DS 3D graphics have their charm (and this really pushed the system when it came out) but it makes the battles so slow which is really bugging me now I'm trying to level up a bit to take on the final dungeon again. If we could have a souped up 2D version of FF III, like Dawn of Souls on the GBA, with battle speed options, we'd be onto a winner because FF III really is a quality game - they upped the ante massively if you imagine this on the NES and compare it to FF I.


I would help but I can't find my cart, it wasn't in it's box which unusual since I normally keep them in their. If I find it I'll help.


If you ever dig it up let me know! (but I might have given up on the Onion Knight notion by then...)


I don't have it anymore, got rid a long time ago!




No worries, I think you did your bit already for me... one down, six to go... :blank:

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Dragoons are cool. Have you played FF IV in any of its incarnations?


Yeah, tried the DS remake but couldn't get to grips with ATB at all.


Don't suppose you remember roughly what level you's were by the end?


Sorry, think it was the usual 40-60, probably much closer to the latter... But I do know I didn't try to max-out all the vocations. I just picked what I thought was the best for each character and stuck with that. Part of the reason is the way the game gives out the vocations, ie. very deliberately paced. Therefore, I assumed the last set it gives you were the best.


I'd like a remake... but more of a demake, going back to 2D. The DS 3D graphics have their charm (and this really pushed the system when it came out) but it makes the battles so slow which is really bugging me now I'm trying to level up a bit to take on the final dungeon again. If we could have a souped up 2D version of FF III, like Dawn of Souls on the GBA, with battle speed options, we'd be onto a winner because FF III really is a quality game - they upped the ante massively if you imagine this on the NES and compare it to FF I.


Hmm... yes, that'd be appealing. The advantage of 2D/sprites is how crisp the controls are - the way you can interrupt the animations and change what the character is doing immediately (I read an article comparing Street Fighter III and IV in this way, but I can't remember where), whereas polygon games have always felt more "floaty", as you're watching a set animation rather than individual frames. 2D also looks so nice. I would prefer it if everything had been 2D on the DS. Take Etrian Odyssey - absolutely gorgeous enemy designs, but a really jarring forest.


That said, now we have a handheld that can do really nice 3D graphics, I'd like to see that too. Argh, can't decide which I'd prefer, but I'd buy either/both!


(End of ramble.)

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I could never get on with FFIII, found it way too boring with very little story. I will be playing it again at some point this year though. Neogaf have a great FF 25th Anniversary topic where everyone is playing though all the FF games. I'm not a member on there but I like the whole idea of it. I've already finished FFXIII and FFXIII-2 this year and next up is FFI on the PSP.


I'm looking forward to playing though I, II, V and XII as those are the ones that I have never beaten or even played before.

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Yeah, tried the DS remake but couldn't get to grips with ATB at all.


You can switch the ATB to "wait" as well as set how fast it goes which will remove the pressure aspect, if that helps. ATB really spices up the turn based battling - they use it to crank up the pressure intentionally in certain battles. You should revisit a "newer" FF (ie post FF III :heh:) and give it another chance some time.


Sorry, think it was the usual 40-60, probably much closer to the latter... But I do know I didn't try to max-out all the vocations.


I got it polished off after grinding my characters into the early fifties and swapped my viking to warrior (which I'd levelled up to 99, all those years ago). The only thing that was difficult was that Cerberus mini-boss. The other three in that bit were really easy and the final boss wasn't that bad at all - I had tons of Elixers to see me through but don't think I used a single one!


The ending was charming and it was nice that the game let you save after that final battle - I take it theres a bonus dungeon somewhere? I'd be tempted to replay it sometime if it wasn't for all that grinding I had to do at the end to get past Cerberus, as that left a bad taste in my mouth. Atleast it was the only low point in the game I can think of! :hehe:


Take Etrian Odyssey - absolutely gorgeous enemy designs, but a really jarring forest.


You can't slag off EO!


I could never get on with FFIII, found it way too boring with very little story. I will be playing it again at some point this year though. Neogaf have a great FF 25th Anniversary topic where everyone is playing though all the FF games. I'm not a member on there but I like the whole idea of it. I've already finished FFXIII and FFXIII-2 this year and next up is FFI on the PSP.


I'm looking forward to playing though I, II, V and XII as those are the ones that I have never beaten or even played before.


I wonder how much less story it has in the NES original. :o The DS remake adds some (minor as it is) back story for each of your four warriors of the light. The overall story isn't that bad, imo. It gets interesting when they start talking about how the light shouldn't eradicate the darkness, and vice versa, that the two need to coexist. Made me think of Tales of Symphonia's two worlds!


If you are doing a run through of multiple FF's this year, then hows about doing FF I + II before three so you can see it in a bit of context. :) It'll be interesting to hear your thoughts on them, playing them for the first time. I always thought you'd played every single FF known to man.


