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Final Fantasy Official Thread


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It would be good, Jebus. We should wait and see what their plans are next because you never know... they could announce an FF V DS remake too. If they did, that would pretty much assure us of FF VI. Never say never! I'd kinda like to see FF I + II get the DS treatment. Its probably unlikely, but I thought Dawn of Souls on GBA was a great package. :blush:

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I honestly can't see why they would remake FFIV but then leave it at that (definitely not the best SNES FF game either).

You are in error! :blank:


I'm having amazing trouble on the moon. I've done everything but when I return to rape the giant I keep dying, so I thought I'd stay on the moon and get some training in. And for some reason I can barely last 2 battles, and that's with returning to the Lunar Whale after each battle.


Quick question about Augments, where the hell can I find them in the menu [assuming I can], because I've gotten them as I went along on my delightful quest, but I never assigned them to anyone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why am I triple posting here? I can't actually be the only person to have got FF IV?!


Well, I fancy posting up a small update on my progress. I spent a lot of time playing it yesterday and got up to Mount Ordeals done. I really enjoyed it before in the 2D games, but not so much this time around. I always thought it had a nice view of the forests below, but now all you see is cloud cover. :( I played more this afternoon and got the Enterprise and I've been going around filling out the map. I thought it would be an ok idea to go to Eblan Castle before heading to Troia and cleaning it out, but I got a bit of a beating.


I'm not sure what to do with the augments. I slapped counter onto Cecil, but I'm too scared about wasting the others if I was to later regret who I gave them to.

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Sooooooo, I've played some more and its still good.


In my mind the game goes into a lull after when you become a Paladin, but that hasn't happened yet. I did the Lodestone Cavern and it seemed shorter than I remember then the Tower of Zot and it was done with sooner than I remember too.



The fight with the Dark Elf is always good- when the music from Edwards harp is playing it gives it an eeries feel. Though I enjoy all the battles in the game that aren't played out to the usual battle theme... like the one against the damned puppets in the Dwarfen Castle. Lali Ho and all that, but those things combined form was the toughest battle yet, imo. I died against them the first time... then beat them the second time through being a lot more conservative in my play... then died in the battle that you engage in straight after as I didn't get everyone healed up quick enough after Golbez was taken by surprise by you know who... so I will have to make a third go of it. Lol.


I'm missing Tellah. :weep:


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Sooooooo, I've played some more and its still good.
In my mind the game goes into a lull after when you become a Paladin, but that hasn't happened yet. I did the Lodestone Cavern and it seemed shorter than I remember then the Tower of Zot and it was done with sooner than I remember too.


The fight with the Dark Elf is always good- when the music from Edwards harp is playing it gives it an eeries feel. Though I enjoy all the battles in the game that aren't played out to the usual battle theme... like the one against the damned puppets in the Dwarfen Castle. Lali Ho and all that, but those things combined form was the toughest battle yet, imo. I died against them the first time... then beat them the second time through being a lot more conservative in my play... then died in the battle that you engage in straight after as I didn't get everyone healed up quick enough after Golbez was taken by surprise by you know who... so I will have to make a third go of it. Lol.


I'm missing Tellah. :weep:



AHH Spoilers PLEASE! :(


I got my copy down in London on Sat. I've just reached the first boss (The Kraken/Octopus thing and got my head totally kicked in. :(

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Sorry about that Gentleben. Its spoilered now. I thought everyone would have played FF IV before and we could talk freely about it, apologies! Anyway, I just read this:


Q: The 3D Engine used for the remake of FINAL FANTASY IV is really outstanding. Remakes are nice, but was there ever talk about trying to create an original FINAL FANTASY for the DS using the 3D Engine FINAL FANTASY IV uses?


Executive Producer & Director Takashi Tokita: Great question! I can’t reveal information on what shape a project may take, but look forward to more information in the future.


Its not something that crossed my mind. They should defo hook us up with an original FF on DS- hows about FF XIV anyone...?

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Its not something that crossed my mind. They should defo hook us up with an original FF on DS- hows about FF XIV anyone...?

