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Yeah, that intro video is full of spoilers. You won't understand it all if you haven't played FF IV before, but it basically does spoil the entire game, lol. Speaking of which, H-o-T, I thought you would have played FF IV in the past on atleast the Snes? I thought you were a fountain of knowledge when it came to all things RPG related...?

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Speaking of which, H-o-T, I thought you would have played FF IV in the past on atleast the Snes? I thought you were a fountain of knowledge when it came to all things RPG related...?


You thought wrong lol.


Im not happy Cecil got bumped down to level 1 when he became a Paladin, kinda peed me off as he was my strongest character.

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Don't tell me I've over estimated you! Don't worry too much about Cecil reverting to lvl 1, he's easy enough to get levelled back up and he will soon be your best attacking character again. Let me know how you find the rest of the game, I always find that that part with Cecil to be the peak. (Its a great game throughout, obviously, but personally I find that to be the high point!)

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Favourite game ever I think goes to A Link To The Past for me.


I'd have to say that perhaps most moments in the game are better in the DS version mainly because of the banging 3D-ness, since you now get many different angles because the technology can cope with it.


When Yang and Porom and Palom sacrifice themselves.


When Rydia returns.


When you're about to rape the giant and you see everyone is back in a potential Heart of the Cards moment, you can't help but smile.


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Favourite game ever I think goes to A Link To The Past for me.


I'd have to say that perhaps most moments in the game are better in the DS version mainly because of the banging 3D-ness, since you now get many different angles because the technology can cope with it.


The direction of the 3D cutscenes in the DS remake are definitely something to behold. Kain's voice is a bit drastic but aside from that, everything is kick ass.

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PS - Personally, I feel the ideal system for an RPG is to have four set characters (I dislike having to switch characters in order to level them up equally). Also, I do agree it's ideal to have each character a specialist in something that you can't change. Dragon Quest VIII gets all this just right. RPGs are about choice, but I think the best ones take away a lot of the choice, strange as it may sound.
You probably prefer a story driven RPG then, as they tend to restrict you but carry you through a nice flow of plots. It's an age long problem on whether an RPG with smoother flow is better than an RPG with more arduous involvement. I'm still divided on this one myself. :blank:


If you finish FF3, try DQ4. Same sort of thing, in some ways better story wise. But as darksnowman said, "FF III is a true test of your old skool mettle", which is beautifully put. In fact I should make that my sig one of these days :bowdown:

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You probably prefer a story driven RPG then, as they tend to restrict you but carry you through a nice flow of plots. It's an age long problem on whether an RPG with smoother flow is better than an RPG with more arduous involvement. I'm still divided on this one myself. :blank:


Maybe, yeah. My favourites are (in the order I played them) Panzer Dragoon Saga, Skies of Arcadia and Dragon Quest VIII. I do like some choice - it's a fine balance. I like the number of characters and their general skills to be pre-set, but it's still good fun to upgrade weapons and armour, choose tactics in battle etc.


One thing I like, which were in Panzer Dragoon Saga and Skies or Arcadia were ship or dragon battles. I like pre-planning what to do when the enemy is in front, behind, at the side etc.


If you finish FF3, try DQ4. Same sort of thing, in some ways better story wise. But as darksnowman said, "FF III is a true test of your old skool mettle", which is beautifully put. In fact I should make that my sig one of these days :bowdown:


It's such a brilliant quote. Without a word of a lie, I keep thinking of it as I play the game! I'm at the Crystal Tower now and have obtained the five weapons that you fight for (Excalibur etc). I don't know how far I am from the end, but I assume not too far.


In FFIII, you do hit sudden difficulty spikes, but I haven't found it too bad. I've really enjoyed the job system all the way throughout the game. There has been some grinding, but just general grinding. The job class itself seems to rise almost every battle, which I'm quite happy with.


I like the way the items you find give you hints as to which job classes you should change to. At the moment, my party consists of: Knight, Devout, Summoner and Dark Knight. The reason I like using knights is because I like characters who can use the sword "Defender" as an item.


I've found FFIII very "pleasing" in general and I'm definitely going to get FFIV and Dragon Quest IV, thanks. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hooray, I've completed Final Fantasy III! Do I now own old skool mettle?


I enjoyed most of the game very much. The job classes were a lot of fun and it also had very relaxing overworld music.


I was in danger of disliking the game, as I gained 5 levels between the last save/heal point and the final boss, which would have been very frustrating if I'd failed. Thankfully, the difficulty spikes were about right once I'd got used to level of enemies in the Crystal Tower.

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Thank you very much, darksnowman! I got the Onion Sword, but I can't find a job class that can use it.


My knights did me proud - the main character equipped with Excalibur and the Dark Knight equipped with Ragnarok, sharing the Defender sword as an item.

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  • 2 months later...

I picked up Final Fantasy IV the other day for £14.98. ShadowV7 pointed out a while ago it was this price in GameStation, but I only just found a shop that had some. I also noticed it is now the same price in GAME.


PS - I never did get the "Onion Knight" job class in FFIII. From reading an FAQ, it's fairly laborious to obtain, plus I believe I've done all the big sidequests anyway.

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  • 1 month later...

OK, I started Final Fantasy IV a couple of weeks ago. I was bowled over by the presentation at the start, further confirming that I am a technical whore! I mean, FMV with speech on the DS! It's like the old days when you'd get excited just because a SNES/Megadrive cartridge had one or two lines of speech in it!


"You're a good man, Cecil!" Love it.


The general atmosphere is very nice and consistent with the other Final Fantasy games I've played (III and XII), although the overworld music isn't as nice as III. The thing is, I've hardly been playing it and I'm still only at the very first cave.


I'm not keen on the way the view switches to isometric when you enter certain houses. The other thing I have reservations about is the timed battle system. Do you get used to it? And is it cheating to use "auto battle"? My main problem is curing status effects. It just seems a bit fiddly to find the right potion while the fight's going on. I thought I had it set to "Wait", but it doesn't seem to do so (I'll have a look at it again).


Maybe I've just played too many RPGs recently.

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You get used to the ATB. You can adjust the battle speed as well if that helps ease you in... it also helps in some boss battles too. :wink: Its not cheating to use the auto-battle. I really enjoyed using it as it saved sitting mashing the A button all the time and then when I switched straight away to DQ 4, I found I missed the auto-battle feature!


The production values are really good in the FF IV remake. Glad you like it! :grin:

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Just got back into playing Final Fantasy III for DS, and I can't beat Medusa (in Tower Of Owen) before she rapes me.


Guides/walkthroughs idicate there isn't much to it, and I seem to be above averagely levelled (ranging from 16-8 or something)...


I hate. Turning into, and then back out of, toads takes up valuable MP...

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Just got back into playing Final Fantasy III for DS, and I can't beat Medusa (in Tower Of Owen) before she rapes me.


Guides/walkthroughs idicate there isn't much to it, and I seem to be above averagely levelled (ranging from 16-8 or something)...


I hate. Turning into, and then back out of, toads takes up valuable MP...


Hmm yeah I don't think there is too much to it. I think maybe having two mages would help (a white and a red) and then a strong physical attacker. You're right that guides don't make a big deal of this battle as I've had a gander to refresh my memory, but I see that Medusa has 3000 HP so keep that in mind to help you gauge how things are going.

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