Speaking of NeoGAF, it was that thread that semi-inspired me to pop FF III back in. That and the fact its been niggling at the back of my mind as "the one that got away" all these years. :laughing: (Plus I needed a change from DQ VI.) Seeing people blast through the NES version of FF III in like ten hours or something made me wonder just what exactly scared me off from the DS version. :blush:


One other thing, you wanna play FF V this year...? You probably know but NeoGAF do a summer play through for charity of it... and you don't even need an account on there to participate. Just a Twitter account will suffice. You tweet a bot they set up and it sends you one job to use per crystal. Maybe not the best way to experience the games job system for the first time, but its definitely fun and testing if you're up for it (I gave it a go last summer). We could do it and post about our play through's on here. :grin:

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You can switch the ATB to "wait" as well as set how fast it goes which will remove the pressure aspect, if that helps. ATB really spices up the turn based battling - they use it to crank up the pressure intentionally in certain battles. You should revisit a "newer" FF (ie post FF III :heh:) and give it another chance some time.


The only ones I've completed are III and XII, the latter of which changed to an "ADB" (Active Dynamic Battle System), which I actually preferred. All the same, you can't beat untimed turn-based! But OK, maybe I'll give another one a go sometime, perhaps VI.


The ending was charming and it was nice that the game let you save after that final battle - I take it theres a bonus dungeon somewhere?


Not that I'm aware of. There are bosses you can add to your Summons. Personally, I thought they were easy after completing the main game.

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The only ones I've completed are III and XII, the latter of which changed to an "ADB" (Active Dynamic Battle System), which I actually preferred. All the same, you can't beat untimed turn-based! But OK, maybe I'll give another one a go sometime, perhaps VI.


For the record, Final Fantasy IX is a brilliant game, superior to VI, in my eyes.


Just saying, since old-school Square fans tend to rave about VI, but forget about IX (the last "Squaresoft-style" FF) simply because it was released somewhat anachronistically (on the PS1, some time after the series had changed direction)



Anyway, about FFIII... for those who've also played FFV, is that one superior in every area? From what I've heard, V improves the Job-system in III, and also has a more elaborate (yet light hearted) story.

So...considering I've already played FFV (and liked it very much), is there anything that FFIII can offer?

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If you are doing a run through of multiple FF's this year, then hows about doing FF I + II before three so you can see it in a bit of context. :) It'll be interesting to hear your thoughts on them, playing them for the first time. I always thought you'd played every single FF known to man.


One other thing, you wanna play FF V this year...? You probably know but NeoGAF do a summer play through for charity of it... and you don't even need an account on there to participate. Just a Twitter account will suffice. You tweet a bot they set up and it sends you one job to use per crystal. Maybe not the best way to experience the games job system for the first time, but its definitely fun and testing if you're up for it (I gave it a go last summer). We could do it and post about our play through's on here. :grin:


Yeah, once I manage to put MHP3 down I will be starting Final Fantasy I and then straight on to II, both of which I will be playing on the PSP. As I said earlier, I have yet to play these games, so i'm really looking forward to it. Seeing as we don't have any other FF topics kicking around I will be posting my thoughts in here.


As for FFV, I remember you playing it last year, I even read your progress over on Neogaf at the time. :D I won't be playing along with Gaf though as I want to play it at my own pace.


Also, I don't have a Twitter account or Facebook account, due to me thinking there are pointless. I couldn't give a toss what someone had for there breakfast or what time they had their morning dump. I've got better things to read ( like the gaming stuff on here, to hell with the general banter ) but that rant is for another time methinks. :)

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Btw @Grazza, with your aversion to ATB, does that mean you haven't played Chrono Trigger which is ATB 2.0? :o


@Jonnas, I'd say every FF is worth playing if you like RPGs. They all offer their own little quirks and I find it interesting to see how the series (and RPGs) have evolved since the 80s. Looking at it as coldly and clinically as you put it, FF III isn't worth playing as FF V perfects the job system it introduced and has a more fun story - the most tongue in cheek of any FF... that I've come across anyway.


If you have the time, though, I'd say FF III is worth a blast. If you keep in mind its a NES title and the first FF with a job system, you will appreciate everything it offers. :)


Yeah, once I manage to put MHP3 down I will be starting Final Fantasy I and then straight on to II, both of which I will be playing on the PSP. As I said earlier, I have yet to play these games, so i'm really looking forward to it. Seeing as we don't have any other FF topics kicking around I will be posting my thoughts in here.


As for FFV, I remember you playing it last year, I even read your progress over on Neogaf at the time. :D I won't be playing along with Gaf though as I want to play it at my own pace.


Also, I don't have a Twitter account or Facebook account, due to me thinking there are pointless. I couldn't give a toss what someone had for there breakfast or what time they had their morning dump. I've got better things to read ( like the gaming stuff on here, to hell with the general banter ) but that rant is for another time methinks. :)


Don't think I did all the bonus content on FF I but I did on FF II and it was a really nice addition in that one, I thought. If I ever play it again it'd be worth remembering to let characters who are about to die, do so with good equipment. The bonus dungeon was REALLY hairy for me because the characters were so weak.


The NeoGAF play through is at your own pace. :heh: You have three or four months to get through it - June/ July until the end of September, I think. Should be ample time for you I'm sure!