Do you reckon they could pull off PS1 style Final Fantasy games on the DS, that is walking around on pre-drawn backgrounds? I think that would work well since it could go from one screen to the next and it wouldn't look like sort of outdated 3D. Final Fantasy IX had some of the best looking screens in any PS1 game.

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Do you reckon they could pull off PS1 style Final Fantasy games on the DS, that is walking around on pre-drawn backgrounds? I think that would work well since it could go from one screen to the next and it wouldn't look like sort of outdated 3D. Final Fantasy IX had some of the best looking screens in any PS1 game.


Haha, I thought you would have posted something reminding me about the existence of original FF games on the DS such as Crystal Chronicles and Revenant Wings- glad you realised I was talking about the mainline FF's. :heh: Other than that, I like your thinking and I agree with the FF IX comment! I can't quite remember the name of tha place, but since you've said about going from one screen to the next, I keep thinking about that place in FF VII in Midgar... the area with the brothel in it... you know where I mean! You move up through it, so I'm imagining exploring that and having it laid out over both screens. Twould be cool!


I'll sneak in an FF IV update too. I've just did Feymarch, getting the Asura and Leviathan summons so if that doesn't sound familiar, then don't click the spoiler!


Before Feymarch I did my least favourite section of FF IV... the Sylph Cave. I hate that place but this time, in the allegedly hard version of FF IV, I found it a bit of a doddle. The cave looked nice in 3D, and the map helped remove the mazey aspect I remembered... but most importantly I didn't seem to be turned into a frog as much and the Marlboro's didn't seem to be constanly afflicting me with every status ailment possible! So I cleaned that place out, finding Yang in the process before heading onto Feymarch.


Again, the cave looked good in 3D- flowing lava and whatnot. Ironically though, I was getting Death cast on me quite a bit which meant I had to revive people fairly frequently after most battles. I did a small bit of levelling up here in preparation for Leviathan, but not that much because I didn't like hanging about and having Death successfully cast on me. ¬_¬


Feymarch, the land of the Eidolons is pretty... wooden. I looted the chests, met Whyt's family and ill mother- saved and cottaged in their house- before delving down below the library to Asura. Her battle was a bit of a grind seeing as she liked to curaga herself a lot. I ended up casting reflect on her and then when she cured, she healed me. Mwahahaha! Though when it got to that point it meant I couldn't cast offensive spells on her. She died after a while and I ended up taking minimal damage for a boss fight. Then onto the king. That battle was a challenge to my party. The Blizzara's and even the Blizzaga's we could handle, but he took great pleasure in doing to us what leviathans do best... deluging us under a tidal wave. Not nice. Edge spent a lot of this battle dead as I deemed the others higher priority to be kept alive- but even that had its hairy moments. Luckily, by the time I got around to reviving Edge we took Leviathan down which mean Edge got himself some exp for doing nothing.




It'll soon be time for Excalibur, the Lunar Whale and the end game section. Lets hope Cecil and co can see this out... and who knows, there might be a story twist left. :wink:

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Only me! I finished off the FF IV remake so I won't be double posting as much in here any more- I'll be turning my attention to the DQ thread now as I'll be cracking into it soon! :P


Here's my overall opinion on the game: it was high quality through out, despite still retaining the feel of an old classic, the graphics, sound and cutscenes did add to the experience. The difficulty wasn't THAT bad until the end section of proceedings- I'd been getting through everything ok, and then from about Bahamuts cave through the Giant of Babil and to the end dungeon was a killer. The good thing was that by the time I got to the final boss it was an absolute doddle, it was just getting there that was the problem as I was on high alert for every random battle leading up to it, lol.


The only letdown I can think of is the actual end scene. Sure it was charming and showed what I expected it to show, but it didn't fill me with as much satisfaction as I had expected. I was kinda hoping for some FMV to end it all, but I won't hold that against it too much. :heh: (The actual credits could have rolled a bit quicker, seemed like they went on forever!)