The way they utilised Twitter for it was pretty cool I thought, plus, if you don't use it and don't want to you can just set up an account for the duration of the Four Job Fiesta and delete it when you're done. Plenty of people on there did that. Don't think I've been on Twitter since I vanquished ExDeath last year actually! Facebook is definitely pointless and should die a horrible death, agreed. But yeah, if you are ready for a second (:wink:) play through of FF V by the time Wimbledon rolls round, check out the FFVFJF. It would be fun to bounce party set up ideas around here. :hehe:

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Btw @Grazza, with your aversion to ATB, does that mean you haven't played Chrono Trigger which is ATB 2.0? :o


Yes, although I didn't know it had timed battles. The reason I haven't played it is because I didn't like Secret of Mana that much... or rather, I got stuck on the SNES cart all those years ago and gave up. All the same, putting a timer on turn-based combat ruins it, in my opinion. To me, the whole appeal of turn-based is having as much time as you like to consider your options. :heh:

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Yes, although I didn't know it had timed battles. The reason I haven't played it is because I didn't like Secret of Mana that much... or rather, I got stuck on the SNES cart all those years ago and gave up. All the same, putting a timer on turn-based combat ruins it, in my opinion. To me, the whole appeal of turn-based is having as much time as you like to consider your options. :heh:


You can it "wait" though. It means you aren't rushed at all. :heh: The ATB bar still fills up for each character before you can select their move, but when you are in the menu's the timer stops until you choose what to do. That means you can mull everything over and not get pummelled by the enemy as you do so. There's nothing to be scared of, really. : peace:


Secret of Mana is a different kettle of fish altogether - and one I'm not all that fond of. I only got to play it when it came to the VC, so it probably didn't help that it had no nostalgic value to me. The systems in CT and SoM are very different... sure SoM is practically real time combat!

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You can it "wait" though. It means you aren't rushed at all. :heh: The ATB bar still fills up for each character before you can select their move, but when you are in the menu's the timer stops until you choose what to do. That means you can mull everything over and not get pummelled by the enemy as you do so. There's nothing to be scared of, really. : peace:


Just me being a doofus then! (Not for the first time.)


Secret of Mana is a different kettle of fish altogether - and one I'm not all that fond of. I only got to play it when it came to the VC, so it probably didn't help that it had no nostalgic value to me. The systems in CT and SoM are very different... sure SoM is practically real time combat!


Indeed. I meant to make the distinction. At first, I loved the combat in Secret of Mana, having two characters fighting alongside me in real-time, and all controlled by the computer. It was a very specific bit I got stuck at - can't remember where, but I think it was at the start of one of the later dungeons. If I recall correctly, I saved my game in the wrong place and couldn't go back and grind/heal... basically prepare for it properly. That said, it was a long time ago and it might just have been down to my inexperience.

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I've made some good progress on FFI yesterday/today. I still have yet to find my first crystal but I have been in a few dungeons and aquired a boat! :D


My team seems to working quite nicely. My Warrior is a sponge when taking hits. My White Mage does all the healing and is a dab hand at handling the undead. My Monk, although weak on the defense stats, is a beast when attacking. Last but not least is the Black Mage, who can destroy a group of enemies with a single spell. Yup, i'm happy with my choices.


I have to say, this looks simply stunning on the PSP. They did a real good job making everything look so crisp and clean. The music is also fantastic in the game, especially this track.


Broadcast Yourself


I absolutely love playing RPG's on a handheld. I started the game yesterday before I went to work and took my PSP with me to play on the go. I then spent all my time during my breaks just wandering around and levelling up. By the time I got back home my team was level 7 and I haven't even been into a dungeon or progressed the story in any way. :)


I've just blown a hole up in Mt. Duegar, reached the nearest village and saved it ready for some more grinding while i'm at work.


I'm really enjoying it at the moment, more so than I thought I would.

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Glad your enjoying it H-o-T. :) Its a great game if you give it a chance, which you are. Your party looks as well rounded and run of the mill as it could get so you should be covered in all areas for the duration of the adventure. :heh:


Nice buy, Ike. FF III/VI is really really good. Like, up there with Chrono Trigger good. But I haven't finished it so I should probably get back to it sometime and give Kefka the beating he deserves!

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Woohoo! I managed to nab both the Earth and Fire Crystals this morning, although I could have easily failed in my attempt to capture the Earth Crystal.


I was making my way through the dungeon and just before I reached the boss area my Monk got turned to stone. I didn't have any Golden Pins left to use so I had to go into the fight against Lich with just 3 party members. During the fight I then ran out of magic and forgot to stock up on Ethers. :shakehead Luckly my Warrior is a tank and managed to dispatch Lich after a few rounds. : peace:


I was quite surprised how quick the next crystal came about. I spent a while just hanging around the nearest town, levelling up and getting cash to buy some level 6 spells. I then went to buy them only to find that my Mages need to be Wizards! How do I upgrade them? They are already level 33 but no option was there for upgrading their classes.


Anyway I plodded on to the next dungeon and quickly made my way through it, despite getting my butt burned at every turn! A boss fight later and the Fire Crystal was mine!

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