The New Game+ feature seems to be genuinely pretty decent, and it may tempt me back at some point. There are one or two things I wouldn't mind still taking care of in FF IV such as the Namingway stuff- I lost track of the little blighter.

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I'm not sure what specific tactics I can offer for that one Gentleben. I found casting Slow to be very useful on every boss, so do that and get protect cast too (on your party, not the boss). Just attack and make sure you are healed up and defending by the time it goes boom. After that, heal up and finish it off!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I bought Final Fantasy III yesterday because it was quite cheap in Currys and I fancied a traditional RPG on the DS. The only other one I've played is XII, but I'm enjoying it so far and will probably get FFIV (and V and VI if they release them!) I like the strategy of having the job classes.

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FF III is a true test of your old skool mettle, Grazza. I (and a few others on here) got it when it came out, and I'm genuinely not sure if any of us completed it. The benefits and variety the job system offers is a double edged sword because it brings with it ALOT of grinding. FF IV has no job system and plays in a different way (ATB) so if you end up disliking FF III, then don't let that put you off trying IV.

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FF III is a true test of your old skool mettle, Grazza. I (and a few others on here) got it when it came out, and I'm genuinely not sure if any of us completed it. The benefits and variety the job system offers is a double edged sword because it brings with it ALOT of grinding. FF IV has no job system and plays in a different way (ATB) so if you end up disliking FF III, then don't let that put you off trying IV.

At first I really liked the job system. Then I soon realised it's just an excuse for leveling your character multiple times, as well as making all characters essentially clones of each other.


In games like FFIX the characters' jobs influenced their personality, e.g. Zidane was an agile and somewhat cheeky thief and that ran through his character, while Steiner was a pompous high-ranked knight for instance. I really don't like the reasoning of job switching, either...I like the idea that a character has dedicated their life to honing a skill rather than being able to just jack a crystal into themself like a plug and play kit.


Job switching games often have a few characters and require you to switch jobs, while job pre-set games have more characters that are usually one of each sort of job class. It's personal preference, but pre-set is the way for me.

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I'm still enjoying Final fantasy III. I'm at the bit where: [spoiler=]I'm at the warring kingdom and it basically recommends you change into dragoons.



I go a few days without playing it, but enjoy it when I do. The job system does require a lot of thought, strategy and experimentation, but I'm not annoyed with it yet. The whole game feels more "pleasing" to me than FFXII, anyway.


This is a bit odd, but did anyone else find this game more eye-straining than other DS games? Maybe it's just me, but the low-res 3D graphics seem to strain my eyes somewhat.


PS - Personally, I feel the ideal system for an RPG is to have four set characters (I dislike having to switch characters in order to level them up equally). Also, I do agree it's ideal to have each character a specialist in something that you can't change. Dragon Quest VIII gets all this just right. RPGs are about choice, but I think the best ones take away a lot of the choice, strange as it may sound.

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I've finally got around to starting FFIV this weekend and im really enjoying it so far.


I love the intro sequence although I do have a little problem with it. Rydia is supposed to be a kid yet in the intro she looks like a full grown woman, whats up with that?


Im a big fan of the auto-battle system. When I want to do some level grinding I have just been picking my moves and then setting it away while I sit there watching Scrubs. I just keep moving around and getting into battles, have to check up on things now and then though :)


The one thing that im not that happy with is what levels your new characters arrive at. My Cecil and Rydia are in their mid 20s and then Edward arrived at level 9! Needless to say I watched a couple of episodes of Scrubs while I levelled him up.


Its great playing this, even though I have the GBA version I never got around to playing it so this is a whole new FF game to me.


*runs off to save Rosa*

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The one thing that im not that happy with is what levels your new characters arrive at. My Cecil and Rydia are in their mid 20s and then Edward arrived at level 9! Needless to say I watched a couple of episodes of Scrubs while I levelled him up.


LOL, I love this anecdote! Final Fantasy IV - the game that plays itself! :)


I found in FFXII that guest characters would often arrive about 5-10 levels ahead of my characters, but by the time I bid them farewell, my party was of a higher level than the guests. Sounds like it's the other way round in FFIV!

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